Card Sessions: Gamified Approaches
This post and thread all about gamified approaches that hopefully suck slightly less than usual. And I still miss Bernie:
“When we are playing well, we are at our best. We are fully engaged, totally present, and at the same time, we are only playing.”
— Bernie DeKoven
Gamified Approaches
1. Align around purposes
2. Develop skills and upskill talent
3. Introduce different, novel and innovative dynamics
4. Favor engagement and increase motivation
5. Strengthen communication processes
6. Encourage creativity
7. Augment imagination
Conversations that MIND and Matter
What matters is in the why and how we align around purposes, and how we apply talent and competence, as means to our ends. Mind is all about what imagination and creativity we bring to what matters. Mind and Matter.
Deep down, and as a possible premise for all our moves as we move through life: mind.
Mind is that which forms sense-making and meaning-making, in between what cards we are dealt and the cards we choose to play.
Conversations that Mind and MATTER
What matters is in the why and how we align around purposes, and how we apply talent and competence, as means to our ends. Mind is all about what imagination and creativity we bring to what matters. Mind and Matter.
Our patterns of play, our patterns of interaction, are all about knowledge creation and knowledge sharing, making a lasting difference. For a brief spell, we got to walk this planet Earth, and what we did, made a difference.
Conversations that Mind AND Matter
The AND, is all about going superset on ourselves and invite ourselves and others, to Ba. Ba?
Ba can be seen and understood as a near optimal, natural way of gamification. With sufficiently shared context, with a tracing and weaving of lines and arcs of continuity, connectivity and novelty, Ba and our creating place for something new to emerge, transcends any which kind of contrived experience, any which kind of limiting (gamified) approach.
“Ba is a place where people share what they know
in the service of creating something new.”
— Ikujiro Nonaka
Our creating something new, our play, games and intelligence, turned ability, our ability turned agency: flow.
the forming, evolving and unfolding of essential character.
CONVERSATIONS that Mind and Matter
A conversation can be a vehicle where we invite individual ability, small group genius, ambiance, scenius and collective intelligence.
“A book is more than a verbal structure or series of verbal structures; it is the dialogue it establishes with its reader and the intonation it imposes upon his voice and the changing and durable images it leaves in his memory. A book is not an isolated being: it is a relationship, an axis of innumerable relationships.”
― Jorge Luis Borges
And, with what culture we adorn our vehicles, mind and matter. In a network, the best place to store knowledge is in other people. Some of these human beings and their stories, made available via language, text and various size cards.
Cards? Yes, cards
Cards are annotation affordances. Cards can also be seen, understood and put to good use, as playable chunks of text. This post is made of chunks of text.
Great cards work together with generative questions.
Card Sessions
Any which combination of card and question, question and card that instigates a conversation, a dialogue of any which kind, is a good card session.
Framing and Reframing
If we aim for understanding, framing and reframing can help. Here’s one possible generative sequence, which we can take as forming part of both our dialogue, and our card sessions:
- Muddling Through, aka ordinary life with its slings, arrows and Netflix
- Decision Quality, aka how you attempt at transforming your will into flow, as part of your making a unique dent
- Anchoring Up, aka what narratives inside which we move and have our being
- Envisioning, aka our quest for meaning, as we learn into aliveness, or gather material for our writing
- Anchoring Down, aka what practices, what actions, unfolding what path through life, a path made by walking
- Framing and Reframing, aka how we, amid our immersion in experience, are taking thought
- Understanding, aka how we are learning to see, consciously, after quite some time, as if for the first time
As our knowledge unfolds, grows, spirals and evolves through our networking, we go through stages of muddling through, understanding(un-muddling) and reframing.
The parts of our knowledge we fashion into approaches can be seen as helping us become increasingly capable to process information, weaving life(activities, processes) and signs(meaning-making, structures): flow.
Knowledge Navigation
Our learning to see, we can apply to forming lines of inquiry: co-extensive, co-extending, cultivating, navigating, evolving and becoming.