21C Superpowers, episode 4: Abundance
In a network, some are building monuments, others are jotting down notes.
Under the circumstances, you are probably doing the best you can. Your ongoing sensemaking and synthesis is performed using what rules of thumb, what hunches and heuristics you’ve come across and internalized.
“Why this insistent emphasis on choices and filtering now? It’s obvious: when everything is available, within reach, accessible, the problem becomes not one of scarcity but of abundance. Where to find, amid the glut, what is right for you? How to separate the music from the noise?”
— David Byrne
Your selfhood is the evolving inner dialogue between your social sense of self and your essential character.
“And you may ask yourself
How do I work this?”
— David Byrne
Your being of service is a result of how you choose to combine your synthesis and your social sense of self, along an evolutionary trajectory through life, turning your essential character into purpose embraced and turned increasingly real.
“A self-sufficient life, is complete without any qualification and is that which is chosen always for its own sake and never for the sake of something else.”
— Aristotle
Never for the sake of something else, includes choosing what makes for an ongoing, increasing alignment between social sense of self and essential character.
“And you may find yourself
Behind the wheel of a large automobile.”
— David Byrne
Choice means a social sense of self free from coercion, duress or violence of any kind and even more, choice not only between the latest apps inside the latest smartphones, but choices that makes sense in a context of nature, connectivity, generativity, play, mutuality, learning and dialogue, choices characterised by path and virtue, virtue and path.
“Art is the imposing of a pattern on experience, and our aesthetic enjoyment is recognition of the pattern.”
— Alfred North Whitehead
Out of our deep, transformative experience of aesthetic enjoyment, we grow increasingly self-sovereign, including an aware, awake and alert self-sufficiency.
“The only simplicity to be trusted is the simplicity to be found on the far side of complexity.”
— Alfred North Whitehead
Our movement, trust; trust, movement, annealing our own unique individual essential character, forming a responsible and response-able social self.
“Come all without, come all within.”
— Manfred Mann
Individual nodes being of service, cultivating networks of participatory inquiry, adding value to knowledge flows, value flows and webs of life of our choosing, pursuing lives well lived.
21C Superpowers, episode 4: Abundance