Reframing Things, episode 107: Adjacent Strategies

Cards for Insight: Helping you reflect, reframe and play

John Kellden
11 min readJan 10, 2022

In a network, generative questions are adjacent possible affordance.

Scroll down a bit for the how, the adjacent strategies,
and for how to play. Read on for the premise.

Card: Adjacent Possible
An ever-expanding realm of potential ideas,
collaborations, and insights emerging and
unfolding through interaction, card-play
conversation and iterated exploration.

Cards for Insight: Use the cards to explore and address wicked problems

Are you a provider?
Have you made provisions?
Are we seeing ourselves through?
Are we seeing ourselves and others through the 21st Century?

Are we coordinating our human efforts, exploring
and iterating away at the adjacent possible, in light
of unfolding paths to preferable outcomes?

The world is changing.
We feel it in the water.
We listen to Gaia and her songs.
We sense a newfound vibrancy in the aether.
Much that once was is rekindled,
for some now live who remember it.

Imagine Middle Earth as adjacent to both Earth and Gaia.

Cards for Insight: Anticipatory systems intelligence turned adjacent possible (response)ability.

1. Want
Each and every human is on a path, figuring out our own needs and wants, and the difference between them, doing our thing.

2. Enact
Renewal, contentment inside a comfort zone, denial, confusion, novelty, trust and renewal. Serendipities, events not yet understood as generative questions.

3. Reflect
What if there’s a different path? Proprioception of thought is your friend, however your own take and level of understanding your inference ladder traversals.

Card: Proprioception
taking thought in a
context of process
and reality

Cf Alfred North Whitehead and David Bohm

Cf Alfred North Whitehead and David Bohm

4. Anneal
What gems, our knowledge annealing? Individual human ingenuity, crafting a first draft of a generative question. This can take fifteen seconds or seven years, time is not of the essence, the inherent generativity of life is.

5. Gather
Can we draw forth a beginning text, and/or idea? Gather a small group genius around collaborative editing of the question, until it starts to sprout and grow legs.

6. Outline
What shapes, our problem formulations? Draw cards from available, relevant and/or adjacent card decks, addressing your generative question and the related structure, process and flow questions, around it. Take lines of inquiry for a joint saunter. Tools for Thought. Tools for Social Cognition, at Social Social Machine Scale.

7. Frame
How is our unfolding game? How are our games unfolding? Frame and reframe, until a scaffold for insights, small group genius ambiance, alignment around the generative question turned emerging, unfolding path and agreement on next steps, forming a generative sequence.

8. Converse
Learn about, connect, talk, know, like, transact, triangulate, trust, relate. Conversational intelligence is to 103% about social cognition applied in a context of considered, considerate means to convivial, preferable ends.

Card: Provision
some now live
who remember
and rekindle

Coordination of human effort and means to preferable ends.

9. Connect
How are we connecting dots? In personal, mostly uninformed opinion, in tribes, institutions, markets and networks, in science, in art, in poetry? What questions, cards and insights, what thoughts, in between?

Card: Virtuereality
Virtuereality is the enaction of
a generative set and sequence of
patterns co-evolving with experience,
and our true self and experience of
awe and meaning is our rediscovery
and recognition of these patterns.

“Art is the imposing of a pattern
on experience, and our aesthetic
enjoyment is recognition of
the pattern.”

― Alfred North Whitehead

10. Narrate
What stories are we part of, for short glimpses, for a day, for years, throughout our own lives, and longer? What continuity, what change? What evolutionary purpose, annealing what essential character deep inside ourselves, with joy unfolding out of our recognition?

11. Rethink
Learn to learn, learn to unlearn, learn to adapt, exapt, axapt and adopt new understanding of principles, new perspectives, newfound ability to wield proprioception of thought and instigate new paths, guided by what preceding steps are relevant to us, in the place we take thought and do things.

12. Design
What designs are we partial too? To what extent have we graduated from the school of hard knocks, moving beyond curb your enthusiasm?

13. Curate
What small things are ours to mend and to take care of? How is our kintsugi game?

Card: Play^n
holding generative space
for a requisite variety of
paths to preferable ends

Play^n: Paths between situational awareness and preferable outcomes.

14. Play
Instigate finite and infinite games conducive to conversations that mind, cultivate and matter, curating information and weaving knowledge between engagement, social learning, situational awareness and preferable outcomes.

In a context of 9E cognition, communication is the adjacent possible.

15. Move
What preferable outcomes, your communication? What moves are you making? What cards are you adding to the table? What small set of cards are you transforming into movement, into performance?

Card: Question
A question is mind rediscovering
the generative nature of relating
with reality and transforming it
into possibility.

Q&U: Cards for Insight — Addressing your questions.

[ your questions, cards, comments and insights
here, between Question and Understanding ]

Card sessions turned knowledge artifacts.

