Reframing Things, episode 16: Conversations
Card Sessions: Learning to see
Conversations are how we weave between unmuddling, possibility spaces, preferable outcomes and unfolding wholeness.
Cards are decision quality and possibility space affordances.
Weaving between problem spaces and possibility spaces: generative sequences. Here’s one generative sequence, enabling structure-preserving transformation:
- Questions
- Paths
- Cards
- Taking thought (creativity, ingenuity, cognition, social cognition)
- Change
- Social circles
- Considerations (intersects of tacit and explicit)
- Possibility Spaces (practices, options, navigation)
- Card Sessions (cultivating flow and ambiance)
- Disposition (including understanding inference)
- How to play
- Character (thinks, things and gatherings)
- Situational awareness
- Flow (design conducive to…)
- Knowledge (particularly scaffolding and spiraling)
- Preferable outcomes
Most people understand their own short game, their own set of preferred heuristics how to move from knowledge to some kind of outcome. - Resilience, anti-fragility and thrivability
- Conversations, dialogue and metalogue (meaning-making-moving-with)
- Purpose
- Paradigm (overarching narratives, zeitgeist, paradigmatic understanding)
- Participation (small groups gathering together, figuring things out, events)
- Scenes (clusters of events, more or less aligned with and evolving with zeitgeist)
- Media and Hypermedia
- Images and Memes
- Perspectives (reframing and re-orienting)
New and different perspectives, finding ourselves, intelligence turned ability (from having gone through the sequence), ability to ask new and different, more generative driving questions. Arcs, cycles, circles, spirals, spheroid spirals and hopf fibrations. Problem spaces turned possibility spaces through play and play^n.
In a network, any sufficiently advanced, generative and driving question, is indistinguishable from a center catalyzing small group genius in service to unfolding wholeness.
Cards for Insight
Addressing your questions.
Corner of Cards, Questions, Considerations & Options
All of the above can combine and re-combine as part of
- Cards
- Card metalayers (NFT’s)
- Card Decks (framing, sensemaking, reframing)
- Card Sessions
- Knowledge Navigation Labs (small DAO’s)
- Knowledge Guilds (DAO’s)
- Knowledge flows
flow = structure x process
“x” = patterning
forming a whole smorgasbord of knowledge artifacts in knowledge markets and other, information ecology options.
Social machines to the rescue?
If we design and homestead them, differently, yes.