Warm Money, episode 34: Nature

John Kellden
7 min readAug 6, 2020


In a network, slightly less solipsist, slightly more ecosystemic.

Ecosystemic here as in leading your individual, community and planetary life, as if you never were not part of the seamless tapestry of reality.

Warm Money
The human, win^n management of economic means, to eudaimonic and ecosystemic ends.



“The present time is caught up in a whirlwind in which decision making (krisis) has become increasingly numb, the mechanisms and tendencies of which remain obscure, and which must be made intelligible at the cost of a considerable effort of anamnesis as much as of meticulous attention to the complexity of what is taking place.”
— Bernard Stiegler


Advancing Our 21C Transition
The below is an evolving draft of a generative sequence, designed to accelerate the art and practice of advancing a 21C Transition.

“…every entity is to be understood in terms of the way it is interwoven with the rest of the universe.”
— Alfred North Whitehead

It is beautiful out there. Do you perceive, observe, re-orient, design, learn and (re)(en)act?

Card sessions, play, events, labs, workshops, exhibitions, conferences, meetings and excursions, designed and co-evolving with a shared, shareable understanding around a a deck of Understanding Cards and Living Transition Glossary. (note Glossary Surviving the Future, David Fleming)

We made it? What happened? We happened.

The deliverables of these Understand Cards Lab Sessions will be a increased capability for semiogenesis, particularly as it applies to living systems and thriving structures.

Card: Contextual Intelligence
The ability to understand the limits of our
knowledge and to adapt that knowledge
to an environment different from the one
in which it was developed. Systems where
intelligence and practical wisdom combine,
form, co-extend and co-evolve. A place and
premise in which to invite, hold and address
inquiry, complexity, emergence, structures,
complex responsive processes and flows.

A place, time, premise and story,
conducive to win^n flows.

Living Systems

Adopt Out of and through which will emerge, connected, thriving practices and a growing body of knowledge how to unlearn obsolete practices and how to onboard new.

A continuous movement in intelligent, proactive response to what is needed:

enact, respond, sense, play, re-enact

Networks, social cognition, coordination, social artifacts…

Among a growing number of committed co-creators, there will be a growing understanding how to take care of ourselves, eg so as to be able to perform increased signal processing, transceiving mindful and effective efforts.

One small step at a time, conducive to autopoietic shift.

beauty, love, trust and quaternions

In a network, we coordinate by applying our social cognition and organize informed by dynamic story/narrative (re)alignment.

“Established institutions have been reorganizing as long as they’ve been organized. As circumstances change, the shape and makeup of the workforce must be adapted accordingly. Today’s most disruptive organizations however, are beginning to organize around a new pattern: the ability to evolve in real time.”
— Aaron Dignan

A Time and A Place
My only tweak of that quote, would be real time. Real time is a function of four variables:

  • Virtuereality, Prometheus, anticipation, foresight, prediction, imagination
  • Embodied reality, Epimetheus, memory, including and co-evolving with, embodied cognition
  • Experience, Kairos and
  • Time as per measured by Chronos

Remodeling towards (re)generativity

Generative Listening
Non-systems thinking, usually collective hierarchy and individual gaming the hierarchy in a state of generative tension with systems thinking, kept inside old narrative usually intranets, big data, proprietary platform programming, Big Theft Data.

Instead, systems intelligence could be coupled with different ways:

Analog and digital augmentation, augmenting tools and apps and dashboards, with — symmathesy (this doesn’t exist yet) all characterised by individuals and teams and organizing becoming increasingly informed by mutuality and learning — and with a synthesis out of mutual learning, autopoiesis and autopoietic shift, informing the existing non-systems and systems existing practices, processes, structures and cultures.

Life enacts, plays, performs, senses
and responds — and we with.

The strategic outcome of generative listening, is


Generative Reading
In a network, curation of unstructured content, content remaining less than optimal through remaining too attached to existing cultural practices, can be curated, via human curation(heuristics) and/or machine curation(algorithms). Nested with generative reading, is the ongoing strategic outcome:


Generative Review
This is closely related to evolution of conversation. (I’ve covered this elsewhere).

generative review

Corner of Generative Review & Strategic Outcome
The strategic outcome of generative review is dynamic aliveness/narrative, biosemiosis/mapping and umwelt/ (re)alignment

Place: People, Process & Structure
Story, tasks and review (dynamic adaptive structure), combined with approaches resonant with synthesis, selfhood and service (complex responsive processes) enacts, establishes and evolves a place as well as a living boundary “around” a nxn grid.

