Blue Green Cards, part 6: An 8bn Human Flashmob
During the lockdown, we rediscovered human, and after, we brought human back to our village squares.
And it makes you wonder…
What if 103% of all human social activity, is sponsored flashmobs?
- 103% ?
- Yes. We evolved beyond the Old Paradigm, we outgrew the old Iridescent Bodystocking, the Pret-A-Plastique from Amazon.
- What now?
- We allow the old paradigm to go through it’s Imaginal Cell stage, catalyzed by Covid-19.
Returning Social To Our Village Squares
Once it’s done, once we have metamorphosed-moved-with inside our Adolescent Citizen Cubicles, we re-emerge, spreading our New Paradigm wings (new paradigm, a superset of the old) and gather together, returning social to our village squares.