Card Sessions: Unfolding Wholeness

John Kellden
12 min readNov 16, 2020


In a network, finding ourselves, finding the others.

Practice and Flow: How to play

Practice and flow; flow and practice — virtue and path; path and virtue — weaving between perception and evolutionary purpose.

— But what can little old me do?
— You are the embodied, enactive soul of your realm.

Card: Myth

Identity, belonging, becoming
and telos in a context of aliveness,
meaning-making and path.

It’s relational meaning-making, all the spheroid spiral way through.

Mythos applied: Poiesis

  • mythopoiesis: to do gladly
  • sympoiesis: to move-with
  • ecopoiesis: to perceive butterflies
  • technepoiesis: to sculpt time
  • autopoiesis: to enact generative place

With life, signs and unfolding wholeness,
embracing the generative nature of events.

— …

Boundary Object: New Myths

“…fantasy, horror and science fiction offer us a set of new myths:
about how we came to be here, about what we fear today and
what we believe our futures to be.”
— Andrew M. Butler

— …

Patterning: Understanding Understanding Understanding

Aka, understanding multi-order cybernetics, and then some.

“The notion of Understanding is the third of the trilogy, upon which we base our endeavour to analyse the intelligence of mankind. Our quest is to understand Understanding.

I submit to you that in its full extent this is a hopeless task. We can enlighten fragmentary aspects of intelligence. But there is always an understanding beyond our area of comprehension.

The reason is that the notion of intelligence in pure abstraction from things understood is a myth. Thus a complete understanding is a perfect grasp of the Universe in its totality. We are finite beings; and such a grasp is denied to us.

This is not to say that there are finite aspects of things which are intrinsically incapable of entering into human knowledge. Whatever exists, is capable of knowledge in respect to the finitude of its connections with the rest of things.

In other words, we can know anything in some of its perspectives. But the totality of perspectives involves an infinitude beyond finite knowledge.”
— Alfred North Whitehead

The notion of intelligence in pure abstraction
from things understood is a myth.

Patterning and Phronesis; Phronesis and Patterning

“Intelligence is quickness to apprehend as distinct from ability,
which is capacity to act wisely on the thing apprehended.”
― Alfred North Whitehead

— …

Boundary Objects: Cards, Posts, Shares, Articles
Articles with underlying stories. Stories with underlying narratives. Narratives with underlying paradigms.

— …

Card: Magic

Magic remains alive and well at all times, slightly
outside our comfort zone. Imagination is how we
open up a portal, and creativity is when we allow
some of the magic through.

The evolutionary journey of the soul: Beauty beyond belief

There you are. Now, read up on the notion of Umwelt.

Card: 5E Cognition

5E Cognition, a superset of 4E Cognition.

Study it together with, related semiotics and 4E cognition concepts until it forms part of your embodied, extended and enactive knowing.

From there, the path unfolds.

— Path?
— Yes. Here’s some stepping stones to get you going…

Purpose, Cards, Character(rigidity, adaptability), Participatory Inquiry(social social media), Change, Flow(multi-order cybernetics), Hypertext, Considerations, Preferable Outcomes, Perspectives, Card Sessions(labs), Metalogue, Paths, How to play, Paradigm, Taking Thought(structure, process, reality), Today(situational awareness), Scene(scenius, culture, zeitgeist, plateaus, local optima, narratives, plenitude), Social(circles…), Knowledge, Images, Possibility Space(intelligence, ability, contextual intelligence), Thrivability, Questions, Disposition(poverty, play^n, abundance)

A play^n disposition, is a disposition that can be meaningfully applied to any and all of the steps in a generative sequence, including returning to purpose and/or recurse through any of the other steps, linearly and/or non-linearly.


Paradigmatic understanding is all about understanding the practical wisdom inherent in human pursuit, building further on unrealized potential in what went before, addressing unfulfilled need, venturing in service to seven generations to come.

Card: Paradigm

Flow = Process x Structure

Complex responsive processes: Life and signs,

co-extensive, co-extending, cultivating and

co-evolving. Complex adaptive structures:

Circles of concern, influence, confluence,

consilience and considered, considerate

concrescence. Flow: Data, information

ecologies, knowledge as a spiraling,

scaffolding possibility spaces, in

between today and preferable


Flow = Process x Structure

How to play

Consider cards in light of questions.
This is the full extent of the instructions needed.

  1. Gather a small group around great questions and adopt a play disposition.
  2. Consider the cards in light of the questions, engage in joint understanding.
  3. Highlight the text of the cards, add comments, capture group insights.
  4. Conclude. Card session generative closure when agreement on actionable insights, together with needed and possible next steps.

At the core of the idea with the cards, there’s an underlying large finite set pattern, pattern language. This means, among other things, that a Pattern Language AI, can help augment our card sessions, at scope, small group genius, societal innovation and scale.


A requisite variety of paths between today(situational awareness) and preferable outcomes.


Metalogue is

  • the patterning that re-connects and re-aligns.
  • any and all forms of conversations, in between situational awareness and preferable outcomes.
  • the awareness, situational awareness, cognition and social cognition necessary and sufficient for engaging in any and all forms of complex responsive processes, that together with all corresponding dynamic adaptable structures are conducive to, co-extensive, co-extending and co-evolving with flow.

