Card Sessions: Play^n

We play^n in order to win^n.

John Kellden
11 min readApr 1, 2021

Structure Capital:
Card Decks are frames

Process Capital:
Card Sessions
Cards considered in light of questions.
Helping you reflect, reframe and rethink.

Flow = Structure x Process

It always begins in the middle of things. You thinking, how am I going to do this — and then, you invite magic by entertaining slow and instantaneous thoughts(the spontaneous precision of intuition) at the same time. Soon thereafter, an insight. Yes, jot it down, scribble at the margin ->

Card: Insight
A catalytic, clear, meaningful, generative, comprehensive, perspective-shifting and profound perception into behavior and understanding.

in the middle of things, a different think

— Ok, that was the instantaneous, spontaneous precision part. Are we going to do slow now?
— Yes, but first, here’s one way to understand supersets of things:

^n = Holding generative space for a requisite variety of paths:
emerging, cultivating, co-evolving, chreoding and unfolding.

Play -> Play^n
Game -> Game^n
Win -> Win^n

—> = turn, f(enactive intersubjectivity, circles, social constructs)

Card Session: Play

1. Aggregate: Cards with their existing Data, eg Associations and Annotations

2. Access: Search, draw, select, browse, sort, …

3. Arrange: Card Sessions — Cards considered in light of questions.

4. Achieve:

flow = structure x process, where “x” = patterning

5. Align

Insights, actionable insight, alignment (around generative questions and sequences, along s-curves) and agreement on next steps.

Card Sessions: Organizing

Select parts of these five steps almost always include chat, conversations, anecdotes, stories, narratives and paradigms. At opportune moments, paradigmatic understanding as well, scaffolded by individual, small group genius and social collective intelligence.

In a network, participation is the organizing principle.

Organizing at social machine scale, requires at times putting an operationalising, orchestrating, organizing hat on:

organizing = orchestrating human ingenuity x operationalising machines

A. Pain
Pain and its fellow muddler through’ers, aka individuals, groups, communities, societies and human species on planet Gaia in the 21C.

B. Cards
Cards and Play; Play and Cards
How we play the cards we’re dealt. Aka “social”.

C. Intelligence
Context and S-Curves; S-Curves and Context
Aka intelligence turned ability.

D. Mind the Glitch
Practice and Theory; Theory and Practice
Most people start with either practice or theory.
The either/or needs to be divested from, in favour of a both/and disposition. Otherwise, the glitch will reinforce suffering.

That’s it. That’s 103% of the participation and organizing needed. That might also be somewhat of a framing and reframing. There you go.

Cards for Insight
Cards considered in light of questions.
Helping you reflect, reframe and rethink.

Card Decks

All card decks are frames, with play scaffolding framing and reframing.

Eg the card decks Adjacent Strategies is to 103% scaffolding for adjacent possible and relevant next.

Some of the decks (each deck is a frame):

Adjacent Strategies
Scaffolding for adjacent possible (field) and relevant next (vector).

Human beings becoming human.

Evolutionary Games
Game theory in a context of play^n, game^n and win^n.


Understanding, understanding understanding (multi-order cybernetics), shared understanding.

In A Network
Situational awareness in a context of behavior, attention, will, intelligence and ability.

Information in a context of relational meaning-making.

I’m not all that keen on frameworks (for one metric tonne of reasons) but if you insist:

Framework: MMMMOSPG
Massively Multiplayer Multi-order cybernetics Multi-parallell Online Signal Processing Game

All the cards can be played in a whole requisite variety smorgasbord way, innovating ways as we play. And, they all work well with the MMMMOSPG framework, as one way to help you get up to speed playing right from the start.

large finite sets enabling different social machines

Cards are better than frameworks, precisely because modular, process-centric onto-epistemologies (plural). Cards together with underlying large finite set pattern, pattern languages, allows for finite and infinite games to be augmented by a large finite set, questions, cards, patterns of play, enabling different social machines, different than fb and twitter.

Card: Social Media

selfies and catgifs and oligarch minions

turning your human desire rack and pinion

social cognition abattoir stings — these are a few

of my favorite things

98% of all proprietary platform programming: catgifs, selfies and uninformed opinion

— Cards and heuristics?
— Well, about that …

It’s all in the cards: Slightly less wrong and then some …
There’s an existing approach, outlined in lesswrong dot com, but almost no one is using that approach, since it appeals to rationality, and most humans are not making decisions primarily anchored in, nor guided by, rationality.

This is one of the reasons why I’ve chosen the three notions of

Play^n, Game^n and Win^n — combining them into an alternative approach.

Play: Great Ideas and Questions
Play is how we instigate flow and workflow.

Game: Engagement
Game is how we adopt, adapt to and embrace what we instigate, how we immerse: engagement.

