Card Sessions: How nature, our thinking?
How nature thinks and how people work.
Card Sessions: How nature, our thinking?
Reframing Things: Ecology and Society
Card: Perception
POODDEAU — a dynamic, evolving
patterning, re-aligning between
how we and others think and
how we work with nature.
POODDEAU: Perceive, Observe, Orient,
Design, Decide, Enact, Act, Unfold
Design, Decide, Enact, Act, Unfold
Force-fitting your 9E Cognition being inside The Borderline Solipsist Pontification of 280 chars, or The Knee-jerk Shared Misery (with occasional cat-gifs for temporary collective virtue signaling relief) — is subtly perverting and distorting your human becoming.
Look at the two images next to each other, above, the Human-with-smartphone (D. Haraway) and the Turtle.
Look at the two images, hold both of them together, adjacent to each other in your mind.
Hold until a generative space emerges in your own personal mind.
Now, notice what different, new lines you can instigate.
The rest is to 103% about two things, and two things only:
trust, movement; movement, trust
There you go.
Card: Strategies
Living beings achieving
thousands of different
vital functions.
Code, people, nature and understanding, in a context of how people think and how nature works.
Card: Social Cognition
How individuals understand
and use social information.
How we perceive, observe, orient, design (encode, decode), decide (infer, inference ladder, assume, conclude), enact, act and unfold (apply) information about other people and social situations.
O: (re)Orient
One billion humans clicking like buttons:
Humans turned produce. Look at this image.
Look at your like button clicking fingers.
Look at the image again.
Look at your like button clicking intention.
Look at the image above a third time.
Notice your like button clicking behavior.
behavior > understanding understanding > agency
Typically, most individuals follow a set of rules outlined in what current paradigms, narratives and belief systems they identify with.
There’s also edge cases, outlier behavior, from either a strong individual character, and/or a weak/impaired sense of self, eg a psychological disorder. Increasingly also a third cause, a learned helplessness and social cognition impairment induced by clever platform design, keeping “users” inside Shared Misery.
Game (social cognition):
Learning how to understand and use social information to achieve in-game objectives.
Game^n (social cognition):
Learning how to understand (perceive, observe, orient, design (encode, decode)) and use (decide (infer, inference ladder, assume, conclude), enact, act and unfold (apply)) information about other people and social situations to achieve in-game objectives.
Game^n f(concepts and social constructs at play): POODDEAU
Perceive, Observe, Orient, Design, Decide Enact, Act, Unfold
Boundary Object: Social Cognition
Social cognition refers to how we perceive, encode, and apply information about other people and social situations.
Gameboards can be seen, understood and interpreted both as boundary objects and playable artifacts.
Four sides to a gameboard: Play
Nature, people, understanding and code, what combinations of all four can be seen and understood as homesteading operational context, and how generative sequences can help perform structure-preserving transformation, in a context of both contextual intelligence (emergent vectors) and conversational intelligence (flow and momentum).
Small Group Genius
The game engine underneath, how we operate the social machine, our tacit individual, small group genius and collective understanding, as a function of
Behavior, attention, will and intelligence.
Four dimensions to a center Bagua, around which we gather, play, make our moves and move between situational awareness and preferable outcomes.
Where are users turning participants?
Platforms are to 98% about proprietary platform overlords and programmers, the Morlock, and the “users”, the Eloi (H. G. Wells). Platforms have two and only two value propositions: borderline solipsist pontification (twitter) and shared misery (fb). Our online experience …
Beyond even “humane”, there’s language itself as the interface.
language is interface
It’s a short step when it comes to text-boxes — I’m adding this here text to a text-box, twitter-box, medium-box and/or what-not-box (almost always through something called a “smartphone”) and you do have an option to read it. Reading is rapidly becoming a distant memory. Like trees. Like local communities.
Y U No Participate?
An enormous amount of previous patterns remains lodged inside people’s minds, having them interpret thinks, things and gatherings, through lenses that, slowly and now rapidly, are becoming obsolete.
humans turned produce, turned users
Like the like button. From the point of view of individual agency, it is utterly meaningless.
Adult human platforms doesn’t exist yet, for the simple reason we haven’t built them.
Instead, we have two types of humans, Morlocks and Eloi (H.G Wells), Proprietary Platform Overlords and Users. The overlords are performing Grand Theft Data. You are allowing this to happen, since it happens to fit all too well with your attachment to Shared Misery.
