Card: Preferable Outcomes
In a network, we play to win.
… or, we play^n to win^n.
What’s the difference?
tl:dr convivial supersets of default
You remaining inside and muddling through a prefab narrative sensegiving comfort zone, is unlikely to bring you to a preferable outcome. Sensemaking for the win^n.
First, let’s do the math:
flow = structure x process
Ok, done. More on flow, below.
How to level up our games: understanding Shu Ha Ri in general and the Shu Ha Ri of transactions in particular, is one option.
Shu Ha Ri of Transactions
Shu: School of Hard Knocks
Transactions as hustle and fomo. Realizing you’re getting tired of what Hobbes refers to as “nasty, brutish and short” you search for different games to play, and you strive to level up your human behavior and becoming.
In between shu and ha: feigned indifference and weaponized smiles.
Ha: Life as if by design, a convivial superset of default
Transactions as a desired outcome of intentional interaction, conversations, engagement and return on engagement. With design synthesis co-evolving with functions.
In between ha and ri:
“The nature of reality is transactional.”
— Alan Watts
Ri: Mastery
Patterning and patterns of play^n, conducive to behavior turned agency, attention turned situational awareness, will turned flow, intelligence turned ability: life and signs, co-extensive, co-extending, cultivating and co-evolving. Transactions seen and understood as forming instances, unfolding arcs mapping to synkinaesthetic vectors.
Play as Premise
In a network, 8bn individuals, doing best they can, muddling through along evolutionary pathways.
“Play is a cultural activity through which a society frames itself. Play is an expressive and/or narrative activity to construct collective and cultural identity. Play allows people to create and recreate cultural identity in light of their reality.”
— Johan Roos
What if we design different social machines, augmenting individual, small group genius and social collective intelligence, in ways conducive to coordination of human effort, in service to one trillion trees, one million villages, one thousand eco-cities and seven generations?
Cards for Insight as part of a different social machine, includes a large finite set of questions, allowing for different social computing. The definition of sanity is holding generative space for different questions, expecting different outcomes.
Cards for Insight
Cards addressing your generative driving questions.
Helping you reflect, reframe, rethink and enact.
Card: Preferable Outcomes (from the Technology deck)
Card: Preferable Outcomes
In a network, we play^n to win^n in a context of cultivating
generative space for a requisite variety of ideas and insights
between situational awareness and preferable outcomes.
Card: Understanding (from the Flow deck)
Card: Understanding
What if understanding is our ability
to hold space for the possibility of
knowledge, as it emerges, unfolds,
directs and discloses its relevance to
unexplored aspects of things known?
Card: Anticipatory System (from the Opportunity deck)
Card: Anticipatory System
A system containing a set of models providing
predictive capabilities of itself (autopoiesis) and
its environment (signal processing), which allows
it to reactively and proactively change state both in an
instant and in ways conducive to and cultivating
a requisite variety of available heuristics, evolving
with and in accord with the anticipation, novelty
tracing and purpose imagineering pertaining
to a later instant.
Synthesis, Selfhood and Service
Signal processing is to synthesis, what autopoiesis is to selfhood and what anticipatory systems intelligence turned ability is to service. Synthesis, selfhood and service, integrated and applied, is thrivability.
Boundary Objects: Thrivability
Boundary objects conducive to thrivability are to complex adaptive structures, what understanding anticipatory systems in a context of preferable outcomes is to complex responsive processes. Combining boundary objects and anticipatory systems, we get flow. Cf patterning.
Boundary Objects: Labs
Labs are to 103% about reflect, reframe and rethink. The generative review of all labs are knowledge, scaffolding understanding. Understanding is a virtue, and is also one of the good enough stopping rules when addressing wicked problems.
Boundary Objects: DAOs
DAO’s are to 103% about enact, evolving with. The generative review of all DAO’s is participation.
Participation is the organizing principle
In a network, participation is the organizing principle. This is a worthwhile dilemma. The fact that there’s still humans around on Gaia, is proof that we are giving worthwhile dilemmas some ongoing thought.
Card: Boundary Objects (from the Bokeh deck)
Card: Boundary Objects
Thinks, things, objects, artifacts and gatherings, which are both vibrant and fluid enough to adapt to and address local needs and constraints of the several parties employing them, yet also robust and generative enough to maintain a common identity across contexts and weave understanding.
Finite Games
Finite games are augmented by boundary objects, eg via social machines.
Infinite Games
Infinite games evolve with unfolding, unfolding as a function of language, essential character, evolutionary purpose (eg questions, quests and serendipities), networks (social constructs) and structure-preserving transformation.
Patterning is to infinite games what mapping is to finite games. Finite games can be explored and evolved through the four stages of reflect, reframe, rethink and enact.
flow = structure x process
“x” = patterning
Patterning, applied as patterns of play, interaction, relationship, play^n and synkinaesthesia, is 103% about understanding functional transactions.
Understanding functional transactions in a context of artistic freedom and societal re-imagineering, can be seen and understood as three of the many lenses through which to augment both your finite and your infinite games.
All games imply outcomes. Preferable outcomes? These are your cards and if you or others don’t like them, let’s add a few more?
Shu Ha Ri of Transactions
Shu: School of Hard Knocks
Transactions as hustle and fomo. Realizing you’re getting tired of what Hobbes refers to as “nasty, brutish and short” you search for different games to play, and you strive to level up your human behavior and becoming.
Ha: Life as if by design, a convivial superset of default
Transactions as a desired outcome of intentional interaction, conversations, engagement and return on engagement. With design synthesis co-evolving with functions.
Ri: Mastery
Patterning and patterns of play^n, conducive to behavior turned agency, attention turned situational awareness, will turned flow, intelligence turned ability: life and signs, co-extensive, co-extending, cultivating and co-evolving. Transactions seen and understood as forming instances, knowledge scaffolding our paths, unfolding arcs mapping to synkinaesthetic vectors.
“The only simplicity to be trusted is the simplicity to be found on the far side of complexity.”
— Alfred North Whitehead
Preferable outcomes are the whereto and what, to the why of the social, in our social futures. One part of the how is our designing and homesteading social machines conducive to turning social media into social social media, with social cognition reclaimed and dopamine, returning to convivial functions.
Anticipatory systems and the philosophical foundations of futures studies
— Riel Miller, Roberto Poli
“Human futures are social futures.”
— Riel Miller, Roberto Poli
One Million Impossible Things Before Breakfast
Outcomes is the only thing we can manage (convergence, f(signal processing)). However, we can address at least one million impossible things (divergence, requisite variety, f(individual and small group genius ingenuity)), before breakfast, thanks to media, thanks to our societal imagineering.
Card: Question
A question is mind rediscovering
The generative nature of relating
with reality and transforming it
into possibility.
We made it? What happened? We happened.
Our procrastination is spelled meetings
Our task as humans, should we accept it, is to envision, enact, unfold and steward preferable outcomes. Our procrastination is spelled meetings. Our movement towards preferable outcomes, a sign of our embracing the task.
Worthwhile dilemmas as preferable outcome affordances
Social futures, futures with convivial humans in them, can be seen and understood as one of the preferable outcomes we can engage around: a worthwhile dilemma.