Knowledge is that which scaffolds and spirals, relative to work, play, autopoiesis and preferable outcomes.

Win: Return on Engagement
Win is part of the why of our anticipating preferable outcomes and how we measure getting there: return on engagement.

“^n” = Practice x Options x Patterns of Play
The “^n” is options as a superset to practice, and thrivably relating to complexity as a superset to options.

Play^n: Applied
When applied within context, this is a five-fold dialectical process. Combining dialectical processes with knowledge and flow, we align with generative sequences:

1. Gather, small group genius

2. Diverge, information processing

3. Emerge, search, find, orient

4. Converge, signal processing

5. Conclude, preferable outcomes

Let’s zoom in and anchor by analysing the anatomy of a card. Each and every card I design, can be similarly related to an underlying (large finite set, social machine, social computing) pattern language.

Card: Synkinaesthesia (outline of parts)

In this example, I’m going through the Synkinaesthesia card,
outlining its constituent parts.

Minds evolving with the regenerative co-agency of evolution.

Card: Synkinaesthesia
Mind evolving,
with our thoughts and felts turning increasingly proprioceptive,
with phronesis guiding our performance,
virtues turned paths,
lines of emergent, unfolding, cultivating, extending and evolving participatory inquiry,
with life and signs, co-extensive, inviting and co-arising:
embracing, enacting and stewarding the dialogical nature of the pervasive thinking, feeling, gathering and becoming of being,
in service to the immanent and regenerative co-agency of evolution.

The hypothesis is in the first two words:

“Mind evolving,…”

Mind Evolving
As a text turned Card, this here outline is me playing the Intelligence turned Ability equivalent of the opening chord in A Hard Days Night.

And, yes. Sometimes when I craft new cards, and/or update/upgrade Cards, Decks, Sessions, Labs, together with evolving and refining and extending the underlying pattern language, I listen to the Beatles, at 800% slower.

Each and every moment in life, when the world calls on you to step forth and shine — you should play (with a little help from your friends) a unique chord, that resonates with the fullness of your becoming, a chord that carries all the way to the back of the audience.

— Play?
— Yes. Play and Play^n.

Situational awareness, flow, intelligence turned ability and pronoid agency.

…with our thoughts and felts turning increasingly

This is essentially, figuring out your own optimal way to achieve (yang, effort) and/or arrive at (yin, surrendering to what is) proprioception of thought.

…with phronesis guiding our performance…

Performant Phronesis
Performing phronesis: On the way to engaged judgment

“Practical wisdom and judgment, rather than seen as ‘things’ hidden inside the mind, are best talked of, we suggest, as emerging developmentally within an unceasing flow of activities, in which practitioners are inextricably immersed. Following a performative line of thinking, we argue that when practitioners (namely, individuals immersed in a practice, experiencing their tasks through the emotions, standards of excellence and moral values the practice engenders or enacts) face a bewildering situation in which they do not know, initially at least, how to proceed, the judgment they exercise emerges out of seeking to establish a new orientation to their puzzling surroundings. They do so through actively trying to be in touch with their felt emotions and moral sensibilities, while attempting to articulate linguistically the feelings experienced in order to get a clearer view of relevant aspects of the situation at hand. Coming to a judgment involves moving around within a landscape of possibilities, and in so doing, being spontaneously responsive to the consequences of each move, and assessing which one (or combination of moves) seems best in resolving the initial tension aroused in one’s initial confusion.”

…virtues turned paths…

8bn Minds, Princesses and Princes of Serendip
There’s 8bn different, uniquely human ways to turn. I could obviously outline my own way to turn, and the serendipituous meanderings of others — but you would still have to figure out your own turns.

What I can do though, is to point you to s-curves, if noticing turns in the external world is part of your thing — and generative sequences, if you feel like applying a select part of yourself, proactively, abductively shaping the future is more your cup of tea.

…lines of emergent, unfolding, cultivating, extending and evolving participatory inquiry…

Our desire to understand the way of things
No human is a stranger to this. This is the part of this Synkinaesthesia Card, the Access Affordance to a Pattern of Relationship, that everyone always and already is in full swing doing, anchoring in our own way, our spirit, soul and mindful mind, into embodied practice.

…with life and signs, co-extensive, inviting and co-arising…

Magic: One Tiny Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
This is the magic that resides one tiny, heartfelt embraced step outside your comfort zone, rediscovering nature, your own essential character nature within, and the awe of rediscovering the seamless web and fabric of nature, without.

Finding ourselves between situational awareness and preferable outcomes.

…embracing, enacting and stewarding the dialogical nature of the pervasive thinking, feeling, gathering and becoming of being…

This is the rest of the Universe meeting you halfway. You making your unique dent in the known universe, and the Universe denting you in return and in kind.

