Card Sessions: The Waste Land
What’s on Netflix?
In a network, the best way to see ourselves through
the Waste Land, is game^n together with others.
The most revolutionary activity every human can perform, straight through the coming two decades of The Waste Land, is to intensely cultivate their own eudaimonia, spreading their happiness like a contagion to others.
Yes, others *will* feel threatened. The Shared Misery tribes on fb, the Cynical Pontificators on twitter, the Telephone Booth Sanitizers and Other Assorted Old Paradigm Minions. This is a good sign.
Here’s Proactive Eudaimonia as a Contagion and Generative Sequence:
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you,
then they fight you, then you win.”
— Nicholas Klein
There’s a fifth stage:
win > multi-order cybernetics > win^n
Where “>” = media and
multi-order cybernetics = understanding understanding
Card: Win^n
In a network, we
play^n to win^n.
If we network, if we coordinate our human effort in circles of concern, influence, confluence, consilience and considered, considerate and convivial conversations that mind, cultivate and matter — we win^n.
Understanding Understanding: How To Play
- Gathering
Gathering around an Exam Question. - Information Processing
Divergence until large enough hybrid problem/possibility-space. - Consider
Consider Cards in light of Questions, exam question and related questions. - Magic
Small Group Genius Magic; Emergence: Insights. - Annotations
Sorting through all the stuff from our insights from the preceding stages, rendering them actionable. - Signal Processing
Convergence. Ideas growing legs and going places. - Generative Closure
Preferable Outcome Management. What investment? What impact? What outcomes, in service to what people, planet and seven generations?
Glow: Together With Others
That glow you can sense in others? It can be seen, understood and taken as rekindling your own.
“There are two kinds of light — the glow that
illuminates, and the glare that obscures.”
— James Thurber
Questions igniting conversational intelligence. Questions rekindling glow, catalyzing knowledge and flow, flow and knowledge, at small group genius and seven generation scale.
There’s an overarching question that can be explicated, serving as a center, attractor for a whole information ecology of Card Sessions, Labs, Events and Circles:
One Trillion Trees, One Million Villages and Seven Generations?
How are we to live, in response to a knowledge commons set of seven thousand questions, stewarding social machines, in service to one trillion trees, one million villages, one thousand eco-cities, one planet, eight billion humans and seven generations?
Cards and Card Sessions
Card Sessions
Cards considered in light of questions. A gameful world-building,
helping you reflect, reframe and rethink.
Gathering in card sessions, around an exam question, engaging in conversations that mind, cultivate and matter, until small group genius, holding generative space for divergence, emergence and convergence.
- Thinks, Things & Gatherings
Aligning thinks, things and gatherings, seeing ourselves through. - Divergence: Information Processing in a context of problem spaces turned possibility spaces.
- Emergence: Insights and Annotations; Annotations and Insights.
- Convergence: Signal Processing in a context of situational awareness turned intelligence, intelligence turned ability, ability turned aviation, navigation and communication in service to achieving and arriving at preferable outcomes.
The Waste Land: Seeing Ourselves Through
The Waste Land?
The Waste Land: The Western Mind
The power and the poverty of the Western Mind approach, resides neither in Colonialism, nor in Capitalism. These two are (blunt) instruments. Look at ANW, Alfred North Whitehead, how he outlines
Concepts are White Magic
“Intelligence is quickness to apprehend as distinct from ability, which is capacity to act wisely on the thing apprehended.”
— Alfred North Whitehead
Learning Into Aliveness: Adjacent Possible Strategies
Adjacent to ANW, place all other writers with a keen eye on Worldbuilding.
Worldbuilding for the People, Planet, Pronoia and Plenitude
This is how I see, understand and weave language: a massively multiplayer(circles of circles), multi-parallell (world-building) and multi-order feedback(cybernetics) information processing, insight annotating (all my posts, drafts, hacking formats, hacking culture) and signal processing.
Card: Synkinaesthesia
Mind evolving with the regenerative co-agency of evolution.
A new concept I’ve created, Synkinaesthesia, in addition to being a useful concept at the edge of common thought, also serves as a vantage point, from which to gain perspective.
Perspectives Turned Literacies, Tools and Practices
Arrival: Strategies and Worldbuilding; Worldbuilding and Strategies
Maps are useless, mapping is of the essence and evolution. Engaging others in joint sauntering, paths made by walking, emerging desire paths forming and unfolding luminous paths, legends to our evolving mapping.
Luminous Ground
As we are mapping, we are divesting from our existential confusion, embracing a happy descent, our feet gently touching luminous ground, our Dancing Wu Li Typing Fingers, relaying what insights made the walking easier for others. Our joint sauntering, co-extending and co-evolving with our strategies.
More Nature Strategies
Strategies informed by and guided by nature, strategies weaving a requisite variety of transition pathways, between how people think and how nature works. A thinking from within conducive to learning into aliveness.
Thinking From Within: A Hands-On Strategy Practice
“This text is a tribute to the idea that strategy should be practiced in ways that fuel our minds by engaging our bodies. When we do strategy rather than think strategy we engage our senses in ways that pure intellectual reasoning cannot. This book considers ideas that can help leaders transform strategy into imaginative and responsible practice.”
— Johan Roos
It’s a great book, but in case you haven’t got time to read it, I’ve distilled the gist of it into one card.
Card: Play
“Play is a cultural activity through which a society frames itself.
Play is an expressive and/or narrative activity to construct collective and cultural identity.
Play allows people to create and recreate cultural identity in light of their reality.”
— Johan Roos
The whole book is also to 103% compatible, resonant and co-coherent with Serious Play:
Each and every one of those working papers, can be turned into patterns, questions and cards, adding a gameful approach, playable cards, with learning and strategizing questions to our center question, to our gatherings, to our Card Sessions, Labs and Events. Similarly, cards can be created, from a whole smorgasbord of other “cardy” books, articles and other resources.
Design with Play^n, Game^n and Win^ in Mind
As one design principle for all these questions, cards, strategies, patterns of play^n, game^n and win^n, they can all be created, conducive to weaving between how people think and how nature works.
How People Think
How Nature Works
How To Play
How To Play
1. Gathering
Gathering around an Exam Question.
2. Information Processing
Divergence until large enough hybrid problem/possibility-space.
3. Consider
Consider Cards in light of Questions, exam question and related questions.
4. Magic
Small Group Genius Magic; Emergence: Insights.
5. Annotations
Sorting through all the stuff from our insights from the preceding stages, rendering them actionable.
6. Signal Processing
Convergence. Ideas growing legs and going places.
7. Generative Closure
Preferable Outcome Management: What investment? What impact? What outcomes, in service to what people, planet and seven generations?