Card Sessions

Card sessions can be seen, understood and played, forming part of knowledge navigation labs.

See medium dot com for a set of posts outlining Card Sessions.


Perspectives is how we weave tacit and explicit knowledge into joint understanding.

  • review
  • reflect
  • reveal
  • reframe
  • rethink
  • learning to see
  • societal innovation

Together, these seven practices form part of how we engage in, and make good use of any and all coordination of effort, into, in, through and out of, card sessions and knowledge navigation labs.

Our leveling up our card session game, can be seen and understood and practiced, as moving from best practices, to best options, in a context of knowledge navigation.

Best Practices
Best practices are always suboptimal given that they offer knowledge flow, as if the context can be seen and understood as given. This is always erroneous. The most dangerous thing with keeping to best practices, is when knowledge is substituted with opinion, eg “this is how we do things”. Particularly when “how we do things” have formed part of belief systems and habituated behavior.

Best Options
Best options is a beginning understanding that in order to succeed, a dynamic view of context needs to be taken into account.

Card: Online Self
Who are you online, coordinating
efforts, distributing resources and
holding space for paths, between
today and preferable outcomes?

Leveling up to joint sauntering, seeing ourselves through.

Best Knowledge Navigation
Best knowledge navigation, is when our understanding of (shared) context, is seen and understood as providing signal, signal informing how to add a small trimtab amount of phronesis to our best practices and our best options.

Phronesis: Trace Amounts of Titanium Annealing

Metis was the one who gave Zeus a potion to cause Cronus to vomit out Zeus’ siblings.”

Preferable Outcomes

Wisdom, when applied, in order to perform knowledge navigation, is all about having us end up at preferable rather than probable outcomes.

When applied, wisdom turns practical wisdom, phronesis.

Wisdom is of the awakened, aware mind. Practical wisdom is of the awakened, aware, compassionate, skillful mind.


Consider cards in light of questions.

This is the full extent of the Card Session instructions.

Wisdom is how to deepen our understanding of the cards we’re dealt.

Practical wisdom is all about our skillful patterns of play, our applying of phronesis and phronesis trimtabs, our considerations turned action.

We could call it consideraction, and we can also keep to using knowledge navigation. Navigation is a reminder that we are navigating something vaster than our own personal ken.


In our old tribal lives, there remained an “other” to help us galvanize meaning, something “other” to fight against.

This deep pattern remains underneath large parts of our beliefs and practices, however irrelevant.

All humans already understand, that in a network, there is no “other”.

In our universe, there is no way to assert meaningful, lasting dominance of a particular separate part, against the rest of the world.

Hypertext is a very new human inquiry. We are yet to explore how to extend select parts of our essential selves, how to advance our social sense of self and augment our social cognition, online.

We found ourselves “in” social media.

We are yet to find ourselves and homestead ourselves, in social social media, as per the above.


Multi-order cybernetics. Cybernetics is all about understanding goal achievement. Multi-order cybernetics is all about win^n. Cybernetics is to success, what evolution is to tribal behavior. Flow is to be found, in any and all intersects between complex responsive processes and complex adaptive structures. Boredom is when participants forget about structure and process.

Overwhelm is when participants forget how to POODLE. POODLE is a superset of OODA.
POODLE: Perceive, Observe, Orient, Design(7D), Learn and (En)Act.

— How would we know?
— Flow. Flow is how we know.


Once we’ve gone through all the above preceding steps, we’re all set to embrace change, thrive even, amidst change.

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”
— Seneca

Change is but a different name for opportunity.

Change and opportunity, are tiny subsets of events. Events are the part of process and reality, that rise above our own particular threshold level of situational awareness.

Imagination is how we weave change, opportunity, events, processes, transactions and reality, learning into aliveness, learning how to play really well, together with others.
Understanding consciously as if for the first time, realizing all these thinks, things and gatherings were never separate, only our thoughts made it so.

Participatory Inquiry

There is no meaningful sense of media, outside social. Participatory inquiry is to a significant part co-extensive and co-extending with social social media. My adding social to social, is a reminder of social as in social cognition, as in social learning, as in social fabric.

In medium dot com, I’ve shared around 150 posts themed Participatory Inquiry.

If you take all the insights from Marshall McLuhan, and turn them slightly less cynical, you have a perfect set of knowledge recipes for media, any which media.


Card: Character

“What’s Identity?

It is not toil, yet feet happily descended and moving.

Nor technology wielding arm,

nor tracings of a too social sense of self inscribed on face,

nor any other part contested between

uniqueness and belonging.

To name, to another: What dialogue?

In a network, that which we call a chat.

By any other name would be as enactive.

So 8bn secret friends would, were they not story bound,

enacting that innate perfection, already awed.

Without that proprietary entitlement,

dear fellow human, rekindle your naming;

And for our naming, wending I and Thou and Thee,

coming alive, becoming ourcellves.”

@johnkellden riffing on Shakespeare


Deep down, we all understand that there’s very little point in reacting to what cards we’re dealt, the cards we keep playing, if we don’t know who we are.

