Reframing Things, episode 68: Playbook

Cards for Insight

John Kellden
6 min readDec 14, 2021

Addressing your generative questions between
situational awareness and preferable outcomes.

  1. You gather a small group around a question.
  2. You pick cards from a relevant deck.
  3. You converse and jot down insights.
  4. You conclude by turning the session into a knowledge artifact.

Card: Playbook
Patterns of play, paths
and transitions between
situational awareness
and preferable outcomes.

Card: Question
A question is mind rediscovering
the generative nature of relating
with reality and transforming it
into possibility.

Understanding: Holding generative space

Card: Understanding
What if understanding is our ability
to hold space for the possibility of
knowledge, as it emerges, unfolds,
directs and discloses its relevance to
unexplored aspects of things known?

Card: Insight
A catalytic, clear, meaningful,
generative, comprehensive,
perspective-shifting and
profound perception into
behavior and understanding.

Cards are decision quality and possibility space affordances. They form a large finite set, together with an underlying pattern language. This makes it possible to offer cards, sessions and other forms of related activities, at social machine scale.

Card Decks
Card decks are frames.

Card Sessions
Card Sessions are all about addressing your questions, weaving between situational awareness and preferable outcomes.

2022: Situational Awareness
You are here: Web 2 > Web 3

behavior > understanding understanding > social agency

Web 2 user behavior > card session insight > Web 3 agency (DAO)

Participation is the who, what and how to the social web coordination who, why and whereto.

Card: Web 4
One of the preferable outcomes at the core of the emerging social web
is coordination of human effort at social machine scope and scale.

Web 1: Hobbyist
Tinkering is the best part of the social web and something we could rediscover, rekindle and repurpose as part of Web 4.

1.5: Reflect, reframe, rethink and enact
Aka, Cards, Card Decks and Card Sessions

Web 2: User
2022: You are here

2.5: Reflect, reframe, rethink and enact
Aka, Cards, Card Decks and Card Sessions

Web 3: Investor

3.5: Reflect, reframe, rethink and enact
Aka, Cards, Card Decks and Card Sessions

Web 4: Participant
In a network, participation
is the organizing principle.

flow = structure x process; “x” = patterning

Card: Participatory Inquiry
People working together
across networks around
ideas, making a difference.

Boundary Objects: Social Web Building Blocks

Cards are decision quality, reframing, and possibility space affordances. Card decks are frames. Card sessions offer finite and infinite games turning small group genius into actionable insight. The underlying large finite set pattern, pattern language, enables the design of different social machines.

2022: Web 2.5
Web 3 is 103% about adding incentives, finance, allocation, distribution, token imagineering (NFT) metalayers to Web 2.

This is a challenge because Web 2 turned extremely centralized and people inside Web 2 platforms adapted too much to being users, crawling inside empty text-boxes, consuming shiny content.

Cards and Card Sessions, at Social Machine Scale
Small groups, cards turned building blocks of insight, creating boundary objects and knowledge artifacts, around a digital knowledge commons, a social machine powered by a large finite set of questions and cards, governed by conversations, card sessions, token engineering and social web formats.

Reframing Things: One hundred perspectives on online creation of knowledge.

Place (chat), Insight (card sessions), Dashboard (wallet) and Curation (social web formats), forming a modular process ontology metalayer of the social machine.

Engagement: Embracing Feedback
Life and signs co-evolve through multi-order cybernetics. Well-played card sessions are 103% about questions, cards and conversations, in a context of insights and small group genius in service to situational awareness, unfolding paths and preferable outcomes.

Introducing POODDEAU, a superset to the OODA loop.
Perceive, Observe, Orient, Design, Decide, Enact, Act and Unfold.

  • Perceive
    Life and signs are co-extensive and co-evolving, a temporary spell of the sensuous. It is the function of all individual humans to see and make us others see what we do not naturally perceive. In this, we are all fellow travelers along human evolution. We are all learning to see, a learning into aliveness and, over time, embracing a happy descent. There you go.
  • Observe
    We can reclaim how we observe, by noticing perception as something we do, related to our ongoing understanding proprioception of thought. Language, tech, social cognition, symbols, ritual and right action, all scaffolding for how we observe.
  • Orient
    Orientation is generative review in a context of attention turned situational awareness, in service to sufficient trust enabling movement to preferable outcomes.
    What questions help us orient and re-orient ourselves? What ten bits per second of fully conscious awareness, applied as cognition trimtab to our ten million bits per second minds? The generative review of orientation is place and path. As soon as we find ourselves, we can design.
  • Card: Design
    Design is intuition and temporary
    dialogue between conscious and
    subconscious towards goals.
    Design is to goals, what observe is to path.
    There’s many other cards.
    If you don’t like this one, I have others.

Multi-order cybernetics as patterns of play in the intersects of design and decide.

flow = structure x process; “x” = patterning

Multi-order cybernetics is also at play between all the other steps.

  • Decide: Reflect, Reframe and Rethink
    Cards are decision quality affordances. Card decks are frames.
  • Enact: 9E Cognition
    A superset of cognition, social cognition and 4E cognition.
  • Act: One trillion trees, one million villages, one thousand eco-cities,
    a seven generation prayer on a small blue-green corner of the universe.
  • Unfold: Plenitude
    Enkinaesthesia (field), synkinaesthesia (vector) and unfolding wholeness, an aesthetics of plenitude forming a premise for what superstructures that serve.

Social Learning: Knowledge in service to Preferable Outcomes
Comments, moves, arcs, circles, cycles, spirals, spheroid spirals and hopf fibrations, from unfold, “back” to perceive. A common situation is where unfold and perceive, rather than consciously embraced, are taken as external, as events, experience and fate. As is the case with the OODA-loop, Observe, Orient, Decide and Act, where the next Observe follows the Act.

Diagonal: Social machine means to social learning ends.

Return on Engagement: Knowledge Artifacts
The playbook is 103% about helping players invite small group genius and co-create knowledge artifacts. Eg tokenizable metalayers added to cards, decks and recorded, annotated card sessions.

social learning = engagement x return on engagement

“x” = patterning

Cards for Insight: Playbook
Addressing your generative questions between
situational awareness and preferable outcomes.

  1. You gather a small group around a question.
  2. You pick cards from a relevant deck.
  3. You converse and jot down insights.
  4. You conclude by turning the session into a knowledge artifact.
Cards considered in light of generative questions.

Card: Playbook
Patterns of play, paths
and transitions between
situational awareness
and preferable outcomes.



John Kellden
John Kellden

Written by John Kellden

Tools for navigating complexity, Cards catalyzing stories, Conversations that mind and matter, Digital communities and collaborative narratives

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