PinnedJohn KelldenCards for Insight: Navigating ComplexityIn a network, we play^n to win^n.Sep 13Sep 13
John KelldenCards for Insight: Complex DilemmasGathering around complex dilemmas, formulated as generative center questions.Sep 29Sep 29
John KelldenCards for Insight: Social ConstructsInterfaces between ourselves, languages and the worldMay 28May 28
John KelldenCards for Insight: Core FunctionsFunctions, building blocks and stepping stonesMay 23May 23
John KelldenAdjacent Possible Playground: Human MurmurationExplore new perspectives and gain insight around questionsMar 29Mar 29
John KelldenAdjacent Possible Playground: FacilitationCard-play conversations with human and AI-assisted annotationsJan 20Jan 20
John KelldenAdjacent Possible Playground: MaintenanceCards to explore new perspectives and gain insightJan 14Jan 14