Card Sessions: The Gathering
When, out of our gathering
around questions, there
emerges a requisite variety
of paths, between today
and preferable outcomes.
A story told about a future
event held in the individual
hearts and collective intelligence
by a group of story-weavers
gathered around a campfire.
The tribes, the others, the
institutions, the market
booths and the hustlers,
the town criers, the networks.
We are waiting to come alive.
We are spending almost every
waking moment, resisting
coming alive. This creative
tension is our individual
consciousness. Our unique
shard of human awareness.
In a corner of your mind, seeds,
new fledgling words, awaiting
a happy descent, drops of shared
scenic silent understanding,
whereupon a flourishing.
- - Pedaling? You mean I have to pedal, using my own legs and feet?
- Yes.
- Can’t I tell my driver to pedal for me?
- Well, yes you could but you see, if you look through the perspex, you’ll notice that there’s no-one at the wheel, your driver left long ago which is why your trip has been a bit bumpy lately. You left the actual road around 2008 thereabouts and have been going through the motions ever since.
- Aha. I kind of noticed that it was only with difficulty I could juggle things in here.
- So, you coming?
Humanity rising to the occasion
(or not) depending on how much
resonance and resilience we’ve
managed to broker through our
new distributed, distributive
Data and Narratives. Uncovering
the options we need, rather than
using data to reinforce what we’ve
already got.
The second half of the 21C will be
characterized by our collective,
collaborative, co-creative capabilities
for stewarding autopoietic shift.
The world is changing. We feel it
in the water. We listen to Gaia and
her songs. We sense a newfound
vibrancy in the air. Much that once
was is rekindled; for some now live
who remember it.