Understanding, episode 3: Serendipity

John Kellden
4 min readOct 18, 2019


In a network, your intuition is a dynamic, mostly self-organising handshake protocol between conscious and subconscious.

Why Not?

Instead of remaining produce, wallowing in shared misery inside Social Cognition Abattoirs, why not homestead Social Social Media?

The generative review of *social* social media, is instigating Play^n circles, renewal beyond comfort zones, embracing and cultivating serendipity and finding the others.

Here’s How To Do Social Social Media

a more human scaling

  • short bursts of (social stigmergy) connectivity
  • sharing anecdotes
  • stories providing context to the anecdotes
  • rediscovering how we are beautiful beyond belief, aka patterns of relationship, interaction, play and play^n
  • narratives providing place and zeitgest for social, cultural and societal confluences of stories
  • paradigms, providing deep process philosophy premises for the emergence, unfolding, evolving, stagnation and demise of narratives, stories and anecdotes
  • human evolution, in point, counterpoint to paradigms (eg plateaus)

Sounds like a plan, right?

Why? We made it? What happened? We happened
Given our collective task is to hand over thriving, convivial, sustainable societies and communities to our children, seven generations to come, what learning do we need to embrace, in order to entrust a context that will ensure a necessary and sufficient trust and movement,

trust, movement; movement, trust

in a context of

play, connectivity, dialogue, nature, generativity, mutuality and learning

informing and evolving our protocols, guiding our thinking, gathering and making, our going fast and slow?

Card, with an underlying pattern language: Play at scope and scale.

What? The Gentle Glow That Illumines
What lighthouse, what maps, what legends, what direction — our unfolding select parts of ourselves, extending choice parts of ourselves, into what vessels, exploring what serendipity, Ichigo Ichie and fortunate happenstance, traversing what seas, returning to what port?

Here You Go

renewal, contentment, comfort zone, denial, serendipity, confusion, trust, renewal

Where? Corner of Fast, Slow & Instant
Your human becoming, is a fast, slow and then instant presencing of win^n ripples of human beings becoming human. Your human becoming is a score in five moments, a meshwork of small arcs of reasoning, through five circles of trust, movement; movement, trust:

  • circles of strangers not yet turned friends
  • circles of friends, human beings engaging in mutual sovereignty
  • circles of concern
  • circles of influence
  • circles of confluence

When? Ten Million Bits/Second
Our conscious minds can process ten bits per second. Our whole mind can process ten million bits per second. Our handshake protocol between conscious and whole mind, is hard and/or effortlessly at work translating back and forth every moment. Understanding?

Card, with an underlying pattern language: Play at scope and scale.

Card, with an underlying pattern language: Play at scope and scale.

How? Conversations that Mind and Matter
When not hard at work, when not muddling through inside our self-enrolled schools of hard knocks, when constellated, configured differently, we are enacting a different protocol, enacting different conversations that mind and matter, enacting different places, in our minds, externalising our unfolding storylines into what places we call home, places where we move and have our different being, our human being becoming human.

It requires real, sustained unlearning effort and behavior divestment skill, to move beyond the orbit of Personal Ken by Divine Rule. The Kingly Ego.

Never ever underestimate how the ego trips us up by convenient omission, particularly when we believe we are performing well beyond its more obvious trappings.

Don’t beat yourselves up, it’s essentially just a bandwidth issue.

Our ego, our conscious minds can process to the tune of ten bits per second. It needs help with putting on pants, socks and shoes in the morning.

Our full 4E, 5E and 7E Cognition consciousness, can process life, the universe and everything to the tune of ten MILLION bits per second.

You are seeing things, not only through a Glass Darkly = Your Attachment to Your Own Fave Beliefs, but through a ridiculously narrow keyhole, consciously observing one millionth of what is going on.

“The nature of reality is transactional.”
— Alan Watts

Notice as a thought-experiment, where you believe Alan was, when he jotted that down. Could it be that was finding himself at a different place than you are currently finding yourself?

If so, is there a path between?

What trust, your movement? What movement, your trust?

And how much drag do you notice, from your own remaining attached to your current position?

Who? The 4bn Princesses of Serendip
Princes and princesses of the Blue-green corner. 8bn humans, beautiful beyond belief.

beautiful beyond belief

All your Way Stations you went through, portals unlocked, goals achieved, only to realize after some choice journeys, that it was all about going all in, all in understanding there was an embodied mind went forth, embracing turning velveteen, having all your sharp edges loved off…

Card, with an underlying pattern language: Play at scope and scale.

Whereto? Between the Comfort Zone and the Deep Blue Serendipity
Your move. All in how you perceive, observe, orient, design your weaving between conscious and whole mind, learn within context and enact your own unique combination of presence, intention, perspectives, language, tools, practice and place.

A Happy Descent And Then Some
Your move…

Understanding, episode 3: Serendipity



John Kellden
John Kellden

Written by John Kellden

Tools for navigating complexity, Cards catalyzing stories, Conversations that mind and matter, Digital communities and collaborative narratives

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