Cards for Insight: Rainforest

In a network, one trillion trees.

John Kellden
3 min readOct 31, 2022

Cards for Insight
As easy as a card game, as
powerful as a social machine.

Cards for Insight: 8bn human vessels, and what flourishing we leave in our wake.

Card: Governance as a Service
In a network, planetary governance and
networked multi-order cybernetics in
service to and guided by flourishing
communities and planetarization of

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Question
A question is mind rediscovering
the generative nature of relating
with reality and transforming it
into possibility.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Rainforest
The Amazon will reach tipping
point if current trend of
deforestation continues.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Cards for Insight: Cards as roped paths, navigating the new.

Card: Understanding
What if understanding is our
ability to hold space for the
possibility of knowledge, as
it emerges, unfolds, directs
and discloses its relevance
to unexplored aspects of
things known?

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Cards for Insight: Taking thought at card session scope and social machine scale.

Card: Governance
Governance is to behavior what
multi-order cybernetics is to agency.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Governance
Multi-order cybernetics and information
in a context of relational meaning-making
at individual, group and social collective
intelligence scales, in service to one trillion
trees, one million villages, one thousand
eco-cities and seven generations to come.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Governance

“How can governments respond
effectively to the complex reality of the
world? How can government support
people to lead flourishing lives, when
each life is different? I have been
wrestling with these questions for much
of my career.”

Olli-Pekka Heinonen

The Amazon will reach tipping point if current trend of deforestation continues

Across the entire 847 million hectares of Amazonian territory, some 26% of its forests are showing evidence of deforestation and degradation — 20% have suffered irreversible loss and 6% are highly degraded.

Cards for Insight: Shared understanding at scope and scale.

Card: Participatory Inquiry
Learning into our collective
imagination and stepping
into our collective power.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Change
Play drives change
and evolves agency.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Worthwhile Dilemma

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Preferable Outcome
One trillion trees.
One million villages.
One thousand eco-cities.
Seven generations.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Preferable Outcome

“Trust movement.”
— Alfred Adler



John Kellden

Cards catalyzing stories, Conversations that mind and matter, Digital communities and collaborative narratives