Life After Corona, episode 43: Turkish Movie with Happy Ending
What is Life, compared to this?
2020 Mar 13
April is going to be brutal.
2020 Apr 13
Abbas Kendar :
…and most disaster movies are based in the US!
life imitates art…
John Kellden :
Ouch! This is true!
But it’s a horror movie, right?
All the people who are, like…
…hey, everyone, Spring Break!
…and we who are watching are like:
- Nooooo!
John Kellden :
Or, maybe:
- Disaster movie, 37%
- Horror movie, 23%
- Turkish movie with happy ending, 0.003%
- …
Abbas Kendar :
When the heroic Morgan Freemen, Danny Glover and Bill Pullman are nowhere to be found to save the day with rolledup sleeves, it truly turns into a horror movie.
Walking right into maiming mayhem.
Thank You For Flying Corona Air. Have a wonderful rest of your life.