Cards for Insight: Intelligence Augmentation Formats

Play, possibility space and shared understanding affordances

John Kellden
10 min readDec 20, 2022

… use cards to explore, address and resolve worthwhile dilemmas …

Cards for Insight: Q&U

  • Gather a small group genius around a generative question
  • Pick two cards and add your thoughts between
  • Engage in conversation and cultivate shared understanding
    in light of intelligence augmentation, intelligence turned ability, behavior turned agency and information turned knowledge
  • Take shared understanding and practical wisdom as
    stopping rules and generative closure
  • Create Q&U cardcasts, forming interactive supersets
    to the more commonly known Q&A podcast formats

Q: Questions; U: Understanding, see cards below.

Cards for Insight: Formats for cultivating shared understanding

Since 103% of all co-creation of value resides in the links, feedback loops, the in-between spaces and unique insights: associations and annotations, let’s elaborate how to play, add moves and unfold lines of card-play inquiry.

Cards for Insight: Structure
Use cards to unfold and trace lines of inquiry around centers. See also the 3x3 card-play gameboard below.

Cards for Insight: Card-moves spiraling around centers

Diagram legend:
x: intelligence turned ability
y: behavior turned agency
z: information turned knowledge

three centers:
- self-interest and umwelt(lifeworld)
- knowledge graphs as spheres around questions
- desired and/or preferable outcomes

Cards for Insight: Process
1. Address wicked problems in general and how we relate to information turned knowledge and collaborative meaning-making in particular.
2. Pick cards and add your thoughts to and between.
3. Notice and learn to leverage patterns of play.
4. Design and homestead card sessions and social learning systems
in light of intelligence, behavior and information turned knowledge.
5. Experience and learn to use Cards for Insight — As easy as a card game, as powerful as a social machine.
6. Understand how to add value in light of cards addressing concerns, worthwhile dilemmas and attention turned situational awareness.
7. Interact to the full extent of your ability, agency and knowledge.
8. Map card-play and moves conducive to information structures, knowledge maps (graphs) and flows.
9. Play with frames, frame and reframe, move beyond rigid narratives.
10. Cultivate shared understanding as generative closure.
11. Take thought conducive to convivial conversation and lines of inquiry.

Card: Preferable Outcome
A vision of a thriving, equitable,
and sustainable future, where
individuals and communities
flourish in harmony with each
other and the natural world.

Card: Question
A question is mind rediscovering
the generative nature of relating
with reality and transforming it
into possibility.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Discussion
There’s almost always something we’d like to discuss
with other people. Something we haven’t quite figured
out yet, and/or something we have figured out
and would like to tell others.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Debate
Avoid. Anneal. Transform. If discussions are essentially
residue and worthwhile dilemmas needing to be resolved,
a debate is a discussion where individual agendas
becomes slightly too polarized through desire, fear,
anger and/or projection.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Moderation
Once we’ve managed to govern ourselves
and our reaction related to our emotional
attachments, once we’ve managed to sit
on our typing fingers for a while and our
breathing is back to normal, we proceed
to conversation.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Conversation
A conversation is basically a discussion
with some rhythm and flow added to it.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Skillful Conversation
When there’s sufficient listening in addition to the flow,
the participants warm up to the complex responsive
processes, usually making for both a longer and a
more high-quality sharing of stories, perspectives and
insigts in chat, comments and comment threads.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Dialogue
Everytime there’s a holding of space larger than the invidual agendas in the conversation, dialogue ermerges.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Proprioception of Thought
This experience of (deep) dialogue can at times feel
weird, as if chat and threads takes on a life of their own.
No worries, it’s only you as participants are authentic
enough so as to making for a listening forth the best
inbetween yourselves.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Metalogue
A dialogue where there’s a beginning
and unfolding (re)weaving between
me and we.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Participation
Metalogue and its possible outcome, meaning-making,
always feels really weird — good weird. When participants
pursue small group genius above and beyond negotiated
self-interest and begin to cultivate shared understanding,

flow = structure x process

where metalogue is to process, what language applied to
meaning-making is to structure and what knowledge is to flow.

