Cards for Insight: Learning

In a network, a creative tension between negotiated self-interest and social cognition.

John Kellden
8 min readDec 31, 2022

Card: Negotiated self-interest
Pretend to listen in order
to sneak in your own pitch,
spiehl or opinion.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Social Cognition
How individuals understand
and use social information.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Umwelten
In a network, the best place to
story knowledge is amidst,
among and in between people.

flow = structure x process

knowledge flow = social machine formats x contextual intelligence turned ability

“x” = patterning in general and shared understanding in particular

“=” = meaning-making and enaction in general and umwelt, signs, search and discovery in particular

Cards for Insight: Q&U

  • Gather a small group genius around a generative question
  • Pick two cards and add your thoughts between
  • Engage in conversation and cultivate shared understanding
    in light of intelligence augmentation and intelligence turned ability
  • Take practical wisdom as a stopping rule and generative closure
  • Create Q&U cardcasts, forming interactive supersets
    to the more commonly known Q&A podcast formats

Q: Questions; U: Understanding, see cards below.

Cards for Insight: Formats for cultivating shared understanding

Since 103% of all co-creation of value resides in the links, feedback
loops, the in-between spaces and unique insights and annotations
from participants, let’s unfold a way to address this:

Cards for Insight
1. Addressing how we relate to information and meaning-making.
2. Pick two cards and add your thoughts between.
3. Notice social stigmergy and reflect on attention.
4. Design and homestead social learning systems in light of intelligence, networked intelligence and systems intelligence.
5. Experience and learn to use Cards for Insight — As easy as a card game, as powerful as a social machine.
6. Understand how to add value in light of situational awareness.
7. Interact to the full extent of your ability.
8. Map moves conducive to knowledge mapping and flows.
9. Play with frames, frame and reframe, move beyond rigid narratives.
10. Cultivate shared understanding in light of generative closure.
11. Take thought conducive to convivial conversation.
12. Extend conversations, at card formats, small group genius scope, social social media reach, networked distribution and social machine scale.
13. Coordinate by applying design cybernetics conducive to a requisite variety of paths between attention turned situational awareness and preferable outcomes.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Question
A question is mind rediscovering
the generative nature of relating
with reality and transforming it
into possibility.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Learning
The acquisition of knowledge
through study or experience.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Learning
People learn things
when it solves a
problem they have.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Learning
Learning in a context of
intelligence augmentation.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts, prompts, insights, individual and small group genius annotations, book excerpts and prompt responses, between …

John Kellden:
Write a 500-word article outlining three different moves and patterns of play conducive to second-order cybernetic feedback loops between learning and knowledge.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts, prompts, insights, individual and small group genius annotations, book excerpts and prompt responses, between …

Cards for Insight: Questions, Cards and Prompts; Intelligence turned Ability

In the field of artificial intelligence, second-order cybernetic feedback loops refer to the process of using learning and knowledge to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of machine learning algorithms. These feedback loops can be implemented in a number of different ways, and they can be particularly useful in the development of intelligent systems that are able to adapt and improve over time. In this article, we will outline three different moves and patterns of play that are conducive to the development of second-order cybernetic feedback loops between learning and knowledge.

The first move that can be made to promote the development of second-order cybernetic feedback loops is to focus on the design and implementation of machine learning algorithms that are able to learn from their own mistakes. This can be achieved through the use of techniques such as reinforcement learning, in which an algorithm is trained to perform a particular task by receiving rewards for successful actions and penalties for unsuccessful ones. By using this approach, the algorithm is able to learn from its own mistakes and improve its performance over time.

Another effective way to promote the development of second-order cybernetic feedback loops is to create a system that is able to learn from the experiences of other systems. This can be achieved through the use of techniques such as transfer learning, in which an algorithm is trained on a large dataset and then fine-tuned to perform a specific task. By using this approach, the algorithm is able to leverage the knowledge and experience of other systems to improve its own performance.

Finally, it can be useful to incorporate a mechanism for actively seeking out new knowledge and learning opportunities. This can be achieved through the use of techniques such as active learning, in which an algorithm is able to select the most relevant and informative data points to learn from. By using this approach, the algorithm is able to continuously improve its performance by actively seeking out new knowledge and learning opportunities.

