Cards for Insight: Pick two cards

In a network, we play^n to win^n.

John Kellden
5 min readOct 13, 2022

Cards for Insight: Play
Pick two cards, add your thoughts between. You can see this text as a card session, you can highlight the “pick two cards and add your thoughts between” where they appear below and add your insights.

Card: Parts
What are your unique thoughts?

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Wholes
How are you sharing them, making
a difference to unfolding wholeness?

Cards for Insight: Finite and Infinite Games
There’s around 100k two-card combinations, a large finite set patterns of play^n pattern language, inviting participants to play^n to win^n: incentives, curation, conversation and card sessions).
Yes, play^n and win^n are cards as well. You adding your thoughts between the cards is how you earn tokens, your moves weaving finite and infinite games.

Cards for Insight: Small group genius scope and social machine scale

Cards for Insight: Wise Playground
Proprietary platforms and wise playgrounds.

Cards for Insight: QUDAO
Incentives, insights and impact. QUDAO is short for a different DAO, providing cybernetics (governance), mechanisms and incentives for Card Sessions: Q&U.

Incentives related to and evolving with individual, small group genius, community and social collective intelligence activities that drive creation, cybernetics, curation and commerce.

Card: Incentives
Small group genius and
design cybernetics.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Insight
Pick two cards, add
your thoughts between.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Insight
A sudden awareness of
the solution to a problem.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Insight
A catalytic, clear, meaningful, generative,
comprehensive, perspective-shifting and
profound perception into behavior, agency,
understanding and shared understanding.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Cards for Insight: As simple as a card game, as powerful as a social machine

Card: Impact
One trillion trees, one million villages, one
thousand eco-cities, and communities of
practice, seven generations to come.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Intrinsic Motivation
Adding considered, considerate comments
to conversations and meaning-making
conducive to co-creation and conviviality.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Extrinsic Motivation
Your dashboard, your questions, cards,
insights, your moves, tokens, sessions.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Alignment
Affinity as the how to the why of
alignment of intrinsic and extrinsic.

Cards for Insight: The Playbook
The Ontology and Epistemology of Play^n Card Sessions.
Yes, that’s related to Karen Barad. There’s also some choice select Alfred North Whitehead under the ontology hood. The epistemology is kept simple: an epistemology of play^n. Since all human epistemologies are wrong, we can reframe that as requisite variety. See parts and wholes.

Card: Situational Awareness
In a network, we
play^n to win^n.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Meaning
Attention turned situational awareness.
Will turned flow.
Intelligence turned ability.
Behavior turned agency.
Play turned play^n.
Worthwhile dilemmas turned possibility spaces.
Opinion turned shared understanding.
Paths turned preferable outcomes.
Insights turned moves and movement.

“turned” = knowledge, the game engine

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Trust

“Trust movement.”
— Alfred Adler

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Meaning

“A product of the experiences we craft (interactivity),
the depth of the relationships we form (community),
and the self-sovereignty we have to express ourselves
— Richard Kim

flow = structure x process

“x” = product of = patterning in general and shared understanding in particular, a networked and convivial approach to the worthwhile dilemma of scaling.

Note that there can be several different cards with the same name,
eg Card: Meaning.

Cards for Insight: How it all works
Thoughts and moves. In the center of better social machines — different game engines (in this case, knowledge), driving behavior turned agency (moves). Yes, Social Machine is also a card, several, in fact.

Card: Knowledge
A good enough scaffolding for
engagement, learning, feedback,
generativity and transformation.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Moves
Pick two cards and add
your thoughts between.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Cards for Insight: Knowledge
The cards for insight game engine is knowledge. Yes, there’s a whole method cards card deck called Knowledge.

“turned” = knowledge

Card: Review
Attention turned
situational awareness.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Value Proposition
Earning tokens by
participating in
card sessions.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Tasks

Meaning-making through conversations that mind, cultivate, metalogue, create and matter, augmented by dashboards, curation, different chat designs and card sessions.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Move
Pick two cards, add
your thoughts between.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Begin
Begin with generativity and
preferable outcome in mind.

The generative review: shared understanding at

  • card session and small group genius scope
  • social social media reach, card sessions turned knowledge artifacts
  • intelligent, networked distribution, knowledge artifacts turned boundary objects
  • social machine scale

Card: Whereto
Holding generative space for a requisite variety of paths between attention turned situational awareness and divestment from shared misery turned preferable outcome.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Nuance
Life and signs, co-extensive,
co-extending and convivial.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Crypto Gaming and NFTs: A Nuanced Perspective
Richard Kim

Five years on, where have we come, and where are we going?

Ultimately, our north star is captured by three keywords: interactivity, community and agency. ‘Meaning’ is a product of the experiences we craft (interactivity), the depth of the relationships we form (community), and the self-sovereignty we have to express ourselves (agency). Crypto has the potential to significantly enhance virtual experiences along these dimensions, but doing so will require a nuanced balancing of the “crowding-out” effect that money tends to have on “fun”.

Is crypto “necessary” to achieve all this? It’s not that crypto is the only way, the first way, or the best way, to bring markets to gaming. Rather, its real power is this: Crypto incentivizes communities to drive creation, curation and commerce in virtual worlds: it is the business model for open-source creativity and engagement. Say what you may about crypto gaming today, this is not a trend we would want to take the short side of.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Meaning
Attention turned situational awareness.
Will turned flow.
Intelligence turned ability.
Behavior turned agency.
Play turned play^n.
Worthwhile dilemmas turned possibility spaces.
Opinion turned shared understanding.
Paths turned preferable outcomes.
Insights turned moves and movement.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Cards
Chunks of text and information, forming
large finite sets, with underlying pattern
languages and generative sequences,
cards help weave human insights and
shared understanding with social
computing in information ecologies.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Cards
When combined with play dispositions,
cards augment our intelligence and
improve knowledge flow and mapping.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Cards
Shared understanding

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …



John Kellden
John Kellden

Written by John Kellden

Tools for navigating complexity, Cards catalyzing stories, Conversations that mind and matter, Digital communities and collaborative narratives

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