Participatory Inquiry, episode 99: New Thing
“In a network, nature is the new thing, mutuality is the new covenant, learning is the new possibility space, connectivity is the new source of wealth, play is the new work, generativity is the new assessment and conversation is the ancient and brand new participatory experience.”
As citizens of the 21C, we are all soon 8bn of us, you, me and everyone else, called to infuse fifty shades of presence into our conversations, until we rediscover nature, until we rediscover our own unique individual inner nature as well as nature, Gaia, the blue-green corner of the universe, a nature where we love, move and have our being.
This requires rediscovering a deeper place inside of us, reconnecting with a core me, in order to be able to play really well, in the face of a radically new we.
“It requires a very unusual mind to
undertake the analysis of the obvious.”
― Alfred North Whitehead
A Streetcar Named 8bn
In search of this new thing, it has been my immense fortune, to meet some choice, select human beings on my network meanderings. A journey where a newfound wealth is co-evolving with meaningful connectivity.
“A singular lens is only valid until the realization comes that it was only one of many. In Singapore this week we are shining the light into the mix of Islamic, Malay, Chinese, Indian, and western cultures… (whatever any of those are, and I do not know). Our conversation is profound mutual learning. We have been using Symmathesy to discuss across cultures, across generations, across sectors and the fields of family therapy, education, ecology, addiction medicine, and social services.”
— Nora Bateson
New Lenses Through Which Fifty Shades of Presence
Through embracing multiple lenses, we come to appreciate and understand, more of our own and others’ nature.
“Every entity is to be understood in terms of the
way it is interwoven with the rest of the universe.”
― Alfred North Whitehead
Through embracing patterns that connects, patternings that re-aligns, we weave between ancient and brand new ways of engaging more of our natural selves in conversations with others. Intelligence co-evolving with learning.
Card: Character
“…like a complete unknown.”
— Bob Dylan
Conversational Learning and Collective Intelligence
Conversational learning happens when the participants holds a space larger than, and more inclusive than, their own individual agenda. When there is such a space, characterised by both inclusivity and curiosity — collective intelligence emerges.
In contrast — when a group of individuals stick to their individual agenda and are low on curiosity, ie, they’ve already made up their minds what they are going to say, this results in discussion and debate.
In a network, the best place to story knowledge
is amidst, among and in between people.
If the conversational container holds — through among other qualities, the relationships, the trust extended and the flow of knowledge — the collective intelligence is then channeled and expressed by all the individual participants, adding their own unique voice and vector.
Surrender to unique individuals forming collective performance
The resultant vector can be described as scenius, a gradual surrendering to what is, a performance, a collective intelligence gathered from and expressed by the participants applied to a particular topic and context — in a particular time and place.
”When the sum of all personal intelligences is greater than
the sum of its part, because the field has become intelligent.”
— Michel Bauwens
Participatory Inquiry enabling dynamic narrative alignment
Scenius, when applied to a particular topic, resolves some of the dynamics inside the conversational exchange, the complex responsive processes between the participants.
By doing so, there’s a delivering of a momentum as well as a dynamic context out of the degree of narrative alignment. Narrative alignment is what happens when we update our maps and models, in favour of reality.
Latticework is one way to apply all of the above, and is something I will explore in other posts.
Thing? Yes. Thing and Thing
A thing can be an object. A thing can also be a place, where people gather to engage in conversations that mind and matter, pursuing participatory inquiry.
Participatory Inquiry, episode 99: New Thing