Cards for Insight: Mind Went Forth

Cards as affordances for rediscovering ourselves

John Kellden
7 min readOct 30, 2020

… use the cards to explore new perspectives
and gain insight around a chosen question …

“Take into account that great love and
great achievements involve great risk.”
— The Dalai Lama

Paradigms and Paradigm Shifts
Our accessing and tapping into archetypal power either directly via experience, or indirectly via symbols, individually through conscious evolution and collectively via cultural evolution, with humans seen as vibrant, temporary meeting places between earth and shards of long
gone supernovas, is what we use to rediscover ourselves(insight) and
re-paradigm(meeting the universe halfway), in service to different, preferable futures.

Card: Modes of Thought
Philosophy begins with “assemblage” — gathering
diverse ideas without rigid systematization.
This open exploration allows for the emergence
of unforeseen connections, enhancing and
expanding our understanding of the world.

Cards for Insight: Use the cards to explore new perspectives
and gain insight around a chosen question

Modes of Thought; Modes of Existence; Paths made by Joint Sauntering

Having managed to slog yourself through these Whitehead installments, you realize there’s one singular task facing you, consisting of two parts:

  • your own taking thought in response to 9E Cognition in general and
    (Alfred North Whitehead, Karen Barad and others) Modes of Thought
    in particular, with your own perception, reflection and coming to your
    senses, turned (responsive, mindful, effective) action
  • your own perception of Modes of Existence, aka your own attention turned situational awareness, in light of umwelt(you) and umwelten(8bn other human beings and a lot of other living beings on Gaia)

How People Think vs How Nature Works
These two together, held closely in your mind adjacent to
to each other, over time, catalyzing your own unique way
to connect, bridge and weave, between

how people think


how nature works

Corner of Cards and Your Thing
The importance and invaluable nature of your unique contribution cannot be overstated. How we scale our coordinated contributions is 103% of how we see ourselves through the 21st century.

In short, and in essence, until you’ve found Your Thing, you will
continue to go through crises of action(negotiated self-interest)
and crisis of consciousness(habituated mind, rigid belief systems),
with some regularity.

Card: Mind and Matter
Is mind and matter a strict duality,
or an interconnectedness spectrum?
How do your perceptions, insights and
experiences inform your perspective?

Cards for Insight: Cards and patterns of play that mind, cultivate and matter

Bateson and Peirce on the Pattern that Connects and the Sacred

“The Cartesian dualistic metaphysics embraced by modern science forces it to look for some kind of meeting point of the inner and outer worlds to be found in the dynamics of the human brain. For medicine this is where the psychosomatic link must be. Peculiarly, the inability to find this link might be one of the reasons neurosciences and cognitive sciences have experienced such a big boom over the last decade. A knowledge-seeking-culture wants to find that connection (Penrose 1995, Searle 1986) and it is somewhat of a scandal that our capable scientific and technological culture has not done that yet. The received view of science does not understand how mind — or even life — arises in this world or is able to assert causal influence over matter in living bodies. This is one of the main problems that Peircean biosemiotics grapples with.”
Søren Brier

Card: Conscious Evolution
Meeting the universe
halfway, consciously
as if for the first time.

These meetings, these events are always process, process and reality, rediscovering your own ideas in light of a larger adventure of ideas.

Purposeful Paths of Action
This (sense of) I can choose to refer and relate to the Universe as engaging in a Pronoid Coinspiracy (the pattern to the Paranoid Conspiracy anti-pattern), with serendipities along your way, with a purpose and meaning for you to bring, perhaps including seeing yourself on a path made by walking, a path already illumined by the evolutionary journey of your soul. With your 4E, 5E and 9E Cognition and your embodied mind,
an increasingly intelligent, able and response-able instrument.

Your Own Mind in light of Meeting the Universe Halfway
Your own mind is always engaged in the above, anticipating the relevant next and attempting to guide the capture, through small steps and sign use.

There Was a Mind Went Forth

THERE was a Mind went forth every day;
And the first thing Minded upon, that Mattered, Mind became;
And that microcosm concrescence became part of Mind for the day, or a certain part of the day, or for many years, or stretching cycles of years.

