Card Session: Possibility Spaces

Problem Spaces turned Possibility Spaces

John Kellden
6 min readOct 17, 2020
Knowledge, spiraling and scaffolding a possibility space, in between today and preferable outcomes.

Problem Space to Possibility Space
Replacing opinion with data, information, knowledge and phronesis, can often turn a problem space to a possibility space.

Card: Knowledge Navigation
Anticipatory and generative encoding and decoding of scenius during knowledge navigation in particular and social collective intelligence in general.

Knowledge Navigation: Information ecologies and evolutionary games.

Boundary Objects: Information Ecologies
Life and signs are co-extensive, co-extending, cultivating and co-evolving.
An information ecology can be seen, understood and practiced as a place conducive to a co-intelligent confluence of events, learnings, conversations, methods, cards, questions and literacies.

Corner of Desire Paths, Token Imagineering, Social Computing and Possibility

Desire Paths
We won’t know until actually prototyping it by having participants interacting. We have a strong hunch though, that desire paths makes sense, given that those paths, are the closest we’ll get to participants actual behavior.⁠

Token Imagineering
Which makes tokens, serving as acknowledging allocating and rewarding token effort, including possible behavior change among participants, reflecting on their dashboard going even more ka-ching when they do.

Card: Social Computing

information processing
in service to cultivation
of knowledge flows

Human social collective intelligence, augmented by social machines.

Possibility here referring to four dimensions:

1. Trim-tabbing from probable to preferable.

2. Turning problem spaces to possibility spaces
- attention turned situational awareness
- will turned flow (core challenge for individuals used to game the system)
- intelligence turned ability (core premise for dynamic governance)
- behavior turned agency (core collective concern)

3. Moving the entire platform activity as a whole, along an epigenetic fitness space.

4. Relevant next and adjacent possible. (Donald Favareau).

Knowledge flows = Data structures (platform as code) x Information processing

“x” = patterning

Patterning: Possibility Spaces
Holding space for a requisite variety of paths between situational awareness and preferable outcomes.

Anticipation is its own generative review, eg:

Play > Play^n and Play^n > Win^n

Patterns of Relationship, Interaction, Play and Play^n
Notice how a pattern (language) anatomy can be characterised by outlining seven parts:

1. Map, model and theory (in the case of CMM, conversations that mind and matter, with the CMM Glossary, the legend to the map)

2. Forces and Building Blocks

Zeitgeist murmurations, which we always and already are part of, via behavior (reactive) and agency (proactive).

3. Problem Space

Avoid starting with problem space. Divest from over-emphasis on problem space. The review of problem space overemphasis, is jumping directly to, and reinforcing, personal opinion. Consider transforming problem space to possibility space, which can be understood as a willingness to level up what games we are finding ourselves in.

4. Context

Consider contextual intelligence. Consider intelligence turned ability. cf Alfred North Whitehead.

5. Story

Notice how we at times become embroiled in narratives not of our own choosing. Notice how at other opportune moments (Kairos), we get to write the book. (Elvis Costello).

6. Play

Patterns of relationship, interaction, play and play^n.

Conviviality is a good enough provisional premise for a superset to commonly practiced game theory.

7. Solution Space

Holding space for a requisite variety of paths turned generative sequences, between situational awareness and preferable outcomes.

Personal ken, bottom line, supersets and preferable outcomes

Card: Other People

In a network, the
best place to store
knowledge is in
other people.

“There are many answers to ‘What can I do?’, and more to ‘What can we do?’”
Henry Mintzberg

Understanding other people is one way to access knowledge beyond your own personal ken.

Card: Understanding

⁠What if understanding is our ability
⁠to hold space for the possibility of
⁠knowledge, as it emerges, unfolds,
⁠directs and discloses its relevance to
⁠unexplored aspects of things known?

Knowledge enriched by a requisite variety of paths.

Requisite Variety
- One trillion trees
- One million villages
- One thousand eco-cities
In between: a requisite variety of approaches, insights, structures, processes and flows.

Knowledge can be seen, understood and applied, conducive to spiraling around possibility spaces, scaffolding a requisite variety of paths, between today and preferable outcomes.
- How would we know?
- Flow. Flow is how we know.
Keep to knowledge, compatible with social cognition.
Small groups of people, small group genius. Knowledge beyond individual ken.

Knowledge: Actionable Insight, Extended
Here’s an example, a good insight that can be extended.

“An implication of our findings is that software companies should *explicitly cultivate networking*.

Strengthening the accumulation of social capital of all software teams in large-scale projects is at least as important as the development of human and organizational capital.”


Knowledge business and institutions in charge of managing information and creating knowledge (eg research) should cultivate networking.

Strengthening the accumulation of social capital of all individuals, teams, communities and (bio)regions working with, connected with or impacted by small, medium or large-scale projects is equally important as the development of human and organizational capital.

Attention turned situational awareness

Will turned flow

Intelligence turned ability

Behavior, attention, will and intelligence — synthesised, synergising, evolving: learning into aliveness

Quinta essentia: essential character and evolutionary purpose

Boundaries and boundary management, living systems in a context of ecosystems.

Threshold: Structure
“a strip of wood or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed in entering a house or room.”
The intersect of portal and place.

Threshold: Process
“the magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction, phenomenon, result, or condition to occur or be manifested”

Thresholds: Flow
Slightly more stimulus than boredom.
Slightly less stimulus than overwhelm.

Threshold: Autopoiesis
Dynamically evolving identity formation in a context of structures, processes and flows.

Preferable Outcomes
- equitable societies
- (your preferable outcome here)
Notice what worthwhile dilemma you feel called to address, for information about your particular possibility space and for your preferable outcome.

Outcomes Management
Shu Ha Ri: Leveling up our experiential learning
1. Shu: School of Hard Knocks
The parts of TIMN that turn hierarchies
2. Ha: Design
Design. Service, synthesis, selfhood(character, purpose)
3. Ri: Mastery
Stewardship by ideas, evolving with joint sauntering, paths made by walking

Conversations that Mind and Matter
Feedback, feedback loops and cybernetics. Multi-order cybernetics, in between mindful joint presencing, zen of small tasks and zen and the art of [something something] maintenance, in service to seven generations.

Management, Stewardship, Knowledge Evolution
Boundary Management, in a context of Outcomes Management

Heuristics: rules, guidelines, algorithms, protocols, procedures, policies, manifestos, proposition frameworks and other sense-making, meaning-making and decision-making affordances in a context of learning into aliveness.

Heuristics applied:
- align and re-align towards preferable outcomes
- keep social cognition conducive distance to peers
- avoid unnecessary harm, risks, obstacles, local optima,….

Meta-heuristics guidance: contextual intelligence
Play and Play^n

Metasystem transitions: phronesis, practical wisdom, ingenuity
Game and Game^n

Systems intelligence transitions: equipotentiality, tensegrity, requisite variety, manifolds, circles, spirals, hopf fibrations
Win, win-win, win-win-win: Win^n

A requisite variety of paths, in between today and preferable outcomes.



John Kellden
John Kellden

Written by John Kellden

Tools for navigating complexity, Cards catalyzing stories, Conversations that mind and matter, Digital communities and collaborative narratives

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