Cards for Insight: Extending & Coordinating

Q&U: Cultivating shared understanding

John Kellden
6 min readDec 21, 2022

Cards for Insight: Q&U
- Gather a small group genius around a generative question
- Pick two cards and add your thoughts between
- Engage in conversation and cultivate shared understanding
in light of intelligence augmentation and intelligence turned ability
- Take practical wisdom as a stopping rule and generative closure
- Create Q&U cardcasts, forming interactive supersets
to the more commonly known Q&A podcast formats

Q: Questions; U: Understanding, see cards below.

Cards for Insight: Formats for cultivating shared understanding

Since 103% of all co-creation of value resides in the links, feedback
loops, the in-between spaces and unique insights and annotations
from participants, let’s unfold a way to address this:

Cards for Insight
1. Addressing how we relate to information and meaning-making.
2. Pick two cards and add your thoughts between.
3. Notice social stigmergy and reflect on attention.
4. Design and homestead social learning systems in light of intelligence, networked intelligence and systems intelligence.
5. Experience and learn to use Cards for Insight — As easy as a card game, as powerful as a social machine.
6. Understand how to add value in light of situational awareness.
7. Interact to the full extent of your ability.
8. Map moves conducive to knowledge mapping and flows.
9. Play with frames, frame and reframe, move beyond rigid narratives.
10. Cultivate shared understanding in light of generative closure.
11. Take thought conducive to convivial conversation.
12. Extend conversations, at card formats, small group genius scope, social social media reach, networked distribution and social machine scale.
13. Coordinate by applying design cybernetics conducive to a requisite variety of paths between attention turned situational awareness and preferable outcomes.

… pick Cards, Prompts and AI prompt responses
and add your thoughts between …

Card: Taking Thought
“We cannot think first and act afterwards.
From the moment of birth we are immersed in
action and can only guide it by taking thought.”

— Alfred North Whitehead

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Question
A question is mind rediscovering
the generative nature of relating
with reality and transforming it
into possibility.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Systems
Characterized by the
unique properties that
none of their parts have.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Intelligence
“Intelligence is quickness to apprehend
as distinct from ability, which is capacity
to act wisely on the thing apprehended.”

― Alfred North Whitehead

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Anticipatory System
A system containing a set of models providing predictive
capabilities of itself and its environment, allowing It to
change state, evolving with anticipation, novelty tracing
and purpose imagineering, evolving intelligence turned
ability and requisite variety relative to what unfolds.

… pick Cards, Prompts and AI prompt responses
and add your thoughts between …

Coordinating with the Future: The Anticipatory Nature of Representation
Giovanni Pezzulo

“…the capacity to solve a problem by working on internal representations of problems, i.e. by acting upon internal, or mental, or small-scale models before acting in the world. The presence of internal, mental models is thus a leitmotiv in cognitive science; and their role has been claimed to be mainly related to the future. According to Craik, they allow generating imaginary experiences, mental simulation of external reality:

‘If the organism carries a small-scale model of external reality and of its own possible actions within its head, it is able to try out various alternatives, conclude which is the best of them, react to future situations before they arise, utilize the knowledge of past events in dealing with the present and future, and in every way to react in a much fuller, safer, and more competent manner to the emergencies which face it.’

In a similar way, Tolman (1932) discussed about vicarious trial and error, i.e. learning as if experience had really happened, as an essential trait of purposive behavior. Another very influential model in cybernetics and early cognitive science, the TOTE (test, operate, test, exit) model (Miller et al., 1960), implies an anticipated representation of the goal state to be matched against current perception in order to start (if there is mismatch) and stop (if there is match) behavior.”

… pick Cards, Prompts and AI prompt responses
and add your thoughts between …

Card: Progress
“Civilization advances by extending the
number of important operations which
we can perform without thinking of them.”

― Alfred North Whitehead

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Understanding
What if understanding is our
ability to hold space for the
possibility of knowledge, as
it emerges, unfolds, directs
and discloses its relevance
to unexplored aspects of
things known?

… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Cards
Cards are play, possibility
space, roped path
and shared
understanding affordances.

… pick Cards, Prompts and AI prompt responses
and add your thoughts between …

John Kellden:
Outline five different properties of systems containing sets of models providing predictive capabilities of themselves and their environments, allowing them to change state evolving with anticipation, novelty tracing and emergent purpose, with design cybernetics goal achievement in light of a human dimension characterised by intelligence turned ability, addressing how systems participants parts and agents can learn and evolve relative to what emerges and unfolds.

… pick Cards, Prompts and AI prompt responses
and add your thoughts between …

Cards for Insight: Small group genius scope and social machine scale

OpenAI: 1
1. Anticipatory capability: Systems containing sets of models can anticipate future states and outcomes based on their ability to predict the behavior of themselves and their environment.

2. Novelty tracing: These systems can adapt and evolve in response to novel stimuli or changes in their environment by tracing the source of novelty and adapting their models accordingly.

3. Emergent purpose: The behavior and goals of these systems may emerge spontaneously as a result of their interactions with their environment and the learning processes of their constituent parts and agents.

4. Goal achievement: These systems may be designed with a cybernetic goal in mind, such as achieving a certain level of efficiency or performance, and can use feedback and control mechanisms to continuously adjust their behavior in pursuit of this goal.

5. Human dimension: The intelligence and ability of the systems’ participants, including both human and artificial agents, can play a crucial role in their evolution and learning process. These systems may be designed to leverage the unique strengths and capabilities of their participants in order to achieve their goals more effectively.

… pick Cards, Prompts and AI prompt responses
and add your thoughts between …

John Kellden:
Outline five different properties of systems containing sets of models providing predictive capabilities of themselves and their environments, allowing them to change state evolving with anticipation, novelty tracing and emergent purpose, with design cybernetics goal achievement in light of a human dimension characterised by intelligence turned ability, addressing how systems participants parts and agents can learn and evolve relative to what emerges and unfolds.

Cards for Insight: Questions, Cards, Prompts, Insights & Shared Understanding

OpenAI: 2
1. Adaptability: Systems containing sets of models should have the ability to adapt to changes in their environment, allowing them to continue to accurately predict and respond to new situations.

2. Anticipation: The predictive capabilities of these systems should allow them to anticipate future events or states, allowing them to proactively adapt and change.

3. Novelty tracing: The systems should be able to trace and learn from novel situations, allowing them to improve their predictive capabilities and adapt to new environments.

4. Emergent purpose: The behavior of these systems should exhibit emergent purpose, meaning that the collective behavior of the system emerges from the interactions of its parts and serves a specific goal or function.

5. Human dimension: These systems should be designed with a human dimension in mind, taking into account the intelligence and abilities of their participants, parts, and agents. This may involve incorporating learning and evolution capabilities that allow the system to adapt and improve over time.

… pick Cards, Prompts and AI prompt responses
and add your thoughts between …

Card: Cards
Cards are play, possibility
space, roped path
and shared
understanding affordances.



John Kellden
John Kellden

Written by John Kellden

Tools for navigating complexity, Cards catalyzing stories, Conversations that mind and matter, Digital communities and collaborative narratives

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