Cards for Insight: Here’s what you need to do
Stay on the path.
Card: Let go
Let go of everything that is not annealing your soul. Let go of your desire to see everyone through. Let go of the overextending yourself that is driven by hope. Let go of bringing others onboard, beyond carrying capacity. Let go of all non-essentials. Let go of freeze-frame frameworks — theories, models, maps and diagrams that arrest flow.
An Epistemology of Play
“… to experience and embody a shared remaking of
the world together with participants.”
— Johannes Sjöberg
Patterns of Play: Play^n
Behavior turned agency, attention turned situational awareness, will turned flow, intelligence turned ability — coordination of human effort.
“turned” = knowledge
“Intelligence is quickness to apprehend
as distinct from ability, which is capacity
to act wisely on the thing apprehended.”
— Alfred North Whitehead
Card: Play^n
Let go of all those roadside picnics that are not part, parcel, parsing and participatory inquiry of a joint sauntering, of your human being becoming human. Let go of any and all patterns in your mind, that keeps you from realizing who you are: beautiful beyond belief.
Boundary Objects: Play^n
Via actionable insight and, over time, practical wisdom, you level up your games, turning arcs into cycles and circles. Circles turned spirals, spirals turned autopoietic shifts, s-curve traversals and anticipatory systems intelligence turned ability. Different thinks, different things and different gatherings.
Cards for Insight: At Small Group Genius Scale
Our current thinks, things and gatherings, seen, understood and applied differently, at small group genius, contextually intelligent scope and at social machine augmented sensemaking, meaning-making and societal innovation scale; cards — tokens and knowledge artifacts: building blocks of equitable societies.
Card: Question
A question is mind rediscovering
the generative nature of relating
with reality and transforming it
into possibility.
— Equitable societies?
— Yes. Societies where members have sufficient room
and the necessary means to learn into aliveness.
Card: Learning into aliveness
Life can either turn you into an obedient cog, a social machine minion, or, you can let your own inner glimpse of evolutionary purpose, anneal your essential character.
Card: Preferable outcomes
There’s two very different kinds of suffering, one is belittling you, and the other is the deep pain of soul alchemy, with you becoming the best possible version of yourself, the outcome.
stay on the path
In life, there’s ever only one need:
Staying on the path.
Generative Review
The generative review of staying the path is learning into aliveness.
There’s wants aplenty, sideshows and more or less serendipitous distractions. But only one true need.
Card: Wisdom
Wisdom is 103% about understanding the
difference between needs and wants.
Card: Social Curation
In a network, social curation is knowledge
mapping instigation and knowledge flow
trimtabs in a context of networks of interest
and in service to social collective intelligence.
Cards for Insight: Behavior turned agency
Let go of your emotional attachment to your mostly uninformed opinion. Let go of your behavior that no longer serves. Let go of your frantic clicking the like button. Let go of fake friends. Let go of hedging other human beings. Let go of everything that insults your soul.
“Games are the art form of agency. Game designers don’t just create environments and obstacles. They set our goals in the game and our abilities; they create the agency which we will inhabit in the game.”
— C. Thi Nguyen
Cards for Insight: Zeitgeist
In the context of humanity versus ecosystems,
future human beings are either rich and dead,
or slightly less rich and alive.
Play^n: Corner of unchecked profit and life
The tragedy of our current zeitgeist is marketing. Our infatuation with the marketing disposition is hiding the fact that we remain unable to understand the choice between unchecked profit and life. Meanwhile, thousands of niches remain options, inviting us to an adjacent possible of our own meaning-making.
Card: Adjacent Possible
Play → Play^n
Game → Game^n
Win → Win^n
“The adjacent possible contains all the elements outside but near that system; those represent the opportunities for the current system to expand by building new connections and turning those elements into system components.”
— Ulf Ehlert
^n = Holding generative space for a requisite variety of paths: emerging, cultivating, co-evolving, chreoding and unfolding.
Play → Play^n
Game → Game^n
Win → Win^n
→ = turn, expand, evolve, f(signs, enactive intersubjectivity, circles, social constructs, … )
f(…) = as a function of (…, … )
In a network, life and signs: co-evolving, constellating, co-extending, co-extensive and cultivating.
cultivating flow = constellations of centers x complex responsive processes
“In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of a defeat; but in the evolution of real knowledge it marks the first step in progress towards a victory.”
