Cards for Insight: Alignment
In a network, social life of information.
Card: Augmentation
In a network, social life of information,
augmented at scale, reach, distribution,
intelligence turned ability and scale.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Alignment
Align around
- value creation
- coherence
- metalogue
- meaning-making
- shared understanding
- story
- unfolding paths
- small group genius
- sense of intrinsic motivation
- designs for emergence
- design cybernetics
- tokens conducive to conviviality
- enkinaesthesia
- synkinaesthesia
- art as agency; agency as art
- conversational intelligence
- contextual intelligence
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Notes
The Alignment card is designed to be
extendable with notes in light of group
genius ability addressing worthwhile
dilemmas, in service to need.
“Words are events.”
— Ursula K. Le Guin
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Social Learning Systems
The list part of the Alignment card can also be turned into shared interest and community of practice graphs, bridging to related tools for thought practices, boundary objects and modular knowledge repositories (those notions are also cards).
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Onboarding
Providing necessary and sufficient motivation, legends inviting to homesteading, learning into aliveness and unfolding wholeness.
Image: Marc Ngui
Cards for Insight: Pretty Dang Important
In short, Alignment is a pretty dang important card. To give you a glimpse of how important — all the 100k two card combination card sessions, eventually resolves into and aligns and evolves around the generative tension between Alignment and Synkinaesthesia (another card).
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Synkinaesthesia
Mind and agency, co-evolving,
in light of unfolding paths.
“There are two kinds of light — the glow that
illuminates, and the glare that obscures.”
— James Thurber
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Algorithms of Loving Grace and Transparency
In addition to Alignment and Synkinaesthesia serving as a linchpin pair of cards, they also provide profound transparency into the premise of the algorithms in the Cards for Insight Social Machine. And wouldn’t you know it, Social Machine is yet another card. If you have ever added text into an empty text-box, you have been using a Social Machine. To most of the participants, most of the rest of the Algorithm cards will be hidden under the hood. Because simplicity beyond complexity.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Social Machine
Networks of people
and devices at scale,
their behaviour co-
constituted by human
participation, design
and technology.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Social Machine
A combination of structures,
processes and flows where
humans perform creative
work and machines provide
administration, access and
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Social Machine
Web-based socio-technical systems
in which virtual, networked, language,
human, and technological elements
play the role of participant parts with
respect to realization of system-level
processes in service to local goals
and societal purposes.
Yep. Three different cards called Social Machine. There’s around two hundred cards providing necessary and sufficient nuance on social machines, social machines designed to be of service to humans, our homesteading, participating and joint sauntering.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Movement
In a network: evolutionary purpose,
circles of networked agency, a social
and ecosystemic sense of self, learning
to play really well together with other
people, paths turned movement.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
“Trust movement.”
— Alfred Adler
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Card: Social Machine Homesteading
Online houses turned homes. Data,
knowledge and information, at
- card session and small group genius scale
- social social media reach
- intelligent curation and distribution
- social machine scale
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Distributed Systems
At the core of distributed systems, is the option of
distributing win^n cognitive (actionable insight)
contagion (ideas, memes, cards, cues, prompts) and
relational (networked agency graphs) meaning-making,
while reducing, if not eliminating, harmful cognitive
(fake news) signal and relational (trolling) contagion.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Life After Corona
Zoom and a new set
of coping strategies.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Movement
In a network: evolutionary purpose,
circles of networked agency, a social
and ecosystemic sense of self, learning
to play really well together with other
people, paths turned movement.
… pick two cards and add your thoughts between …
Card: Prompt
Addressing everything related to Covid-19 and Climate Change in ways conducive to learning into aliveness, gathering together f2f and online, using digital, networked and social machine means, homesteading places and holding space for conversations, beginning with generativity and preferable outcomes in mind, envisioning, enacting and building what futures we would love to hand over to our children, seven generations to come, luminous paths made by joint sauntering, masterpiece.