Cards for Insight: Networked Approaches
In a network, behavior to agency
through interconnectedness.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts here …
Card: Social Networked Behavior
Generativity constrained by
negotiated self-interest.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts here …
Card: Social Networked Agency
“Despite this diversity, as we show in this
chapter, these spreading processes obey
common patterns and can be described
using the same network-based theoretical
and modeling framework.”
— Albert-László Barabási
… pick two cards and add your thoughts, prompts, insights, individual and small group genius annotations, book excerpts and prompt responses, between …
John Kellden:
Write a five-hundred word essay how Albert-László Barabási’s notions on network science in general and patterns of play related to spreading and network diffusion processes in particular, can be combined with machine learning in general and OpenAI/ChatGPT designs and affordances in particular.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts, prompts, insights, individual and small group genius annotations, book excerpts and prompt responses, between …
Albert-László Barabási’s work on network science has provided valuable insights into the ways in which information and ideas spread through networks. One key concept that he has identified is the “scale-free” nature of many real-world networks, in which a small number of highly connected nodes (called “hubs”) are connected to many less connected nodes. This pattern of connectivity has important implications for understanding how information spreads through networks, as well as for identifying key actors and influencers within a network.
One way that Barabási’s work on network science can be combined with machine learning is through the use of network analysis techniques to identify patterns of connectivity within large datasets. For example, one could use machine learning algorithms to analyze social media data in order to identify key influencers and understand how information is spreading through a particular network. This could be useful for businesses looking to target their marketing efforts or for researchers studying the spread of misinformation.
Another way that Barabási’s work can be combined with machine learning is through the use of generative models like OpenAI’s GPT. These models can be trained on large amounts of data and can be used to generate new text that is similar to the input data. This could be useful for simulating the spread of information through a network, as well as for understanding how different types of information are more likely to spread. For example, one could train a GPT model on a dataset of political speeches and use it to generate new speeches that are similar to the input data. This could be useful for understanding how political messages spread through a network and for identifying key influencers within a political network.
In addition to GPT, ChatGPT models are also specifically designed for natural language processing tasks, such as language translation, text summarization, and dialogue generation. So the ChatGPT models can also be used to model the spreading of information and ideas through social networks. For instance, we could use ChatGPT to model how certain keywords or phrases are spreading through a social network, and identify how certain influencers or groups are driving the diffusion of the information.
In conclusion, Barabási’s work on network science provides valuable insights into the ways in which information and ideas spread through networks, and this work can be combined with machine learning techniques in order to better understand these processes. The use of network analysis techniques and generative models like GPT and ChatGPT can help to identify key influencers and patterns of connectivity within large datasets, and can also be used to simulate the spread of information through networks. This can be useful for a wide range of applications, from understanding the spread of misinformation to identifying key actors within a business network.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts, prompts, insights, individual and small group genius annotations, book excerpts and prompt responses, between …
Network Science: The power of network science, the beauty of network visualization
— Albert-László Barabási
“Forget dice rolling or boxes of chocolates as metaphors
for life. Think of yourself as a dreaming robot on
autopilot, and you’ll be much closer to the truth.”
― Albert-Laszlo Barabasi
“We are surrounded by systems that are hopelessly complicated. Consider for example the society that requires cooperation between billions of individuals, or communications infrastructures that integrate billions of cell phones with computers and satellites. Our ability to reason and comprehend our world requires the coherent activity of billions of neurons in our brain. Our biological existence is rooted in seamless interactions between thousands of genes and metabolites within our cells.
These systems are collectively called complex systems, capturing the fact that it is difficult to derive their collective behavior from a knowledge of the system’s components. Given the important role complex systems play in our daily life, in science and in economy, their understanding, mathematical description, prediction, and eventually control is one of the major intellectual and scientific challenges of the 21st century.”
— Albert-László Barabási
… pick two cards and add your thoughts, prompts, insights, individual and small group genius annotations, book excerpts and prompt responses, between …
Cards for Insight: Q&U
- Gather a small group genius around a generative question
- Pick two cards and add your thoughts between
- Engage in conversation and cultivate shared understanding in light of intelligence augmentation and intelligence turned ability
- Take practical wisdom as a stopping rule and generative closure
- Create Q&U cardcasts, forming interactive supersets to the more commonly known Q&A podcast formats
Q: Questions; U: Understanding, see cards below.
Cards for Insight: Formats for cultivating shared understanding
Since 103% of all co-creation of value resides in the links, feedback
loops, the in-between spaces and unique insights and annotations
from participants, let’s unfold a way to address this:
Cards for Insight
- Addressing how we relate to information and meaning-making.
- Pick two cards and add your thoughts between.
- Notice social stigmergy and reflect on attention.
- Design and homestead social learning systems in light of intelligence, networked intelligence and systems intelligence.
- Experience and learn to use Cards for Insight — As easy as a card game, as powerful as a social machine.
- Understand how to add value in light of situational awareness.
- Interact to the full extent of your ability.
- Map moves conducive to knowledge mapping and flows.
- Play with frames, frame and reframe, move beyond rigid narratives.
- Cultivate shared understanding in light of generative closure.
- Take thought conducive to convivial conversation.
- Extend conversations, at card formats, small group genius scope, social social media reach, networked distribution and social machine scale.
- Coordinate by applying design cybernetics conducive to a requisite variety of paths between attention turned situational awareness and preferable outcomes.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts, prompts, insights, individual and small group genius annotations, book excerpts and prompt responses, between …
Card: Question
A question is mind rediscovering
the generative nature of relating
with reality and transforming it
into possibility.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Social Constructs
Managing the past as it impacts
the present and our future.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Knowledge Enterprise
Managing the now in light of
social construct dynamics and
other forces and building blocks.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Design Cybernetics
the new.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Understanding
What if understanding is our
ability to hold space for the
possibility of knowledge, as
it emerges, unfolds, directs
and discloses its relevance
to unexplored aspects of
things known?
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Cards
Cards are play, possibility space,
unfolding path, understanding and
shared understanding affordances.
… does this mean that it’s all about what the Card does,
rather than what it is? …
… yes …
Your move:
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
More lines and cards here: