Pattern Languages, part 14: Fields
“In a network, after the revelation: fields of clover.”
You made it. Would you like to join the others? Would you like to walk with those who are no longer seeing themselves as crazy, for performing to different tunes?
Rhythm of Becoming Intensely Human
If our startled motion sets in motion a movement of togetherness and the continuum of considerate collective intelligence forever pursues its natural unfolding, can we conceive of an end to our suffered beginning — of arcs, once thought insignificant, increasingly adding beauty to ever widening gyres?
ever widening gyres
We thought we were compelled to address hierarchies that no longer serve, yet after different glimpses, our taking one good clear look in a glass sacred, life is once more seen as co-extensive with the signs of our own making?
The word, plenitude, are we to re-infuse it with newfound meaning? Other words, lyrics to music, a voluntary church choir, singing into being a simplicity beyond complexity, a convivial returning to our villages, seeing them as sacred, consciously, as if for the first time?
as if for the first time
Is consciousness, so?
Is our clamoring for answers, a preparation for our consciousness to, little by little, live into our own unique adding beauty through what questions we wholeheartedly pursue?
What if there’s good measure?
What if what is at stake is the validity of the quantitative mind becoming increasingly of service to that qualitative mind whose nature compels it to weave between, thus with multiplicity, though unity is always and already implied as generative opposites in unending relationships?
tracings of togetherness
Arcs, nested — in and through and around and in between — endlessly. Toroidal tracings turning a turntaking of togetherness.
Your first startled move, happening in the right direction…