Blue Green Cards, part 4: The Ambiance Win^n Twittering Machine

John Kellden
2 min readApr 18, 2020


We are waking up, finding ourselves in a New Paradigm.

A call to fundamentally shift the way we understand ourselves, our circles, communities and societies, and how our innate value can be characterized, extended, networked, turned into work, play, digital presencing and practice.

Corner of Value & Currencies
The old machine went Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
This means, among other things, that there’s no connection any more, between fiat money and value. This is a good thing. Enter currencies.

Ambiance Win^n Weaving

“A currency is a signal that facilitates the coherent coordination of two (or more) sense-making agents.”
Jordan Greenhall

Knowing How To Unfold Em
In a network, a set of currencies forms along folds of value, in intersects between complex adaptive structures and complex responsive processes:

conversations that mind and matter;

flows and value, co-evolving.

Autopoiesis For The Win^n
Some of these intersects we then facilitate, through code and writ extended, language, in order to pattern select coherent coordination of and relationships between agents. Intersubjectively enacting, living, learning and adapting, autopoietic sensemaking agents.

Win^n Ambiance?
Cards. Questions. Play. Questions and Understanding. Formats conducive to Q&U. Patterns of win^n play. New places, new paths.

Twittering Machines?
Yes. Posts and Comments, designed and incentivized, conducive to insights and actionable insight.

Should we take a quick look at the old twittering machine, the one that turned a bit Orangey?

The main mainstream media assault currently, is to program digital serf minds with “Corona Economy” as if those two things were inseparable.

They’re not. Covid-19 is a virus.

Oligarch Hellscape: Tainted Twittering Machines
Oligarch Hellscape, is not Covid-19.

Oligarch Hellscape is a crony capitalism, corporate socialism, fragile system that proved to be completely unsustainable.

This means, that

Covid-19 needs to be addressed by Adult Citizens in functional societies, (citizens including ordinary human beings, experts and non-corrupt government officials and servant leaders).

None, other.

Narrative Viruses: English is full of Empire
Oligarch Hellscape, needs be addressed as the narrative virus it is.

In order to address these and other things, at scope, sensemaking, serendipity, social and scale, we need slightly different twittering machines.

There you go.

How would we know we’re getting away from there and getting there?

First, second, third and fourth order Cybernetics

“When significance encounters some capacity for feedforward or feedback in the relationship between the sensemaking agent and the signal, we arrive at what I will refer to as currency.”
Jordan Greenhall

Arrival: Closing The Circle, Turned Spiral

  • attention turned situational awareness
  • will turned flow
  • intelligence turned ability
  • behavior turned agency

How do WE get from there to here and back to the future?

Futures literacy…
This will be further explored in the future, stay tuned.



John Kellden
John Kellden

Written by John Kellden

Tools for navigating complexity, Cards catalyzing stories, Conversations that mind and matter, Digital communities and collaborative narratives

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