Card Sessions: Conversational Intelligence

John Kellden
9 min readNov 11, 2020


In a network: play, people, play^n, purpose and planet.

Card: Chat

chat does not
what we think
it makes us
think together

Digital conversation is (small) group genius affordance.

Or, in the case of rigid attachment to personal ken and personal opinion, how we fail to think together.

Our habits of thought can be extended in a great many ways.

One of my aims with Cards for Insight, is to help participants, users, clients and customers cultivate slightly different habits of thought.

Whether intelligence turned ability, behavior turned agency, attention turned situational awareness or will turned flow, these turnings can be rediscovered, reclaimed, cultivated, stewarded, and, in digital, networked, social machine augmented, online and virtuereal ways — these turnings can form part of how we extend select choice parts of our 9E cognition, my tweaking and extending the 4E Cognition field.

Zen and the Art of Reading and Understanding Maintenance

Synaptic Weaving
Our cognition hinges on connectivity (synaptic weaving).

Our social cognition hinges on connectivity (languaging, word weaving)

Our archetypal meaning-making, hinges on connectivity in narrative, symbolic and paradigmatic levels, between Scylla and Charybdis (space), between Prometheus and Epimetheus (time).

The generative review of meaning-making is knowledge in a context of requisite variety, in service to situational awareness, paths and transition pathways, and preferable outcomes.

Knowledge emerges, unfolds, scaffolds, cultivates and evolves between engagement and return on engagement.


“Technology is the active human interface with the material world.”
Ursula K. Le Guin

Our toolmaking, our Bret Victor efforts, our technologies, is our movement from left to right, from down to up, our leveling up our game.

Our first, second, third and fourth order cybernetics, our feedback loops, our situational awareness, our strategic reflexivity, our ability to enact and choose new directions, hinges on memory, individual, small group genius, scenius, social collective intelligence and culture, our collective memory.

Happy Descent and Evolutionary Stewardship
Our evolutionary cognition hinges on connectivity (spiritual, ecosystemic involvement, a happy descent and bioregional stewardship).

Conversational Intelligence
Conversational intelligence is a function of cognition, social cognition, archetypal meaning-making and evolutionary cognition.

Text-boxes and Social Collective Intelligence Affordances
In our digital discourse in general and in our communities and networks of interest, inquiry and practice in particular, there’s a few ongoing themes:

  • eudaimonia(play)
  • empathy(people)
  • economics(play^n)
  • enkinaesthesia(purpose)
  • ecosystemics(planet)
  • enaction(processes, structures, flows:::4E cognition:::9E cognition)

Social Media: Value Devolution
A race to the bottomest, a shallow battleground of the dankest, and you Stuck Inside of Mobile. Instead, we could do social social media, and different algorithms with.

behavior > understanding understanding > agency

— How? How would we know we’re doing social, networked agency?
— Flow. Flow is how you’ll know.

social cognition erosion > shared understanding > reclaiming social cognition

Reclaiming social cognition, clear beyond catgifs, selfies, mostly uninformed opinion and content marketing.

Social Social Media: Value Evolution

1. Proprietary platform (you are the produce)
2. Place (halfway house for recovering like button clickers)
3. Playground (behavior > understanding understanding > agency)
4. Wise Playground (adding a smidgen of practical wisdom to behavior, conversations and (networked) agency
5. Social Machines (online self and presence augmentation, at scope, scenius, social computing reach and societal innovation scale)

In what ways are you to extend select choice parts of your essential character online? Understanding life and signs, co-extensive and co-extending, what cards do you bring to which tables? What place do you help hold for what patterns of play?

Card: Thing
doing your thing,
finding the others

Boundary Objects: Things

“…the thing has the character not of an externally bounded entity, set over and against the world, but of a knot whose constituent threads, far from being contained within it, trail beyond, only to become caught with other threads in other knots.”
Tim Ingold

Media: Thinks, Things and Gatherings.

Our metalogue, our joint sauntering, our collaborative meaning-making-moving-with, is instigated by our gathering together in scenes and driven by our tapping into archetypes and re-aligning with paradigms and paradigm shifts.

Metalogue is the processual outcome from leveling up our interactions, our conversational intelligence turned dialogue ability.

Intelligence turned ability turned paths to preferable outcomes.


Play: Eudaimonia
After ten years of proprietary platform programming conducive to shared misery, are we miserable enough that we are ready, willing and able to pursue happiness and embrace eudaimonia? In our play, is there place for improvement?

People: Empathy
In a network, the best place to story knowledge is amidst, among and in between people. Question is, how?

Play^n: Economics
Will robots and algorithms take away all our jobs and half the economy?
Is there such a thing as a human scale?

Purpose: Enkinaesthesia
Will we learn how to take good care of the part of the planet where we live?

Planet: Ecosystemics
Will we learn how to take good care of the part of the planet where we live?

Processes: Enactive Intersubjectivity
If community is the answer, what different questions do we need?

The best place to story knowledge is among other people.

Who with?

Conversational Intelligence co-evolving with Contextual Intelligence
Our digital discourse can evolve through pursuing conversations conducive to turning intelligence into ability.

Our open, participatory inquiry, emerges, unfolds, is cultivated by and evolves through our keeping to working social practices — debate, discussion and conversation, as well as understanding when to engage in what and how to level up our discourse — from everyone according to ability, to everyone according to need.

Marketing and Negotiated Solipsism
Catgifs, selfies, content marketing and mostly uninformed opinion forms a baseline level of noise in digital discourse, on top of which we add conversationally intelligent interactions, to the best of our ability.