[ now, your move, your annotation… ]

Example comments, insights and hypertext:
Thinking Inside The Quantum Box

Card: Understanding
What if understanding is our ability
to hold space for the possibility of
knowledge, as it emerges, unfolds,
directs and discloses its relevance to
unexplored aspects of things known?

Understanding how to emerge, unfold, cultivate, steward and generatively conclude.

Boundary Objects: Scaffolds
Knowledge, mapping to moves, arcs, cycles, circles and spirals.

“We cannot think first and act afterwards. From the moment of birth we are immersed in action and can only guide it by taking thought.”
― Alfred North Whitehead

Boundary Objects: Bridging Local Needs and Commons Understanding

“Boundary objects are objects which are both plastic enough to adapt to local needs and constraints of the several parties employing them, yet robust enough to maintain a common identity across sites.”
— Susan Leigh Star and James R. Griesemer

Knowledge Artifact Patterning: Boundary Object Overlap and Synthesis
Knowledge artifacts are boundary objects which are both remaining deeply related to reality, yet versatile enough to augment individual ingenuity when taking thought, human social collective intelligence and small group genius ability.

Read the two quotes from ANW and Susan Leigh Star, again. Return to the knowledge artifact text. Do this until you see the overlap and patterning.

16. Turn
How are we turning our questions, cards, moves, comments, insights and annotations into small group genius?

Given that participation is THE organizing principle, how are we participating?

17. Grasp
How are we cultivating our boundary management in a context of knowledge? How are we informed by others beyond our personal ken?

18. Reach
To what extent are we willing and able to move beyond?
What combination of intention, insight and generative
conclusions, conducive to our reach beyond grasp?

Card: Artifacts
sharing mixtapes
conducive to
knowledge flows

Cards, decks, sessions turned tokenized metalayer knowledge artifacts.

19. Enact
Card sessions turned knowledge artifacts, shared to an online knowledge commons.

20. Circle
How are we cultivating social cognition and knowledge flows? How are we shaping our circles of concern, influence, confluence, consilience and convivial conversations?

21. Situate
What knowledge is ours to share? How are we situating our knowledge relative to existing maps, models, theories and approaches? How are we applying our knowledge, in a context of attention turned situational awareness?

Cards for Insight: All Together Now
In a context of 9E cognition, communication is the adjacent possible. In a network, online reality leaves a lot to our reimagineering.

Yes, one of the patterning practices conducive to paths made by walking, that you can experience in a well-played Card Session.

Given the above, adjacent strategies can be seen, understood and pursued as 103% about communication as means, to adjacent possible ends.

Adjacent Strategies
This is the what and how, to the who, whereto and why of the above.
Strategies are all about getting from A to B, when, a bit paradoxically, we rediscover C between A and B. In the subset case of complicated concerns, where there’s a well-behaved sequence of A, B and C, you don’t need strategies, only plans and project management.

1. Personal context
Desire, evolutionary reach beyond default existence.

Card: Adjacent
moving differently;
adjacency, possibility
and preferability

Cards for Insight: Understanding adjacent possibles

2. Personal local map
Personal local maps co-extensive with umwelt and prefab narrative sensegiving. Enactive intersubjectivity, aka comfort zone muddling through, with glimpses of unmuddling, dreams and visions. Androids dreaming of electric catgifs and NFT’s. If you encounter online trolls and orcs, check if you have fallen into the Middle Earth Map.

3. Individual narratives: fields, forces and vectors
Seven years of preparation followed by fifteen seconds of bliss. Ordinary understanding (behavior); understanding understanding (learning from feedback) and understanding unfolding (social agency); life and signs, co-extending and co-evolving (culture). Culture is the residual kokkenmodding of old maps and legends.

4. Individual mind, personal attention
Locus of control and liminal spaces (astrology, economics, gematria, healing, magic, dreams, symbols), over time, learning about forces, building blocks and boundary objects. Just because it is intensely pseudo doesn’t mean you are not entertaining the economics.

5. Participant in systems
The insufficiency and anxiety of single-player; systems thinking, anticipatory systems intelligence, intelligence turned ability (Shu Ha Ri), leveling up your participation game.

6. Problem and possibility spaces
Reach beyond grasp (103%); supersets, the synkinaesthetic vector of ideas, social cognition, online cognition and memes.

Card: Social Cognition
Intelligence turned ability to
understand ourselves and others
beyond our personal ken.

Cards for Insight: Intelligence turned ability; social media turned social social media.

7. Local solution spaces
Social constructs; imagination; there was a child went forth…please consider neither weaponizing, nor polarizing your moat.

8. Cultural, societal context
Learning the ropes, learning the score, learning into aliveness.

9. Societal maps, models and approaches
Art; science; poetry. Zeitgeists, plateaus, paradigms and aeons in flux.

10. Societal narratives
Panarchic attractors and nature of order centers (C. Alexander).
The difference between how nature thinks and how people work.