Living Labs: Participatory Inquiry
Participatory practices co-evolving with knowledge and lines of inquiry can then be used to continously iterate and improve and innovate the context, the rich, sense-making and meaning-making “border” around the square, 2×2, NxN

card session

the grid/board/gameboard/place and lab.

Information Ecologies turned Vibrantly Diverse
Obviously also individual practices including Zettelkasten, Bullet Journals, Workflowy, GTD, PKM, annotations taking place in chat, platforms, digital digs, as an ongoing interaction between individual knowledge work and team/group/org knowledge flows.

Information Ecologies: Circles of Confluence
Think a larger participatory sensemaking circle, eg in the middle of a 2×2 grid, many smaller PKM circles around a center circle,. Tiny beads making up a self-organizing, evolving, fluid and flowing boundary, weaving center and edge.

Patterning towards a Dynamic Knowledge Repository
Part, parcel and parsing of the remodeling turned into both a (set of) patterns and an improved strategic reflexivity, including an improved patterning capability.

1. Model, map, theory Eg the above mentioned 2×2 as an initial model approach.

2. Solution space Desired(meraki, culture), feasible(tools, literacy), viable(path, fitness)

3. Context Non-system, system, symmathesy

4. Play Participatory sensemaking and inquiry

5. Problem space Wicked problems and stopping rules, including when the remodelling is good enough and/or when running out of time or resources.

6. Forces & Building Blocks Trends, situational awareness, data, code, prototyping, implementation

7. Patterning

New centers, generative sequences and patternings
These seven steps, seen and understood as a generative squence are usually not fully performed. Instead, there is a production of intranet manuals (that no-one ever reads) project reports(that no-one even can be paid to read) and/or grafts onto the existing culture and practices (that sometimes takes and sometimes are rejected).

Cards, Patterns of Play, Large Finite Set Pattern Languages

Card: Architecture
A spiritual, emotional and personal basis
underlying every act of building or making.
Moving away from mechanistic, extractive,
and alienating thinking, building alternatives
to investment-oriented tracts of houses and
offices, divesting from what dehumanizes
our cities and our lives.

Understanding: Disclosing relevance beyond the known.

Pattern Language
However, if the patterning results in a pattern language, pattern matched well enough with existing patterns and the new and/or different patterns are understood well enough by the stakeholders, a cultural transformation can take place.

Techne: Tracing Novelty, Anticipating Autopoiesis, Re-enacting Possibility
The learning journey, the climb to a higher sensemaking plateau — then leads to the formation and adopting of — new models. And so on and so forth.

Some early drafts outlining part of the learning journey:

Beauty, love, trust & quaternions, episode 1: Clockwork

Beauty, love, trust & quaternions, episode 2: Human Nature

Beauty, love, trust & quaternions, episode 3: Patterning

In a network, the best place to store knowledge is in other people.

Corner of Epimetheus & Recall
Once knowledge is stored, once it is enacted into an integral, evolving part of ourselves and ourcellves — it can be recalled, put to good use, enacting convivial events and further developed, in a context of mutuality, autopoiesis and learning. Addressing needs.

Prioritize, (re)design and re-prioritize synergistic thinks, things, centers and gatherings.

“How does a slightly more vibrant, vibrantly alive body feel?”

“What are the necessary and sufficient knowledge flows
and recipes for happy, thriving communities?”

A made-up word, combining accept and exapt. Bricolage: effective use of what is available, imagineering of additional needed resources. Finding a different, youer you, rising to the occasion. In a network, the gap, glitch and polarized dichotomies, the fault lines in between old, obsolete, fragmenting narratives, is where the new will sprout. Eg in between digital and narrative, between capital and currency, between social and social.

Tender loving care, attention, media attention, time, intention, resources:

narratives x networks = momentum

Emergence can be augmented by allowing a small amount of analog unlearning and a small amount of digital novelty, to overlap.

Code-duality: Analog/Digital & Signal/Noise.

Magic is ever so slightly beyond what you allow yourself to see.

Attend according to what is unfolding. Imagine a necessary unity and transitional metalogue, between the old 20C caterpillar cells and the 21C imaginal cells. Allow local groups to emerge in response to evolutionary vectors and local needs. Life will find a way. Attend and nurture.

Magic: Attend, Flow, Perform and Enact

If you feel intensely alive and you have a deep intuitive understanding that we are already in the process of finding the others and making a difference the next two decades of our time here on Gaia — then this is the transition already and you are already participating.

How will we know? Flow. Flow is how we know.

Warm Money: Human Size Knowledge Markets



John Kellden
John Kellden

Written by John Kellden

Tools for navigating complexity, Cards catalyzing stories, Conversations that mind and matter, Digital communities and collaborative narratives

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