These four proprietary platform programming genres make up around 98% of all digital content. In order to pursue meaningful joint meaning-making, we need to level up from noise, by information processing, discerning and distilling signal amidst massively multiplayer opinion markets.

Debate is good when in need of speaking fun and truth to power. When debate becomes stuck in reinforcing solipsist opinion, this signals a good time to divest from debate and/or level up to discussion.

In between debate and conversation: discussion. This is good for when there’s a need to shake things out, eg forming and annealing a good enough premise on which to build further, addressing play, people, play^n, purpose and planet.

Adding a peer and peer-to-peer disposition, turns discussion into conversation. Conversation is good when in the presence of peers.
Individual, small group genius, community and 8bn human peers.

Skillful Conversation
In between conversation and metalogue, there’s skillful conversation. Skillful conversation can also be applied when leveling up from a peer, to a peer-to-peer productive disposition, eg when in need of addressing multiple perspectives and pursuing multiple interdependent options.

Metalogue: A Patterning That Re-aligns
In between skillful conversation and (deep) dialogue, there’s metalogue. Metalogue is all about holding a generative place conducive to a mutual learning that catalyzes a patterning that re-aligns, out of which, a meaning-making-moving-with.

A deepening of metalogue through understanding I and Thou, unfolds dialogue. Dialogue is good when in need of catalyzing character and unfold purpose. Dialogue is to identity and reality, what all the other conversational modalities is to mapping, modeling and sensemaking.

Individual, small group and collective genius can be seen and understood as scenius, at individual, social and societal innovation scale. Scenius is all about scenes, lines of joint inquiry and circles.

Taking our lines of inquiry for a joint sauntering
Circles of concern, influence, confluence, consilience and considered considerate conversations in service to concrescence, tracing lines of continuity, connectivity and novelty, weaving any and all conversational modalities into social fabric.

Weaving conversations into social fabric.


Would equitable societies be part of our preferable outcomes? What multi-order cybernetics, what loops, what games and meta-games?


We made it? What happened? We happened.
It’s simple, really. The answer to all our questions, is community.

What happens now, with our why?
Now, we gather our wits and our hearts, and gather around different questions, questions moving us through a requisite variety of paths through possibility spaces, to preferable outcomes.

What if?

Generative Review
If we gather enough insights how to realign ourselves with our planet,
we will make it.

If we remember there’s 8bn humans, and they’re all seen, understood and embraced as peers, we will usher in thriving, flourishing communities.

If we play our innate truths really well together with others, we will rediscover our true place in evolution.

Cultivating a requisite variety of means to seven generation ends.


CMCM: Conversations that Mind, Cultivate and Matter

Mind: Synkinaesthesia

Cultivate: Flow = Structure x Process
I’m personally focusing a significant part of my efforts to
the patterning, the “x” in the equation.

Matter: Cultivating Small Group Genius
Holding generative space for a requisite variety of paths
between situational awareness and preferable outcomes.

Generative Sequence and Structure-preserving Transformation

attention > situational awareness > will > flow > intelligence > ability > role (essential character, social sense of self, social cognition, personal heuristics, relational meaning-making) > behavior > agency > attention

Conversational Intelligence

1. What role are you as a conversation participant assuming?

Generative Sequence
A set of steps that when undertaken, result
in structure-preserving transformation.

role, purpose, needs, feedback, story, perspectives, criteria, shared understanding, actionable insight, practice, leverage, co-creation, resolve

Conversational Intelligence: A generative sequence

1. What role are you as a conversation participant assuming?
2. What purpose is your comment serving?
3. What needs can be addressed by the conversation?
4. What feedback, mutuality and learning is provided, by whom?

From Here To There To Here Again
Rinse, reveal, reframe, re-align and repeat.

5. What (joint) focus on what story, tasks and what generative review?
6. What experience and knowledge is shared, what perspectives are explored?
7. What criteria are used, towards teasing out what insights?
8. Which are the necessary and sufficient conditions for a meaningful conversation, and what are the steps followed to ensure there’s shared understanding around these conditions?

Review, Story, Tasks and Generative Review
In a network, we found the others and made a difference that saw us through.

9. What insights can be turned actionable, serving what local and community needs?
10. What intention, perspectives, language and tools are chosen and held, making for what action and practice?
11. What unique individual skills combined with what collective intelligence can help produce something extraordinary?
12. What networks of practice, co-evolving and co-creating what value, with what lines of inquiry?

All Together Now: Circles of Considered, Considerate Conversations
role, purpose, needs, feedback, story, perspectives, criteria, shared understanding, actionable insight, practice, leverage, co-creation, resolve

13. Given all of the above, what key insights can be drawn and what actions taken, in order to resolve our differences and solve what important issues?

Path and virtue, movement and trust: play, people, purpose and planet.

What now?

Engagement, Return on Engagement & Possibility
The boundary, rich border and accessible context around the conversation intelligence sequence and grid can be designed (UI, UX) conducive to conversations instigating and inviting engagement, providing return on engagement and unfolding possibility.

Paths, Possibility Spaces & Preferable Outcomes
A possibility space enabling structures and processes in and around conversations, inviting to social learning in intersects of engagement and return on engagement, where what roles we adopt and apply help bring our select unique parts of ourselves to the table, out of which interactive creation of value.

How would we know?

Knowledge flow. Knowledge flow is how we know.



John Kellden
John Kellden

Written by John Kellden

Tools for navigating complexity, Cards catalyzing stories, Conversations that mind and matter, Digital communities and collaborative narratives

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