In conclusion, there are a number of different moves and patterns of play that can be used to promote the development of second-order cybernetic feedback loops between learning and knowledge. These include the use of machine learning algorithms that are able to learn from their own mistakes, the use of transfer learning to leverage the knowledge and experience of other systems, and the incorporation of active learning mechanisms to actively seek out new learning opportunities. By implementing these approaches, it is possible to create intelligent systems that are able to adapt and improve over time, leading to more accurate and effective machine learning algorithms.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts, prompts, insights, individual and small group genius annotations, book excerpts and prompt responses, between …

Card: AI and IA
103% of all AI is design cybernetics
with algorithm access affordances.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: IA and AI
Second-order cybernetics in general
and design cybernetics in particular.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts, prompts, insights, individual and small group genius annotations, book excerpts and prompt responses, between …

Card: Knowledge
A good enough scaffolding for
engagement, learning, feedback,
generativity and transformation.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Knowledge as a good enough scaffolding, can be seen, understood and applied in five ways, all which are more or less commonly known:

1. Engagement
Knowledge is that which precedes and evolves out of (conscious) action. Intuition is here a special case, since it can bridge unconscious, tacit knowing with action. The generative review of engagement is continuity and change, and a living, evolving balance between the two.

2. Social Learning
Online, often via emulation and social stigmergy, which can be at risk of becoming gamified, eg via marketing and broadcast.

3. Return on Engagement
However individuals, groups and social collective intelligence gatherings define “return”, it is almost always related to their preferred social constructs and narratives. (cf values and values design)

4. Generativity
Generativity can be seen as individual individuation and (social) progress, as a function of attention, situational awareness and synkinaesthesia. This fourth approach to knowledge as scaffolding, consciously choosing to turn behavior into agency, is less well known than the previous three.

5. Paths
Generative sequences, s-curves, transition pathways and chreods, are all ways for us to understand knowledge applied in ways conducive to unfolding paths.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Trust
“Trust movement.”
— Alfred Adler

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Opinion
Opinion shrinks as
knowledge grows.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Knowledge
“Knowledge shrinks
as wisdom grows.”

— Alfred North Whitehead

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Knowledge
Knowledge is how we rediscover
time, moving with our images.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Knowledge
Knowledge is practice, options
and foresight affordance.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Knowledge
Knowledge is intelligence turned
ability turned performance.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Knowledge
Knowledge is meaningful
boundary cultivation.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Knowledge
Knowledge is information
ecology signal processing.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Cards for Insight: Social Machines & Knowledge Flows

Card: Knowledge
Knowledge is participatory inquiry,
and participatory inquiry is knowledge.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Knowledge
Knowledge is both an enabler and
a constraint for policy design.
( cf knowledge brokerage )

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Knowledge
Knowledge is circles scaffolding:
connect, talk, know, like, trust,
transact, relate and review.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Knowledge
Knowledge is related to design
via select sets of affordances.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Knowledge
Knowledge can be seen, understood,
applied, cultivated and homesteaded,
as if both separate boundary objects
and a commons weaving between.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts, prompts, insights, individual and small group genius annotations, book excerpts and prompt responses, between …

Sorting The Relationship of Tacit Knowledge
to Story and Narrative Knowing

“…to foster the internalizing of explicit knowledge,
converting it to tacit knowledge.”

Jo A. Tyler, David M. Boje

… pick two cards and add your thoughts, prompts, insights, individual and small group genius annotations, book excerpts and prompt responses, between …

Card: Understanding
What if understanding is our
ability to hold space for the
possibility of knowledge, as
it emerges, unfolds, directs
and discloses its relevance
to unexplored aspects of
things known?

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Cards
Cards are play, possibility space,
roped path and shared
understanding affordances.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Patterns of Play
Moves known to or being anticipated
as being effective at least in some
contexts, addressing situations.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Patterns of Play^n
Patterns of play^n are to evolutionary
purpose co-evolving with character,
what patterns of play are to solving

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Umwelt
The meaningful, lived
surroundings of
a given individual.
(plural: umwelten)

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Umwelten
In a network, the best place to
story knowledge is amidst,
among and in between people.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Experience
The emergent, unfolding and evolving
vector out of the transactional
dimensions of umwelt and umwelten.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Experience
Practical contact with and observation of
facts or events. Events or occurrences
which leaves impression on you and others.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Structure
That which when combined with
complex responsive processes
help shape flow.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Enhabiting
A set of ongoing complex responsive processes
by which umwelten emerges from, unfolds and
are reproduced within relationships between
embodied subjects and their habitats.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Format
The entire outline of this
post is Q&U, a format.



John Kellden
John Kellden

Written by John Kellden

Tools for navigating complexity, Cards catalyzing stories, Conversations that mind and matter, Digital communities and collaborative narratives

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