Shared misery is to decadent culture, what small group genius is to thinking, relating and enacting paths through The Waste Land, returning (to) nature.
Platforms turned places conducive to participatory inquiry, is to human evolution vectors, what “humane” is to early prototype launchpad.
user > metalogue > participant
UI: Language
UX: Metalogue
With “U” in need of being “leveled up” to “P”, Participatory.
Your next move could be different.
trust, movement; movement, trust
Moves: Steps to Ecologies of Minds
“We create the world that we perceive, not because there is no reality outside our heads, but because we select and edit the reality we see to conform to our beliefs about what sort of world we live in. The man who believes that the resources of the world are infinite, for example, or that if something is good for you then the more of it the better, will not be able to see his errors, because he will not look for evidence of them. For a man to change the basic beliefs that determine his perception — his epistemological premises — he must first become aware that reality is not necessarily as he believes it to be. Sometimes the dissonance between reality and false beliefs reaches a point when it becomes impossible to avoid the awareness that the world no longer makes sense. Only then is it possible for the mind to consider radically different ideas and perceptions.”
— Gregory Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind: Collected Essays in Anthropology, Psychiatry, Evolution, and Epistemology
Map and Legend
The provisional mapping to get us started:
Behavior: Nature
Anthropocene is situational awareness scaffolding.
Attention: People
Social social media as attention augmentation.
Will: Understanding
Adding understanding to our knowledge, as it spirals through Card Session Boards. Will is our making moves, and flow is our appreciation of how our moves form new patterns of interaction as we learn to play really well with others.
— Spiral around what, exactly?
— An exam question, a center attractor, around which we gather and turn our considerations, small arcs around.
Exam Question
How can we understand how nature works and how people think? What patterns of play, interaction and relationship can we discover, in the overlaps between Ecology and Society? How can we play^n, game^n and win^n, in service to seven generations?
What nature, our behavior?
What intelligence turned ability, upstream from our behavior, can trim tab our behavior?
Intelligence: Code
Behavior turned Agency: Nature
In a network, the notions related to anthropocene and the idea of anthropocene itself, can be seen, understood and provide intelligence augmentation for, situational awareness scaffolding.
The social cognition corresponding to situational awareness, is almost invariably at oblique angles and planes to most uninformed opinion.
The anthropocene, and how we are to take thought when addressing it, implies a leveling up of our knowledge instigation, flow and the necessary
and sufficient knowledge brokerage and policy designs corresponding to preferable outcomes:
- one trillion trees
- one million villages
- one thousand eco-cities
In service to seven generations.
Seven generations is to why, what anthropocene is to when and
where, and situational awareness and knowledge flow, to how.
The what, is behavior turned agency. The process is the product.
The core challenge
behavior > understanding understanding > agency
The generative review of all this is flow. Flow as in:
— How would we know?
— Flow. Flow is how we know.
Knowledge Augmentation, Agency and Sensemaking
Card: Sensemaking
agency-enhancing sensemaking
in and of local communities
Flow = Structure x Process
With “x” being patterns of play, interaction and relationship: our emerging, unfolding, cultivating and evolving, nature of order.
microDKR: Nature of Order
In Nature of Order, Christopher Alexander outlines…
Nature of Order is four massive and profound books, so micro is relative. Compared with the entire dbPedia, Nature of Order is small. For our purposes here, Nature of Order is good enough to get us going.
In order to fully get what I’m after here with the microDKR, think Nature of Order as a read/write artifact. A book where you can scribble in the margins, with whole CoP, Communities of Practice, emerging and evolving out of the scribbles. Or NoP, Networks of Practice, if we add audiences, circles and networks around the CoP.
We Play To Win
— Is there “in a nutshell version to all this?”
— Yes. We play^n and immerse ourselves in game^n in order to win^n.
Doom: Nasty, Brutish and Short
Play^n is a superset to Oligarchy: They take all the money, you get nothing.
Game^n is a superset to Hobbes: Nasty, Brutish and Short.
Win^n is a superset to Doom Scrolling: Human Ecocide is unavoidable, brace for impact.
Hobbesian Oligarchy and Utter Doom, is the old game.
A more nature thinking, relating and enacting, is the new game.
game > trust, movement; movement, trust > game^n
Updating Our Playlists
We can add other games to our playlists.
Mapping To Lots Of Other Things
There’s going to be a glossary added to this post, cultivating shared, sharable understanding, as well as enabling mapping to existing, legacy systems, approaches, methods and frameworks.