“x” = patterning in general and shared understanding in particular

From a process perspective, individual participant agendas are
here being transformed — behavior turned agency in light of
individual, social and collective intelligence.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Small Group Genius
There’s a level beyond metalogue as well. This level requires participants fully in charge of their own self-efficacy and self-governance, combined with generative listening, listening conducive to holding space and drawing forth genius.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Simplicity
Small group genius and knowledge
flow applied to our lines of inquiry.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Cards: Lines of Inquiry
Flow. Moving beyond, arriving at simplicity beyond complexity.
Lines of inquiry, unfolding along generative sequences.
This feels so beyond weird it feels like second nature.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Worthwhile Dilemmas
These cards, these patterns of play^n are non-linearly nested inside and around all our complex responsive processes, a whole spectrum in time, from instant conversations only consisting in two seconds of eye contact, to online chat groups exploring worthwhile dilemmas for days, weeks and months.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Cards for Insight: 2x2’s and 3x3's
Use cards to unfold and trace lines of inquiry, adding card-play
moves to 2x2’s and 3x3’s, addressing generative center questions.

Cards for Insight: Spiraling lines of inquiry, purposeful paths of action

Cards for Insight: Diagram
x: intelligence turned ability
y: behavior turned agency
z: information turned knowledge

Card: What’s It All About?
Small group genius and metalogue are optimal modes of conversational intelligence for thinking things through, while discussion and skillful conversation are optimal for getting things done. All of the above cards are outlines and affordances, enabling us to apply old, field-tested, working sets of patterns of play, in both traditional (trust-building) and new (navigating novelty) ways.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: All Together Now
If we help each other perform all
of the above in light of addressing
how we relate to information, then
we can interact, together, online.

Read and reflect on the cards, what meaning they hold for you, internalize according to how you choose to connect dots (and cards), weaving intelligence, ability and need.

Parts of the above cards and patterns of play related to discussion and dialogue originally posted 2015 Jan 27, here revised and extended.

… pick Cards, Prompts and AI prompt responses
and add your thoughts between …

John Kellden:
Outline essential intentions, dispositions, lenses, frames and literacies related to conversational intelligence.

… pick Cards, Prompts and AI prompt responses
and add your thoughts between …

Cards for Insight: Enabling individuals to generatively interact

Conversational intelligence refers to the ability to effectively communicate and interact with others through conversation. It involves a range of skills and attitudes that enable individuals to effectively navigate social situations, build relationships, and achieve their goals through effective communication.

Some essential intentions, dispositions, lenses, frames, and literacies related to conversational intelligence include:

- Being open and receptive to the perspectives and ideas of others
- Being sincere and genuine in your communication
- Seeking to understand and connect with others
- Having a clear sense of your own goals and purpose in the conversation

- Being respectful and considerate of others
- Being open-minded and willing to listen to different perspectives
- Being empathetic and understanding of others’ emotions and experiences
- Being patient and allowing others to speak and share their thoughts and feelings

- Thinking critically and logically
- Seeing things from multiple perspectives
- Being aware of and sensitive to cultural differences and norms

- Being able to structure and organize a conversation effectively
- Being able to ask open-ended questions and encourage dialogue
- Being able to adapt your communication style to different situations and audiences

- Being able to read and interpret nonverbal cues and body language
- Being able to use language effectively, including choosing the right words and tone for a given situation
- Being able to listen actively and attentively to others
- Being able to communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing

Overall, conversational intelligence involves a combination of skills, attitudes, and literacies that enable individuals to effectively communicate and interact with others in a variety of social situations. It requires a willingness to listen and understand others, a capacity for critical thinking and empathetic understanding, and the ability to adapt and communicate effectively in different contexts.

… pick Cards, Prompts and AI prompt responses
and add your thoughts between …

What if understanding is our ability to hold space for the possibility of knowledge, as it emerges, unfolds, directs and discloses its relevance to unexplored aspects of things known?

… use cards to explore, address and resolve worthwhile dilemmas …

In a network, structure is to win what formats is to win^n.

