Card Sessions: Spiral Wizards of Evolution
In a network: synthesis, selfhood, service, story, social learning, holding generative space for human becoming.
If you participate in a network, really participate, you will notice that there’s always too much stuff, too much going on.
Pronoid Universe Nudges
This is the Pronoid Universe nudging you towards leveling up your synthesis game.
It’s a ride. Enjoy.
Select some choice alien artifacts, and what few trusted heuristics that might work, along your desire lines, attending to the odd roadside picnic.
Is There A Stopping Rule?
How would you know you’ve done a necessary and sufficient amount of synthesis — is there a stopping rule?
The moment you sense your particular synthesis, what insights you’ve distilled, is annealing your essential character, not only your social sense of self, but deeper, your selfhood — and — making a difference for others, others will begin to notice you are beginning to glow.
Earlier in our history, this was often referred to as our soul, but I’d suggest going deeper still, simpler, beyond any which old notions.
And, suddenly, you not only know — you understand. Others will immediately sense this shift in you.
Doesn’t matter what you call it — sovereignty, freedom from the known, vulnerability, individuation.
Generative Closure
The next step is simple: human being becoming human. There’s a near endless variation of generative sequences here…obey the unfolding of your unique story.
Human becoming, extending select parts of ourselves to the virtuereal.
Social Cognition Abattoir
Here, in the Proprietary Platform Programming Grand Theft Data Social Cognition Abattoir in general and in here in the CMM, Conversations that Mind and Matter in particular, it’s all we do.
We pitch our services, we directly and/or indirectly, subtly and not at all subtly, tell our story, tell others about us, and ask how we can be of service. Buy my stuff, dammit. These are the droids you are looking for. Thankfully, there’s steps beyond this barrage of ersatz, teflon, pretend and increasingly weaponized friendliness: story.
Over time, through one gazillion moments of frustration, accelerated and augmented by our leaving notes in platform text boxes that we hoped would say more, belittling ourselves by cramming the depths and nuances of our togetherness into “social” digital media — we anneal our own story, and adapt select parts that bring value, when shared.
Once we connect, meaningfully connect — once we find the others, the storytellers and the story-weavers and the holders of generative, co-creative spaces — we engage in social learning.
Preferable Outcomes
Out of which we grow in capability to anticipate in service to autopoiesis, achieving not only a newfound level of goal achievement success, but new, more integral syntheses, guiding us to preferable outcomes.
Play^n: 8bn of Us
We have found the spiral wizards of evolution, and they are us.