Reframing Things, episode 2: Abundance
What options, what preferable outcomes?
We’re finding ourselves as a human species at a cross-roads where we are called to gather together in metalogue and resolve a whole host of wicked inter-related problems.
What strategies?
What adjacent possibles?
What possibility spaces?
What options as part of enacting and walking what requisite variety of paths, forming what s-curve traversals, between what rediscovery of situational awareness and what re-envisioning of what preferable outcomes?
Ecosystemics: Requisite Variety and Biodiversity
The world’s biodiversity hotspots are also the most linguistically diverse places.
Addressing Wicked Problems
The generative sequence, enabling structure-preserving transformation:
1. Questions
2. Paths
3. Cards
4. Taking thought (creativity, ingenuity, cognition, social cognition)
5. Change
6. Social circles
7. Considerations (intersects of tacit and explicit)
8. Possibility Spaces (practices, options, navigation)
9. Card Sessions (cultivating flow and ambiance)
10. Disposition (including understanding inference)
11. How to play
12. Character (thinks, things and gatherings)
13. Situational awareness
14. Flow (design conducive to…)
15. Knowledge (particularly scaffolding and spiraling)
16. Preferable outcomes (most people understand their own short game, how to move from 15 to 16)
17. Resilience, anti-fragility and thrivability
18. Conversations, dialogue and metalogue (meaning-making-moving-with)
19. Purpose
20. Paradigm (overarching narratives, zeitgeist, paradigmatic understanding)
21. Participation (small groups gathering together, figuring things out, events)
22. Scenes (clusters of events, more or less aligned with and evolving with zeitgeist)
23. Media and Hypermedia
24. Images and Memes
25. Perspectives (reframing and re-orienting)
Purpose is that which anneals personality and knowledge, in service to
the forming, evolving and unfolding of essential character.
All of the above can combine and re-combine as part of
- Card Sessions, a gamified way of reframing things
- Labs, turning joint reframing into actionable insight
- Information Ecologies
This thread and generative sequence begins with finding ourselves, rediscovering ourselves, somewhere in between biodiversity and situational awareness, learning into aliveness.
Situational Awareness
This also means, that the strategic outcome of this here generative sequence, is character.
What individual and collective character is conducive to a re-aligning with human evolution?
“… all the rivers, mountains and lakes are very sacred for Lepchas. We worship and believe that the river Rongyoung (a tributary of Teesta river) is most sacred among the rivers of Sikkim. Lepcha believe that after they die their soul travels back to Poomzoo Lyang through Rongyoung river, to the foothills of Khangchendzonga.”
— Mayalmit Lepcha
“In 2012 a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences made a profound finding. Written by L.J. Gorenflo and colleagues, it was called the ‘Co-occurrence of linguistic and biological diversity in biodiversity hotspots and high wilderness areas’. It surmised one simple fact — that wherever in the world biodiversity was high, linguistic and cultural diversity were also high, and vice versa. The world’s biodiversity hotspots were also the most linguistically diverse places. The richness of language and the richness of life everywhere on Earth, were deeply synonymous in their own complex ways. Some subsequent literature suggested that the same climatic and environmental factors influence both. In other places, life and language share wondrous reciprocities and direct mutual relationships.”
Preferable Outcomes
“Language in the way we’ve come to define and experience it is considered a uniquely human capacity. Perhaps it’s a bit more than that too. Maybe it’s a unique ecological bonding shared between humankind and the planet. Not an isolated capacity of a species, but a relationship. We find ways of speaking through the environment but places, environments too find ways of speaking through us.”
“…at 35, I started talking about thrivability. I am not a Mary Poppins blindly optimistic sort. My optimism is a conscious choice. I imagine being on the Titanic while it is sinking. Do I want to scream and yell about it? Do I want to gobble up all the champagne and caviar I can find? Or do I want to take some action and hold some hope that I can find a way through? Do I want to help others, as much as I can before the end? The predicament may be dire, but there is no way through if I don’t try and don’t believe the impossible is possible. I choose action, hope, and helping. I choose it because it is who I want to be in this moment, regardless of what outcome occurs.”
— Jean Russell
Metalogue can be found in the intersect of dharmic conversations and meaning-making-moving-with.
Metalogue can also be found inside each and every moment, in between stimulus and response, a learning into that generative aspect of virtue that turns path, and that annealing aspect of path that turns yet another facet of virtue.
My own legacy and claim to immortality, will be my 87 million cards, neatly packaged together with a large finite set pattern, pattern language, augmenting a requisite variety of paths, between today and preferable outcomes, homesteading possibility spaces.
Each and every human being on this here blue-green corner, have the option of rediscovering their own essential character and then, discovering what path that unfolds, a path made by walking.
Should your purpose call you forth, a confluence beyond the known.
The generative review of purpose is paradigmatic understanding. (cf Agamben, although there’s many other approaches).
The generative review of paradigmatic understanding is virtue(placemaking) and path(participatory inquiry).
A Kind of Homecoming
Corner of virtue and path, confluences of placemaking and participatory inquiry.
“We’ve got snow up on the mountains
We’ve got rivers down below”
— Peter Gabriel
Individual and small group genius and scenius
We’re finding ourselves as a human species at a cross-roads where we are called to resolve a whole host of wicked inter-related problems.
What strategies?
What adjacent possibles?
What possibility spaces?
What options, forming what s-curve traversals, between what rediscovery of situational awareness and what re-envisioning of what preferable outcomes?
Information Ecologies
An information ecology is a system of people, practices, values, and technologies in a particular environment.
“Diversity is necessary for the health of the ecology itself, to permit the system to survive continual and perhaps chaotic change. Monoculture — a fake, brittle ecology — gives sensational results for a short time, then completely fails. Information ecologies should be teeming with different kinds of people and ideas and technologies. It is captivating to wander through a rain forest and stultifying to be stuck in a hundred acres of soybeans. A diverse information ecology is a lively, human, intensely social place, even if it incorporates very advanced technologies. It has many different resources and materials and allows for individual proclivities and interests.”