Reframing Things: Insight Markets
In a network, the best place to story knowledge is amidst, among and in between people.
Deeper Than Memes And More Sauntering
Adding considered, considerate comments, to other people’s comments. Because conversations, because creation of knowledge, because co-creation of value.
Social Social Media: The Last Frontier
When it comes to Knowledge Economies and Insight Markets (next levels of Social Social Media) there remains a vast untapped potential:
Adding considered, considerate comments, on other people’s comments.
What Shared Misery, Your Attractor?
The marketing disposition is the old attractor we need to divest from.
Plug, I Know You Want To …
Otherwise, it simply becomes too tempting to, as soon as possible sneak in a shameless plug right in the middle of the thread. Or, you could show character. Nah, plug away, right?
Yet Another Layer of Social Teflon
The problem with that is, other people, the best people, will shy away, adding mild disappointment and adding yet another layer of social teflon to their digital persona. Over time, most participants will devolve into like button clicking automatons, to a near full exclusion of any other interaction.
But, But, I Don’t Give An Eff?
Some people have rationalized this approach.
- But, but, John, it is all marketing!
- No. No, it isn’t.
Not Marketing. No, Seriously, Think About It
There’s hundreds if not thousands of threads throughout the years here in CMM, Conversations that Mind and Matter, and countless examples elsewhere, where there’s meetings of minds. Not marketing.
DKR: Dynamic Knowledge Repositories
In CMM, there’s also a DKR option, DKR, Dynamic Knowledge Repository, available via search query. Not marketing.
But Wait, There’s More!
There’s also Card Session posts and threads. Not marketing.
Learning Into Aliveness
Life and Signs, co-extensive and co-evolving. Not marketing.
Virtual Social Cognition Smorgasbord
I could go, hundreds of different formats, than the default marketing format. Formats as distinct and different from marketing. Adjacent possible memes. Not marketing. Did I mention Cards, Q&U and Adjacent Strategies Cards?
Maybe I should state this more clearly. Adjacent, as distinct from content marketing, as distinct from inane catgifs, as distinct from shallow, meaningless memes signifying nothing, as distinct from content marketing, hey, shiny, click on me, will you? And, as distinct from mostly uninformed opinion, aka Old White Male syndrome. Which is a bit funny really, given that I’m an old white male. But you know what I mean. Old guys, frothing at the mouth, jumping at every opportunity to add their own fave conspiracy theory, regardless any relevance to the the post and thread at hand.
And now for something completely different. In the midst of all the one gazillion catgifs and selfies: human boid rules and zeitgest murmuration.
What Happened?
THERE was a Mind went forth every day;
And the first thing Minded upon, that Mattered, Mind became;
And that microcosm concrescence became part of Mind for the day, or a certain part of the day, or for many years, or stretching cycles of years.
The early lilacs became part of this Mind,
And grass, and white and red morning-glories, and white and red clover, and the song of the phoebe-bird, …
Grand Theft Data
To add insult to marketing, in large online gatherings, the marketing disposition, over time, leads to shared misery. With the Proprietary Platform Programming adding Grand Theft Data to the insult and the injury, fb, designs, like button engineering, catering and playing to, shared misery.
Social Cognition Abattoir
And, over time, adding cynicism and solipsism to the grand theft data proprietary programming, adding insult and Social Cognition Abattoir injury to our shared misery. With blind five year old level digital discourse — memes. Dank memes. Debasement tapes. Drugs for the docile masses.
Social Animals On A Quest For Human
A race to the bottomest, fragmentest, polarizedest, the most weaponized, where injured animals sometimes lash out and bite even those that are trying to help. Empathy? Social Cognition? Yes, please.
And here we are, having fun!
There’s a crack in your social teflon. That’s how your light shines forth.
Because, at our very human core, deeper and stronger than all the memes, in the midst of our merry muddling through — a joint sauntering, destinations and purpose, emergent.