Card Sessions: Building Dialogue
In a network, evolving individual and cultural identity.
Inside organizations yet in continuous(relationships, narrative) and non-continuous(transactions, events) dialogue with systems, networks and intelligence, agents need to negotiate identity at all scales.
“Play is a cultural activity through which a society frames itself. Play is an expressive and/or narrative activity to construct collective and cultural identity. Play allows people to create and recreate cultural identity in light of their reality.”
— Johan Roos
Cards, Serious Play and Strategies
Cards can be designed to work as building and developing materials (building blocks), helping managers develop shared organizational identity representations and engage in innovative strategizing.
Cards, Knowledge and Shared Context
Organizing identity is co-extensive, co-extending, cultivating and co-evolving with autopoietic systems and autopoietic shifts in a context of complex adaptive structures and complex responsive processes.
Flow = Shared context(understanding, purpose)
Serious Play
Labs designed to bring together participants with a smorgasbord of playful inquiry and innovation methods forming places and serving as vehicles for complex problem-solving, typically in work-related contexts.
Anticipatory Systems
Open, participatory and networked inquiries, forms plenitude and premise for the organizing and orchestrating dimensions of anticipatory systems — purpose engineering in complicated environments and purpose imagineering dialogue in complex environments.
Evolving with networked inquiries, information ecologies.
In information ecologies, knowledge ecosystems and networks of practice, futures literacy together with other literacies and (social, networked, hybrid) learning, forms and cultivates anticipatory systems.
Social information and learning = Engagement x Return on Engagement
In information ecologies, card systems, sessions and labs can be seen, understood and applied, forming anticipatory systems, boundary dynamics, boundary management and outcomes management.
Card Sessions, Enacting Place
Images, imagination and imagineering.
Inside a virtuereal Airstream, there’s a NxN Gameboard, where participants can play and place Cards. Virtual environments can be designed to function as both place and vehicle.