Cards for Insight: Card Sessions
In a network, the best place to store knowledge is in other people.
Cards for Insight: Card Sessions
Questions, cards and insights, uncovering the options we need.
Cards for Insight: 2013–2060
In a network, unfolding paths between attention turned situational awareness and coordination of human effort turned preferable outcomes.
Cards for Insight: How to Play^n
Formulate a question, pick three cards
and add your thoughts between.
Here’s how to play:
1. Gather a small group around great questions and adopt a play disposition.
2. Consider the cards in light of the questions, engage in joint understanding.
3. Highlight the text of the cards, add comments, capture group insights.
4. Conclude.
Card session generative closure when agreement on actionable insights, together with needed and possible next steps.
Formulate a question, gather a small group genius, pick three cards, add your thoughts conducive to shared understanding, align around insights, generative closure and possible next steps.
Cards for Insight: Cards
Formulate a question to your small group genius, pick three cards.