Cards for Insight: Between

Pick cards and add your thoughts between.

John Kellden
9 min readMar 21, 2023

John Kellden:
Take as a given these two cards:

Card: Question
A question is mind rediscovering
the generative nature of relating
with reality and transforming it
into possibility.

Cards for Insight: Formats for cultivating shared understanding

Card: Understanding
What if understanding is our ability
to hold space for the possibility of
knowledge, as it emerges, unfolds,
directs and discloses its relevance to
unexplored aspects of things known?

Describe a game design around a core move:

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

With cards as play, possibility space, unfolding path and shared understanding affordances, with a card session design facilitating knowledge co-creation, including three stages of design conversations.

Cards for Insight: Chat, cards, notes and boundary objects

Cards for Insight: Knowledge as navigating divergence, emergence and convergence between situational awareness and preferable outcomes
Knowledge as a flourishing affordance in light of divergence, emergence and convergence between Question and Understanding, with additional two-card combinations drawn from a deck of five-hundred cards.

The game design revolves around a core move: “pick cards and add your thoughts between.” The cards used in the game will have play, possibility space, unfolding path, and shared understanding affordances. The goal of the game is to facilitate knowledge co-creation through a card session design consisting of three stages of design conversations: divergence, emergence, and convergence.

To start the game, players draw two cards from a deck of five hundred cards. The first card is “A question is mind rediscovering the generative nature of relating with reality and transforming it into possibility.” The second card is “What if understanding is our ability to hold space for the possibility of knowledge, as it emerges, unfolds, directs and discloses its relevance to unexplored aspects of things known?”

Cards for Insight: Divergence
The first stage of the game is divergence. Players take turns adding their thoughts, ideas, and perspectives between the two cards. They can interpret the cards in any way they want and provide as much or as little context as they see fit. The goal is to explore as many possibilities as possible and generate a wide range of ideas.

Cards for Insight: Emergence
The second stage of the game is emergence. Players take the ideas generated in the divergence stage and start to connect them together. They identify themes and patterns that emerge and start to build on those. The goal is to start to see connections between the ideas and build a shared understanding of the possibilities.

Cards for Insight: Convergence
The final stage of the game is convergence. Players take the shared understanding developed in the emergence stage and start to converge
on a few key ideas. They identify the most promising ideas and start to flesh them out in more detail. The goal is to create a shared vision of
the possibilities and develop actionable next steps.

Cards for Insight: 120k two-card combinations
Throughout the game, players can explore 120k two-card and 21M three-card combinations from the deck of five hundred cards. Cards and card-combinations providing additional prompts and ideas, adding to the conversation. The game can continue for as many rounds as desired, with players taking turns adding their thoughts and ideas between the cards.

Overall, this game design is intended to facilitate knowledge co-creation through a structured process that encourages exploration, connection, and convergence. By drawing on a deck of five hundred cards with a range of different prompts and ideas, players can explore a wide range of possibilities and develop a shared understanding of what is possible.

(save for adding paragraph headers and a diagram, the above
is the OpenAI first verbatim response to my prompt)

Cards for Insight: Design Cybernetics
Navigating the new by cards, cards as unfolding path affordances, with play and card sessions exploring a requisite variety of paths between attention turned situational awareness and preferable outcomes, with understanding as stopping rule and shared understanding as generative closure.

Cards for Insight: At Card format and Social Machine scale
The finite set of five-hundred cards in the deck allows for computing and machine learning in general and a modular, process onto-epistemology with a pattern language related to the card deck, in particular.

Cards for Insight: Unveil solutions through play

Cards for Insight: Patterning
Cards for insight, at networked intelligent distribution, card formats, metalayer annotations, small group genius scope, actionable next steps, social social media reach and social machine scale.

flow = structure x process

“=” = context in general and contextual intelligence turned ability in light of small group genius in particular

“x” = patterning in general and shared understanding in particular

Cards for Insight: Q&U Methodology
Cards as framework for creative problem solving at small group genius scope and social machine scale.

John Kellden:
Given cards as exploration, connectivity and actionable insight affordances, with card conversations catalyzing small group genius, suggest generative questions that work as centers around which cards and moves can be mapped and conversations can revolve and evolve.

Sure, here are some generative questions that can serve as centers for card conversations:

1. Exploration:
- What are the key uncertainties, risks or opportunities we need to explore further?
- What assumptions are we making that need to be tested?
- What are some alternate perspectives or viewpoints we should consider?

2. Connectivity:
- What are the key relationships between different ideas or factors that we need to understand?
- How can we connect seemingly disparate ideas or concepts to generate new insights?
- What are the patterns or trends that we need to connect to gain a deeper understanding?

3. Actionable Insight:
- What are the key insights we have generated so far and how can we use them to inform our next steps?
- How can we turn our insights into actionable plans or strategies
- What are the potential risks or challenges associated with implementing our plans and how can we address them?

By using these generative questions as centers, you can then map out relevant cards and moves that can support and evolve the conversation. For example, if the conversation is centered around the question “What are the key uncertainties, risks or opportunities we need to explore further?”, you may use cards that represent different aspects of the problem or challenge at hand, such as risk assessment, stakeholder analysis, or market trends. Each move in the conversation can then build upon the insights generated by the cards to explore the uncertainties, risks, or opportunities in greater depth.

