Card Sessions: Knowledge
In a network, knowledge, scaffolding our information processing.
We have access to (via something called Smartphones) the sum total of all the knowledge in human history, via the convivial magic called search.
The core challenge:
premise > behavior > feedback > agency > ecosystemic situational awareness
In order to find ourselves in, extend select parts of ourselves to, and navigate networks, we need to cultivate knowledge both in ourselves and learning how to hold place for knowledge residing in others.
card sessions as place, characterised by shared, sharable context
Card Sessions
Cards considered in light of questions.
A gameful way to help you reframe things.
One of the hurdles keeping people from joining card sessions, is their own deep-seated beliefs in knowledge being scarce, thus, they need to hoard knowledge.
Beliefs, any which beliefs that no longer serves, can be examined by engaging in play, play enabling suspension of disbelief.
Behavior can be addressed, by noticing how behavior can turn agency, by pursuing different options, different than Games People Play, Eric Berne.
The idea of knowledge being scarce is erroneous. Knowledge always was, is and will always be abundant.
Card: Knowledge
an inherently
relational process
requiring signs
You get to share knowledge and still keep it.
How? Patterns of relationship, interaction, play and play^n.
If anything, by sharing it, you gain understanding — leading to increasing returns.
By sharing our knowledge, our path emerges, unfolds and evolves.
Zeitgeist: Forces and Building Blocks
Information: Forces
An information ecology can be seen, understood and practiced as a place conducive to a co-intelligent confluence of events, learnings, conversations, methods, cards, questions and literacies.
Knowledge: Building Blocks
Information Ecologies: Six Dimensions
- unmuddling
- understanding
- framing and reframing
- practicing (path and virtue)
- anticipating
- playing
- learning (EPOODDEAU, structure-preserving transformation)
Knowledge is anything which connects two or more of these dimensions.
As our knowledge unfolds, grows and evolves through our networking, we go through stages of muddling through, understanding(un-muddling) and reframing, growing increasingly capable to process information, weaving life(activities, processes) and signs(meaning-making, structures) forming lines of inquiry: co-extensive, co-extending, cultivating, evolving and becoming.
card sessions providing tools for reframing
— Knowledge? How do you see knowledge?
— The best place to store knowledge is in other people. This implies not only networks, but circles of concern, influence, confluence, consilience and considered, considerate conversations.
— Card Sessions?
— Yes.
- Cards and card sessions, a gamified way of helping us reframe things.
- Card Sessions, designed to enable participants to share and create knowledge.
- Card Sessions, with an underlying large finite set pattern, pattern language, enabling sense-making at scope, small group genius and social machine computing scale.
— Reframing?
— Yes. Reframing thinks, things and gatherings, in ways conducive to evolution, cultivation of flows, advancement of civilization and understanding.
— Is there a premise for this whole thing?
— Yes.
Evolving: Whereto
The from where to whereto of knowledge is evolution.
A healthy, resilient civilization emerges,
unfolds and evolves in accordance to
life and signs: interactions, conversations,
place and transactions in a context of
understanding, stewarding and forming
a requisite variety of one trillion trees,
one million villages, one thousand eco-
cities and a plenitude of communities,
which then form a seven-generation
premise for societies, balancing the
collective responsibilities of governments
in the public sector with the commercial
interests of business in the private sector
and the communal concerns of citizens
in the plural sector in service to the
unalienable rights of all living beings
and ecosystems on planet Earth.
Cultivating: How
The how of knowledge is cultivating flows.
Co-extending: What
The what of knowledge is civilization.
Co-extensive: Why
The why of knowledge is microcosm, the desire within life itself, as it seeks the fullest expression possible of itself, as if simultaneously both part and whole. The whole purpose of dancing, is the dance. A human murmuration.
We are not yet at a stage of our human evolution where we can fully grasp our own human boid rules of human social collective intelligence, but we do know that it has something to do with individual knowledge and shared understanding.
Becoming: Who
The who of knowledge is will turned flow. Each and every living being has will, a desire to live. With consciousness, human beings are being given the ability to freely choose, what is their destiny, to freely choose that which they must do, what they are called to: a more nature and a more human, becoming.
— How would we know? How would we know we’re doing knowledge right? How would we know we’re doing right by knowledge?
— Flow. Flow is how we know.
Corner of Reframing & Flow
Reframing thinks, things and gatherings, small card session moves, trimtabs, re-arranging how we combine and give relative weight and salience to our thinks, things and gatherings, in service to flow, in service to shared, sharable understanding.
Card Sessions: Multiple Frames
There’s a set of posts themed “Card Sessions”, exploring and outlining additional perspectives. Perspectives, including holding space for card sessions designed to explore a requisite variety of perspectives, furthers.