1. Digital Conversations that Mind and Matter, at scope, sensemaking, behavioral change and societal innovation scale
It’s a god awful small affair.
Hi Everyone!
As of now, there will not be any new posts added to
Conversations that Mind and Matter.
However, there will still be new content added, in order to produce and share Curation of Context, Contextual Intelligence, Understanding Cards, Life After Corona, 21C Transition and all the other stuff.
Different building blocks making a difference
Stuff turned things, things to be used as building blocks for our different social cognition, our future societies.
The curation will from now on be focussed
exclusively on adding
curated, considered, considerate comments,
to the existing posts and comment threads.
Here’s how this is going to work:
1. Curation
Large parts of it, me, but all others are welcome to add curated content and context to the existing threads. Thus, a community crowdsourcing of news, information and patterns of win^n play, to the emerging, unfolding and evolving body of knowledge in here.
2. Commenting
Add considered, considerate comments, to the threads.
3. Clicking
Since there will not be any new posts, the clicking will, over time, graduate towards the comment threads.
Clicking comments is an invaluable part of the whole process, since it is a time and cost effective way to help all participants to understand what is happening, what is currently holding individual and joint attention.
4. Conversation
Conversations that Mind and Matter, has been the stated purpose of this here digital place, since November 2012, when it started in Google+ and since February 2015, when we moved to fb. Look for posts named “Conversations that Mind and Matter” and “Participatory Inquiry” if you’d like more context, more understanding.
5. Distribution
Share with others if anything what we are engaging in here, is share-worthy, if you feel others should read some of the shares. You can also obviously ping and cc, others by link mentioning them, alerting them to select parts of what we are gathering and engaging around.
Cards: Guy In Spacesuit
Ok, that’s it. I hope to return to the guy in the spacesuit, a happy descent, the guy in the image below, by way of Cards. Some of the Cards, will look like New Posts, but they aren’t, they’re cards. Play.
Digital Conversations that Mind and Matter:
Learning how to play really well together,
at scope, sensemaking and scale
Play. Cards which we can play, learning how to play really well together, at scope, sensemaking and scale.
Throughout everything happening in here, the near optimal disposition you can bring to the table, to the comment threads:
Win^n Play
In a network, we play to win^n.