Evolutionary Love | CP 6.302–303
C. S. Peirce

Three modes of evolution have thus been brought before us: evolution
by fortuitous variation, evolution by mechanical necessity, and evolution
by creative love. We may term them tychastic evolution, or tychasm, anancastic evolution, or anancasm, and agapastic evolution, or agapasm.
The doctrines which represent these as severally of principal importance
we may term tychasticism, anancasticism, and agapasticism.
On the other hand the mere propositions that absolute chance, mechanical
necessity, and the law of love are severally operative in the cosmos may
receive the names of tychism, anancism, and agapism.

All three modes of evolution are composed of the same general elements.
Agapasm exhibits them the most clearly. The good result is here brought
to pass, first, by the bestowal of spontaneous energy by the parent upon
the offspring, and, second, by the disposition of the latter to catch the
general idea of those about it and thus to subserve the general purpose.
[ — ] Just so, tychasm and anancasm are degenerate forms of agapasm.

Card: Conscious Evolution
A purposeful shift in individual
and collective awareness leading
to intentional and responsible
co-creation of the future.

Cards for Insight: Use the cards to explore new perspectives
and gain insight around a chosen question

Cards for Insight: Formats and Value Evolution

… use the cards to explore new perspectives
and gain insight around a chosen question …

Card: Knowledge Navigation
Understanding how to navigate
knowledge and purpose, tracing
lines of continuity, contingency,
contiguity, connectivity and novelty.

… gather around a worthwhile dilemma
and formulate generative center questions …

Card: In A Network
In a network, we
play^n to win^n.

… engage in card-play and card-play
conversations by adding thoughts
to, around and between the cards …

Card: Systems Intelligence
Intelligent behaviour in the context of complex
systems involving interaction and feedback and
with an evolving ability to wisely wield what is
intelligently apprehended.

… perceive, observe, orient, design,
decide, enact, act, unfold and understand …

(a win^n feedback loop)

Card: Understanding
What if understanding is our ability
to hold space for the possibility of
knowledge, as it emerges, unfolds,
directs and discloses its relevance to
unexplored aspects of things known?

… cultivate shared understanding
as generative closure …

The Value Evolution
Verna Allee

“Think of the work around intangibles and IC as a global conversation,
which indeed it is. What is telling about every conversation is what is
included as acceptable topics of inquiry or discussion and what is excluded.
The boundaries of the conversation frequently delineate the boundaries of
the thinking that is going on and reveal underlying assumptions about
what is relevant and important and what is not.
The IC conversation is no exception.”
Verna Allee

Card: Septuple Bottom Line
By adding Systems Intelligence cards to your digital set of tools,
online behavior and networked efforts, you can unlock a deeper
understanding of the complex interactions between digital
technologies, your social cognition extended online and the
broader systems they influence.

Understand, Perceive, Observe,
Orient, Design, Decide, Enact,
Act and Unfold, a generative
sequence and conversational
and convivial superset to OODA.

Cards for Insight: Use the cards to address wicked problems

Think of OODA as business as usual, and UPOODDEAU as the
possibility of value evolution by pursuing and differently
measuring, business as unusual. Eg societal innovation.

Cards for Insight: Tools for Taking Thought
The core reason for the cards is to provide tools for thought
reflecting the infinite nature of human creativity and play,
yet providing large finite sets of card-combinations enabling
code, computing and AI to assist our human efforts whenever
and wherever needed.

Play? Sign up here:
Adjacent Possible Playground

Cards for Insight: LLM’s
Cards, patterns of play and card-play conversations combine,
facilitating exploring paths between worthwhile dilemmas,
generative center questions and preferable outcomes.

There’s around 500 cards in the source deck, with more than 120k
two-card and 21M three-card combinations. With four-, five- and
six-card combinations mapping to LLM’s, Large Language Models, facilitating human associations(card-play) combining with
AI-assisted annotations(prompts and responses).

Think cards with an underlying pattern language and with an underlying Modular Process Onto-Epistemology forming part of an Online Commonplace, with a searchable Modular Knowledge Repository.



John Kellden
John Kellden

Written by John Kellden

Tools for navigating complexity, Cards catalyzing stories, Conversations that mind and matter, Digital communities and collaborative narratives

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