(OpenAI first verbatim response to my prompt)

… pick two cards and add your thoughts, prompts, insights,
individual and small group genius annotations, book excerpts
and prompt responses, between …

Cards for Insight: Q&U

- Gather a small group genius around a generative question
- Pick cards and add your thoughts between
- Engage in conversation and cultivate shared understanding in light of intelligence augmentation and intelligence turned ability
- Take practical wisdom as a stopping rule and generative closure
- Create Q&U cardcasts, forming interactive supersets to the more commonly known Q&A podcast formats

Q: Questions; U: Understanding, see cards below.

Cards for Insight: Engage in conversations conducive to knowledge mapping and knowledge flows

Cards for Insight: Formats for cultivating shared understanding
Since 103% of all co-creation of value resides in the links, feedback
loops, the in-between spaces and unique insights and annotations
from participants, let’s unfold a way to address this:

Cards for Insight: Guidelines
1. Addressing how we relate to information and meaning-making.
2. Pick two cards and add your thoughts between.
3. Notice social stigmergy and reflect on attention.
4. Design and homestead social learning systems in light of intelligence, networked intelligence and systems intelligence.
5. Experience and learn to use Cards for Insight — As easy as a card game, as powerful as a social machine.
6. Understand how to add value in light of situational awareness.
7. Interact to the full extent of your ability.
8. Map moves conducive to knowledge mapping and flows.
9. Play with frames, frame and reframe, move beyond rigid narratives.
10. Cultivate shared understanding in light of generative closure.
11. Take thought conducive to convivial conversation.
12. Extend conversations, at card formats, small group genius scope, social social media reach, networked distribution and social machine scale.
13. Coordinate by applying design cybernetics conducive to a requisite variety of paths between attention turned situational awareness and preferable outcomes.

… pick two cards and add your thoughts, prompts, insights,
individual and small group genius annotations, book excerpts
and prompt responses, between …

Card: 100 Ideas
One hour, one
hundred ideas

… unveil solutions through play …

Card: Superset Paths
Visualize and map out
potential paths through
possibility spaces.

… pick three ideas from the last ten of the one hundred ideas
and turn your combining them into a working synthesis
phrased as a generative question or sets of cards turned
lines of inquiry and generative sequences…

Card: Question
A question is mind rediscovering
the generative nature of relating
with reality and transforming it
into possibility.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Understanding
What if understanding is our
ability to hold space for the
possibility of knowledge, as
it emerges, unfolds, directs
and discloses its relevance
to unexplored aspects of
things known?

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Cards
Cards are play, possibility space,
unfolding path, understanding and
shared understanding affordances.

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

Card: Relate
How do we relate to
information and

… does this mean that it’s all about what the Cards do,
rather than what they are in and of themselves? …

… yes …

Card: Conversational Intelligence
Conversational intelligence is a function of curiosity,
social cognition, affordances and constraints, signs,
symbols and archetypal meaning-making and
essential character evolving along unfolding paths
made luminous by joint sauntering.

Conversational intelligence is to design conversations conducive to
co-creation of knowledge, what contextual intelligence is to enacting
and holding a generative space for such conversations to take place, conversations that mind, enact, cultivate, transform and matter.

… conversations that mind and matter …

Card: Conversational Intelligence
1. What role are you as a conversation participant assuming?
2. What purpose is your comment serving?
3. What needs can be addressed by the conversation?
4. What feedback, mutuality and learning is provided, by whom?
5. What (joint) focus on what story, tasks and what generative review?
6. What experience and knowledge is shared, what perspectives are explored?
7. What criteria are used, towards teasing out what insights?
8. Which are the necessary and sufficient conditions for a meaningful conversation, and what are the steps followed to ensure there’s shared understanding around these conditions?
9. What insights can be turned actionable, serving what local and community needs?
10. What intention, perspectives, language and tools are chosen and held, making for what action and practice?
11. What unique individual skills combined with what collective intelligence can help produce something extraordinary?
12. What networks of practice, co-evolving and co-creating what value, with what lines of inquiry?
13. Given all of the above, what key insights can be drawn and what actions taken, in order to solve what important issues?

… pick two cards and add your thoughts in ways conducive to
insights conducive to addressing the issues at hand …

… cultivate understanding taking shared understanding
as a stopping rule and as generative closure …

Card: Shared Understanding
Effective communication in light of
the information being conveyed.
Conversational intelligence turned
ability to hold shared context.
Metalogue conducive to mutuality,
learning and comprehension.

Your move:

… pick cards and add your thoughts between …

… jot down your thoughts as they relate to
the everyday world around us …

Human Insight and AI-Augmentation
The core reason for the cards is to provide tools for thought reflecting the infinite nature of human creativity and play, yet providing large finite sets of card-combinations enabling code, computing and AI to assist our human efforts whenever and wherever needed.

Play? Sign up here:
Adjacent Possible Playground

Cards for Insight: LLM’s
Cards, patterns of play and card-play conversations combine,
facilitating exploring paths between worthwhile dilemmas,
generative center questions and preferable outcomes.

There’s around 500 cards in the source deck, with more than 120k
two-card and 21M three-card combinations. With four-, five- and
six-card combinations mapping to LLM’s, Large Language Models, facilitating human associations(card-play) combining with
AI-assisted annotations(prompts and responses).

Think cards with an underlying pattern language and with an underlying Modular Process Onto-Epistemology forming part of an Online Commonplace, with a searchable Modular Knowledge Repository.



John Kellden
John Kellden

Written by John Kellden

Tools for navigating complexity, Cards catalyzing stories, Conversations that mind and matter, Digital communities and collaborative narratives

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