The early lilacs became part of this Mind,
And grass, and white and red morning-glories, and white and red clover, and the song of the phoebe-bird,

Flamingos finding small insects, crustaceans, and algae.

And the Third-month lambs, and the sow’s pink-faint litter, and the mare’s foal, and the cow’s calf,

And the noisy brood of the barn-yard, or by the mire of the pond-side,

And the fish suspending themselves so curiously below there — and the beautiful curious liquid,

An old bridge sustaining stories for our common future.

And the water-plants with their graceful flat heads — all that Matter, became part of Mind, .

The field-sprouts of Fourth-month and Fifth-month became part of Mind;

Winter-grain sprouts, and those of the light-yellow corn, and the esculent roots of the garden,

Understanding, cultivating knowledge conducive to preferable outcomes.

And the apple-trees cover’d with blossoms, and the fruit afterward, and wood-berries, and the commonest weeds by the road;

And the old and new fellow saunterers staggering home from the out-house of the platform, whence they’d lately clicked,

And the blog-mistress that swayed on our way to learning,
And the friendly algorithms that augmented — and the quarrelsome memes
And the pithy quotes and pretty pictures — and the barefoot in the head Oligarch boy and girl,

A requisite variety of paths between today and preferable outcomes.

And all the changes of city and country, wherever in our world wild web, Mind wisely wield and wend.

Mind-ing our parents in loving memory held; Mind-ing ourselves and our children, seven generations to come

The evolutionary journey that moved Mind, and Gaia that embraced
Mind in her dreams, and birthed Human Form,

A portal to a game named 8bn.

They gave this Mind more of themselves than that,
They embraced Mind afterward every day — they became part of Mind, taking thought, embracing journey.

The tribes, the others, the institutions, the market booths and the hustlers, the town criers, the networks,

The streets themselves, and the façades of houses, and goods in the windows,

Shinji Tsuchimochi: 100 views of Tokyo

Vehicles, teams, the heavy-plank’d wharves — the huge crossing at the ferries,

The village on the highland, seen from afar at sunset — the river between,

Shadows, aureola and mist, the light falling on roofs and gables of white or brown, three miles off,

The schooner near by, sleepily dropping down the tide — the little boat slack-tow’d astern,

Small boats that pass, sharing a world and a word or three.

The hurrying tumbling waves, quick-broken crests, slapping,
The strata of color’d clouds, the long bar of maroon-tint, away solitary by itself — the spread of purity it lies motionless in,

The horizon’s edge, the flying sea-crow, the fragrance of salt marsh and shore mud; and anything else Matter

These became part of our inviting and cultivating and homesteading Mind, a Mind went forth every day, and is now moving and will always go forth every day.
@johnkellden riffing on Walt Whitman

Everything under the sun and all the other stars was already discovered by Walt Whitman, and he has left his texts as sign posts and stepping stones, for you to re-discover everything, consciously, as if for the first time.

Here’s how to play
Gather a small group around a worthwhile dilemma, formulate a generative center question. Pick a few cards and gain insight from exploring different perspectives, moving into an adjacent possible,
with generativity and preferable outcomes in mind.
A small group genius gathering of minds went forth …

Play? Sign up here:
Adjacent Possible Playground

Cards for Insight: LLM’s
Cards, patterns of play and card-play conversations combine,
facilitating exploring paths between worthwhile dilemmas,
generative center questions and preferable outcomes.

There’s around 500 cards in the source deck, with more than 120k
two-card and 21M three-card combinations. With four-, five- and
six-card combinations mapping to LLM’s, Large Language Models, facilitating human associations(card-play) combining with
AI-assisted annotations(prompts and responses).

Think cards with an underlying pattern language and with an underlying Modular Process Onto-Epistemology forming part of an Online Commonplace, with a searchable Modular Knowledge Repository.



John Kellden
John Kellden

Written by John Kellden

Tools for navigating complexity, Cards catalyzing stories, Conversations that mind and matter, Digital communities and collaborative narratives

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