A Pronoid Co-Inspiracy
A Pronoid Co-Inspiracy, acknowledging your every effort, by nudging you along a vector, that, should you willingly choose to walk it, or better still, go jointly sauntering, the steps will from now on turn a luminous path.

Is this is metaphor? Yes, and, after a while, as you learn into aliveness, increasingly inviting a happy descent of the spirit-shard and soul in your embodied self, your minds eye will eventually discern the path just as clearly as you see any other desire path through the garden.

…in service to the immanent and regenerative co-agency of evolution.

It’s Still There
This part, moving closer and closer to your preferable outcomes, is simpler than most would believe.

The Immanent Grove, the Garden of Eden, never went away. We did. We can return at a moment’s notice.

A conscious embrace that over time evolves to a surrendering to what is — and you are already there.

It was just your thoughts, your belief that you had to play the Game of Separation for a brief spell, that kept you from seeing the Garden.

Flow = Process x Structure

The generative closure part, the

…regenerative co-agency of evolution.

is an optional, bodhisattvic bonus round. Returning to the others back in the Village, telling them you found your way back to the Garden. Since most of them will find it hard to believe you, it might be prudent at times to leave breadcrumbs and ample amounts of annotations, both for yourself and for others, forming

Desire Paths of Joint Sauntering, There And Back Again

Or you could call them Chreods. Or Transition Pathways. Or Dharmic Unfolding. Or Luminous Path. Or the Evolutionary Trajectories of Soul through Minds. Doesn’t really matter what you call these paths.

Card: Knowledge Navigation

Situational awareness,
a realignment with true
north and a holding to
understanding for the
possibility of arriving at
preferable outcomes.

will, flow, intelligence, ability, behavior, agency and attention

The path is made by walking. The luminous path is made by joint sauntering. I just took a few lines for a walk, from one the cards in the Opportunity Deck, and shared the outline, that we might perform reading, instigating play^n and shared understanding in a context of joint sauntering. Nothing more, yet nothing less.

Synkinaesthesia is to field and umwelt, what joint sauntering is to luminous chreods. Emergent, unfolding desire paths and transition pathways.

“Trust movement.”
— Alfred Adler

Q: …and then what?
A: Generative closure.

Trust movement; movement, trust

The “…and then what…” can be seen and understood as embracing “…each and every humans reach should exceed her grasp…”

A Human Tribe Called Quest
Q: …and then what?
A: Generative closure.
U: Becoming

Any sufficiently advanced Q&A Session, is indistinguishable from Understanding Affordance. I’m very happy with the seven-fold dynamics and ways to understand “Understanding Affordance”.
Any sufficiently advanced Q&U Session, is indistinguishable from a

Card Session:
Cards considered in light of questions.
A gameful way to help you reframe things.

Corner of Understanding & Becoming Vector
Where and when are you and whereto are we bound? For the precise, contextually relevant vector, notice where you are finding yourself together with others, somewhere between situational awareness and preferable outcomes.

Homesteading Win^n Vectors: Agency
The only challenge we need to address:

Behavior -> Agency

If we don’t address this, noticing our thinks will either remain improbable or feel borderline impossible.

With behavior increasingly turned agency, there is every opportunity for each and everyone venturing into agency, social agency and networked agency, to begin to notice their own attention and how, with the help of their own virtuous cycles of experience and agency; agency and experience, how their attention can increasingly turn situational awareness.

Behavior > Awareness > Flow > Intelligence > Ability > Agency

Explicating select parts of this newfound (level of) situational awareness, can then help turn will into flow.

Wicked Problems -> Complicated Problems

Flow is the good enough stopping rule when it comes to individual agency.

Intelligence turned ability, is the good enough stopping rule when it comes to social collective intelligence.

When it comes to small group genius turned ability and ability turned agency, metalogue is both generative review and a good enough stopping rule.

Together and combined, these three rules can be applied to well-run Card Sessions, Labs and Social Machines.

Corner of Social Collective Intelligence & Social Computing

With good enough stopping rules, we can turn wicked problems into complicated problems. All complicated problems can be addressed via social computing.

Card: Play

“Play is a cultural activity through which a society frames itself. Play is an expressive and/or narrative activity to construct collective and cultural identity. Play allows people to create and recreate cultural identity in light of their reality.”
— Johan Roos

Synkinaesthesia is to play^n, what enkinaesthesia is to game^n

We play^n and immerse ourselves in game^n in order to win^n.

Win^n is emergent purposefulness at scope, scale and seven generations.

Play. Instigate assemblages, until purposefulness intersects with generative closure.



John Kellden
John Kellden

Written by John Kellden

Tools for navigating complexity, Cards catalyzing stories, Conversations that mind and matter, Digital communities and collaborative narratives

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