Blue Green Cards, part 5: Corporations
In a network, there’s a place beyond control. Let’s meet there.
1. Best Practices
Muddling through inside sensegiving, overarching narratives. Around 90% of all humans.
2. Best Options
Trimtabbing existing sensegiving, overarching narratives, aka innovation. Around 9% of all humans. Business people, entrepreneurs, politicians, consultants, the core of what once was “the middle class”, the “affluent class”. Those who remained in Omelas.
3. Best Movements
Narrative! OUR narrative! Rabble rousers. Around 0.9% of all humans. Future leaders, writers, directors, activist centre figures. Usually attracting sizeable parts of the 90%.
4. Best Ecosystemics
Around 0.1% of all humans. Dreaming up seeds of new narratives. Sensemaking, forming evolutionary supersets to the sensegiving. Particularly activated(virtue) and active(path), during paradigm shifts. Usually need to learn how to work with the 9%.
Oligarch Hellscape: A Confederacy of Mutual Control
“…the web of corporate control is not de facto a conspiracy of world domination.
There are many reasons for tightly bundled nodes and connections: anti-takeover strategies, reduction of transaction costs, risk sharing, increasing trust and groups of interest.”
Moving From Old To New
Corporate control never was meant to replace all other forms of underlying governance and dominate all other forms of organizing.
Once a critical mass of humans have transitioned to the new paradigm, “corporation” as THE thing, will dwindle. If humanity reaches a threshold of awareness before that happens, there will be less pitchforks.
Sacred Vessels
You are perfectly capable of, right here and now, to understand the nature of, and how to sustain and evolve, sacred vessels.
nature, tribes, institutions, markets, networks
Graphs, Plural
Graphs. Once we understand that networks of agency is the whole thing, we can build from that.
Networks of Agency
Networks of agency requires five things:
- strategies addressing continuity and change
- action and unfoldment in a context of VUCA
- language and technology: corporations (or other approaches of organizing knowledge and value flows
- identity and evolutionary purpose
- boundary objects, transactions and situational awareness
Folds of value, intersects of complex adaptive structures and complex responsive processes.
— Flow?
— Yes. Flow is how we know.