― Alfred North Whitehead
Play^n: Paths to preferable outcomes
Let go of all those roadside picnics that are not part, parcel, parsing and participatory inquiry of a joint sauntering, of your human being becoming human. Let go of any and all patterns in your mind, that keeps you from realizing who you are: beautiful beyond belief.
Corner of Korzybski & Groucho Marx
It’s an interesting thing, this whole “coping strategies by going against”, against whatever is the current zeitgeist.
Reminds me of a Groucho Marx song:
“Whatever it is, I’m against it.”
What’s your meaning-making means?
Around 80% of all humans are finding themselves either without sufficient means, or without access to meaning-making means.
The deeper issue is the current paradigm shift, where almost all humans remain ill-equipped to make sense of the necessary and sufficient transition pathways, even though a growing number of these paths (eg degrowth) are fairly comprehensively outlined.
Yes there are two paths you can go by…
103% of the online value with understanding and embracing your own evolutionary purpose, is that it provides you with an antifragile premise, a why for your every who, when, where, what, how and whereto.
You are making a spectacle of yourself
In this day and age of shared misery (fb), borderline solipsist pontification (twitter) and id as performance spectacle (tiktok), your evolutionary purpose annealing your essential character is the holy grail, one that you can actually arrive at. In order to embrace this as it happens, you got to let go of all the things that keep you from seeing and understanding this.
path: trust, movement; movement, trust
Card: Sauntering
The moment you return to joint sauntering,
and the garden is already in sight.
98% of all content in proprietary online platforms are made up of noise: catgifs, selfies, content marketing and mostly uninformed opinion.
Card: Unfolding Paths
Staying with unfolding paths is
103% about understanding signal
and noise; noise and signal.
Signal Processing
Because friction is a good thing and an invaluable signal, telling you everything you need to know about the evolutionary journey of your soul.
Signal Processing
Because once you have searched for long enough, something new emerges and then you find.
Signal Processing
Because. Just because.
Signal Processing: A Generative Sequence
Here’s twelve steps in a generative sequence, that will bring structure-preserving transformation. What structures will be preserved? The structures that scaffolds, that serves. What will be transformed? Any information turned signal, any signal turned seed, any seed turned a more vibrant sense of self, of synthesis, selfhood and service:
- Address
Will. Skillful will. Paths made by walking. - Adapt
Will turned flow. The path is made by joint sauntering. - Axapt
Accept and exapt; level up your individuation game; turn the circle and cycle of the quest into spirals; learn into aliveness, into spirals of evolution. - Adopt
In a network: 9E cognition. - Attract
Generative questions, around which an ongoing re-alignment of thinks, things and gatherings. - Amplify
f(information processing > filters, heuristics > signal processing)
Ability and response-ability as stopping rules. - Augment
Platform > place > playground > wise playground > plenitude - Anneal
Frames, framing and reframing in a context of relational meaning-making. - Attend
f(behavior > understanding understanding > agency) - Achieve
f(attention > reflexivity > situational awareness) - Access
Picture yourself installing a Stargate Portal in your home…
What maps, what legends, what roadmaps?
What interfaces, information, interaction?
What connection, conversation, co-creation of value? - Allocate
What conversations that mind, cultivate and matter?
What accounting for aviating, navigating and communicating minds?
Premised on abundance and flow, what knowledge economies?
path: unfolding wholeness
The generative review of signal processing is learning
into aliveness and embracing unfolding wholeness.
Card: Identity
In a network, finding ourselves, finding the others.
Practice and Flow: How to play
Practice and flow; flow and practice — virtue and path; path and virtue — weaving between perception and evolutionary purpose.
— But what can little old me do?
— You are the embodied, enactive soul of your realm.
— But, but, I need to remain inside prefab top-down narratives?!?!
— You are free to enact, embrace and embody myths in a context of
evolutionary purpose, learning into aliveness and unfolding wholeness.
Card: Myth
Identity, belonging, becoming and telos
in a context of aliveness, meaning-making,
path and preferable outcomes.