11. Rethinking forces and building blocks
Boundary objects re-imagined, visual thinking, diagrams, scenario thinking.
Games and game^n as the art of agency, synkinaesthesia and enkinaesthesia.

Card: Synkinaesthesia
Mind evolving, in service
to evolutionary co-agency.

Synkinaesthesia is to vector what enkinaesthesia is to field.

Synkinaesthesia: Evolutionary co-agency
Mind evolving, with our thoughts and felts turning increasingly proprioceptive, with phronesis guiding our performance, virtues turned paths, lines of emergent, unfolding, cultivating, extending and evolving participatory inquiry, with life and signs, co-extensive, inviting and co-arising: embracing, enacting and stewarding the dialogical nature of the pervasive thinking, feeling, gathering and enacting of being, in service to the immanent and regenerative co-agency of evolution.

12. Design & Code; Code & Design
Adjacent possibles; design synthesis, problem spaces turned possibility spaces; generative sequences; s-curve traversals.

13. Paths
Insight, newfound perception, trimtags as chreod affordances, problems and possibilities as path affordances.

14. Play^n
Solution spaces evolving with taking thought and taking lines for joint sauntering; play^n > play; lines (Tim Ingold); paths made by walking.

15. Game^n
Technology as interface, contextual intelligence (Ursula K. Le Guin).

16. Win^n
Maps, models, theories and approaches that make sense and meaning
as means, to possible and preferable (win^n) ends.

The “^n” thing is all about convivial, more evolutionary fit supersets.

The “^n” thing applied: online homesteading, evolution, adaptation and exaptation.

Card: Story
review, story, tasks
and generative review

Cards for Insight: Addressing your questions, providing roped paths for generative review.

17. Narratives
Meaning-making, languaging, fundierung, prosaics, syntactic (coding), semantic (languaging) and pragmatic (narrating) information and signal processing.

18. Imagineering
Cards, card decks, card sessions turned knowledge artifacts, knowledge commons engineering and autopoietic shift, networked thought and online human becoming.

Cards for Insight: How To Play
Addressing your generative questions between
situational awareness and preferable outcomes.

1. You gather a small group around a question.

2. You pick cards from a relevant deck.

[ now, your move… ]

3. You converse and jot down insights.

4. You conclude by turning the session into a knowledge artifact.

Cards for Insight: Card Sessions turned Knowledge Artifacts

Pattern Language, episode 1: Spheroid Spiral
My core idea and innovation might well be seeing and understanding knowledge as spheroid spirals, with questions, cards and sessions weaving between engagement and return on engagement, situated somewhere between situational awareness and preferable outcomes.

Web 1, 2, 3, 4, …
In 2021, Crypto got rebranded as Web 3. Our ongoing quest for the Social Web, now with extra blockchain. Cards for Insight can be seen, understood, played and homesteaded as Web 4. The knowledge flows between Web 1, 2, 3 and 4, forming part of our turning social media into social social media.

Social Social Web 1, 2, 3 and 4: digital, virtual, online, networked and virtuereality expeditions, explorations, innovations and stories turned value.
The Social Social Web, now with extraordinary humans.

What has blockchain got to do with Cards for Insight?
Think cards, decks and sessions, fitted with token metalayers, with an underlying large finite set pattern, pattern language, forming part of
a different social machine.

19. Players of Game^n games
Players, participants, curators, builders, homesteaders. The edge and convivial fringe of our trust, moves and movement.

20. World-building
Problem spaces and possibility spaces as preferable outcome affordances. Circles of concern, influence, confluence, consilience, concrescence and considered, considerate and convivial conversations that mind, cultivate, coordinate human effort and matter.

21. Generative Sequence
Knowledge and understanding; understanding knowledge; attention turned situational awareness, intelligence turned ability, behavior turned agency and will turned flow.

Card: Flow
attention, intelligence,
behavior, agency and flow
in a context of knowledge

Cards for Insight: Flow is how we know

- How would we know?

- Flow. Flow is how we know.

[ now, your move… ]

Play? Sign up here:
Adjacent Possible Playground

Cards for Insight: LLM’s
Cards, patterns of play and card-play conversations combine,
facilitating exploring paths between worthwhile dilemmas,
generative center questions and preferable outcomes.

There’s around 500 cards in the source deck, with more than 120k
two-card and 21M three-card combinations. With four-, five- and
six-card combinations mapping to LLM’s, Large Language Models, facilitating human associations(card-play) combining with
AI-assisted annotations(prompts and responses).

Think cards with an underlying pattern language and with an underlying Modular Process Onto-Epistemology forming part of an Online Commonplace, with a searchable Knowledge Repository.



John Kellden
John Kellden

Written by John Kellden

Tools for navigating complexity, Cards catalyzing stories, Conversations that mind and matter, Digital communities and collaborative narratives

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