As soon as we begin to learn into aliveness, then each and every card, as if by magic, turns significant.

The cards didn’t change.

The universe and the stars can be relied on to watch over us, surround us with eternal pronoid conspiracy, a free falling.

No, what changed is us. What changed was we got our first glimpse of awe.

Awe is awe, the premise for all paths, all our virtues.

Awe is sacred, regardless what shard of awe it was your blessing to find, embrace, understand, unfold and offer.

Play, any which kind of play, is simply our volitional adding of unique movement, sourced from, and adding our own unique beauty beyond belief to, awe.

The cards, in and of themselves, matter not.

What matters, is your own unique shard of awe.

What unique mind, and what unique ways in which you matter.

The universe is to 103% made up of dialogue.

A conversation that mind and matter.


THERE was a Mind went forth every day;

And the first thing Minded upon, that Mattered, Mind became;

And that microcosm concrescence became part of Mind for the day, or a certain part of the day, or for many years, or stretching cycles of years.

The early lilacs became part of this Mind,

And grass, and white and red morning-glories, and white and red clover, and the song of the phoebe-bird,

And the Third-month lambs, and the sow’s pink-faint litter, and the mare’s foal, and the cow’s calf,

And the noisy brood of the barn-yard, or by the mire of the pond-side,

And the fish suspending themselves so curiously below there — and the beautiful curious liquid,

And the water-plants with their graceful flat heads — all that Matter, became part of Mind, .

The field-sprouts of Fourth-month and Fifth-month became part of Mind;

Winter-grain sprouts, and those of the light-yellow corn, and the esculent roots of the garden,

And the apple-trees cover’d with blossoms, and the fruit afterward, and wood-berries, and the commonest weeds by the road;

And the old and new fellow saunterers staggering home from the out-house of the platform, whence they’d lately clicked,

And the blog-mistress that swayed on our way to learning,

And the friendly algorithms that augmented — and the quarrelsome memes

And the pithy quotes and pretty pictures — and the barefoot in the head Oligarch boy and girl,

And all the changes of city and country, wherever Mind wisely wield, wend and world wild web.

Mind-ing our parents in loving memory held; Mind-ing ourselves and our children, seven generations to come

The evolutionary journey that moved Mind, and Gaia that had embraced Mind in her dreams, and birthed Human Form,

They gave this Mind more of themselves than that,

They embraced Mind afterward every day — they became part of Mind, taking thought, embracing journey.

The tribes, the others, the institutions, the market booths and the hustlers, the town criers, the networks,

The streets themselves, and the façades of houses, and goods in the windows,

Vehicles, teams, the heavy-plank’d wharves — the huge crossing at the ferries,

The village on the highland, seen from afar at sunset — the river between,

Shadows, aureola and mist, the light falling on roofs and gables of white or brown, three miles off,

The schooner near by, sleepily dropping down the tide — the little boat slack-tow’d astern,

The hurrying tumbling waves, quick-broken crests, slapping,

The strata of color’d clouds, the long bar of maroon-tint, away solitary by itself — the spread of purity it lies motionless in,

The horizon’s edge, the flying sea-crow, the fragrance of salt marsh and shore mud; and anything else Matter

These became part of our inviting and cultivating and homesteading Mind, a Mind went forth every day, and is now moving and will always go forth every day.

@johnkellden riffing on Walt Whitman


There’s a great many dispositions there for your choosing: poverty, abundance, play^n, an adventure of ideas.

From everyone according to ability, to everyone according to need.

A smorgasbord of dispositions, a human soul, eager for embodiment, exploring a unique journey, replete with events and experiences — poverty, abundance, sorrow, joy and everything in between, a weaving of chaos and cosmos, a play^n, game^n and win^n adventure of confluent, consilient, concrescent ideas.

A play^n disposition, can be applied, returning ourselves to our ongoing learning into aliveness, recursing through any of the other steps in this here outline of a generative sequence, linearly and/or non-linearly.


Questions is how we instigate possibility spaces. Here’s a bit more on questions relative to card sessions.

Practice and Flow: How to play

Practice and flow; flow and practice — virtue and path; path and virtue — weaving between perception and evolutionary purpose.

Purpose, Cards, Character(rigidity, adaptability), Participatory Inquiry(social social media), Change, Flow(multi-order cybernetics), Hypertext, Considerations, Preferable Outcomes, Perspectives, Card Sessions(labs), Metalogue, Paths, How to play, Paradigm, Taking Thought(structure, process, reality), Today(situational awareness), Scene(scenius, culture, zeitgeist, plateaus, local optima, narratives, plenitude), Social(circles…), Knowledge, Images, Possibility Space(intelligence, ability, contextual intelligence), Thrivability, Questions, Disposition(poverty, play^n, abundance)

A play^n disposition, is a disposition that can be meaningfully applied to any and all of the steps in a generative sequence, including returning to purpose and/or recurse through any of the other steps, linearly and/or non-linearly.



John Kellden
John Kellden

Written by John Kellden

Tools for navigating complexity, Cards catalyzing stories, Conversations that mind and matter, Digital communities and collaborative narratives

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